Of course, there is no if, so Locke’s emotions come and go quickly.

Alice Rose, the daughter of a drug lord, is destined to exist only in his memory. Perhaps one day in the future, he will go to her grave to offer a bunch of poppies.

But he will not forget the gift of this woman. Whether it is those famous paintings or jewelry, they will become the foundation of the family.

Locke quickly put these things behind him. After all, these are external things. The system is his foundation. He moved his heart, and the system surface appeared in front of him instantly.

He was dumbfounded again, this time he was really dumbfounded.

After calming down, Locke got up and went downstairs to get a beer from the refrigerator. Unfortunately, there was no bud light he loved most at home, only Tsingtao Beer (Tsingtao Beer), his father’s favorite.

Tsingtao wheat beer

After taking a big sip, Locke took the beer back to the room and sat by the bed. The system panel appeared in front of him again.

[Light of Justice – Police System 2.0]

Host: Rock Lee

Level: 2

Strength: 12 (Human Peak 20)

Speed: 12 (Human Peak 20)

Endurance: 13 (Human Peak 20)

Spirit: 14 (Human Peak 20)

Skills Mastered: Pistol (L4 Mastery ↑), Rifle (L3 Master ↑ 10 years of experience), Mixed Martial Arts (L4 Mastery ↑), Driving (L4 Mastery ↑ 10 years of experience), Rugby (L2 Mastery), Mating (L3 Master ↑ 5 years of experience), Swimming (L3 Master), Housekeeping (L3 Master), Traceology (L3 Master), Makeup (L3 Master ↑), Sketching (L3 Master), Lip Reading (L 3 Master ↑), Lock Picking (L3 Master), Micro-expression Analysis (L2 Mastery), Art Appreciation (L2 Mastery), Computer (L2 Mastery), Cooking (L2 Mastery), Training (L2 Mastery ↑), Diving (L2 Mastery), Psychological Profiling (L 1 Mastery), Ancient Yoga (L1 Mastery), Wilderness Survival (L1 Mastery), Stealth Tracking (L1 Mastery), Yacht Driving (L1 Mastery), Flying Needle (L1 Mastery), Dog Training (L1 Mastery), Rap (L1 Mastery)

Talented Skills: Language Master (L2 Evolution ↑ 5 Years of Experience), Potion Master (L2 Evolution)

Equipment: Storage Box (27 Cubic Meters)

Justice Value: 4150 (+2500)

Attribute Points: 2


Experience Cards: Pistol Experience (5 Years of Experience), Rifle (5 Years of Experience), Mixed Martial Arts (5 Years of Experience), Swimming (5 Years of Experience), Computer (5 Years of Experience), Diving (5 Years of Experience), Wilderness Survival (5 Years of Experience), Stealth Tracking (Five years of experience)

Function card: Tracking card (8 times), Warning card (2 times), Shielding card (5 times), Fusion card

Learning card: Helicopter driving (five years of experience), Russian (five years of experience), Demolition (five years of experience), Italian (five years of experience)

Locke took another sip of beer. The system hadn’t exploded so many things for a long time, and a coveted Fusion card appeared again. This time, he must think carefully before fusion.

He first exchanged the justice value. This is a matter of experience. 4000 justice points exchanged for 2 attribute points, and the attribute points suddenly became 4. He has never been so arrogant.

It is easy to allocate 4 attribute points, so for the first time, strength, speed, endurance, and spirit are added at the same time.


The mind was cool, but the mind suddenly lost consciousness, the muscle fibers trembled, the heartbeat was violent, the blood flow accelerated, and the bones of the whole body were numb. This thing is torture!

After an unknown amount of time, Locke slowly regained consciousness, and was afraid that he would never do it at the same time again. This pain was too scary.

He moved his body and felt as if he had been reborn. He felt light, but full of strength.

After adapting to the changes in his body, Locke ran to the bathroom as soon as possible. Sure enough, his muscles contracted again and looked tighter.

Locke measured his height and weight again and found that he had not become shorter this time. His naked height was still 1.91 meters, and his weight had not changed, still 102KG.

Staring at himself in the mirror, he suddenly found that his temperament and appearance had changed a lot compared to before.

This change was not caused by this upgrade, but by the complete fusion of the two personalities during this period of time with the improvement of physical fitness, and the changes gradually occurred in a subtle way.The handsome face disappeared, and the black hair and blue eyes remained, but the facial contours became more three-dimensional, and the temperament became more restrained and steady.

He has matured!

Locke raised the beer in his hand to himself in the mirror, drank it all, and then lay back on the bed to continue upgrading the system.

As he thought, all the experience cards were lit up.

Pistol (L4 Mastery) → Pistol (L4 Mastery ↑ 5 years of experience)

Rifle (L3 Master ↑ 10 years of experience) → Rifle (L4 Mastery ↑).

Mixed Martial Arts (L4 Mastery ↑) → Mixed Martial Arts (L4 Mastery ↑ 5 years of experience)

Car Driving (L4 Mastery ↑ 10 years of experience) → Car Driving (L4 Mastery ↑ 15 ​​years of experience)

Soon all the experience cards disappeared, and the corresponding skills such as swimming, diving, computer, wilderness survival and stealth tracking were upgraded.

Locke’s computer crashed again, and his mind was filled with all kinds of skills. After about 5 minutes, he recovered.

The rifle was finally upgraded to L4.

However, after accumulating 15 years of experience in car driving, he still hasn’t upgraded. This…

Will it take 30 years of experience?

After brushing the experience card, Locke took the MacBook Air again, found the relevant videos of the four learning cards, and used three learning cards.

The system panel changed again, and two new skills were added to the skill column, helicopter driving (L1 proficiency), blasting (L1 proficiency)

The experience of the two language cards was automatically added to the language master talent, language master (L2 evolution ↑ 15 ​​years of experience)

Uh, the L2 language master has accumulated 15 years of experience and has not upgraded. This…

The talent skill is worthy of being a talent skill!

It’s so different!

After the experience card and the learning card were lit up, Locke finally set his sights on the fusion card. He didn’t even pay much attention to the newly acquired shielding card.

He reviewed the previous talent skill fusion route in his mind.

Gun Master?


Iron Man?

Perfect Lover?

Master of Disguise?

What should I choose this time?

I don’t know if this fusion card will give a new fusion path, after all, it has added a lot of skills.

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