Detective Bureau, interrogation room.

Gobind Singh is not a sophisticated criminal. After admitting his crime, he confessed everything in the interrogation room.

His motive for committing the crime is almost the same as Locke and others guessed. From Gobind Singh’s words, we can hear that he is in pain.

In Gobind Singh’s words, his family finally came to the most developed country in the world, a beacon of freedom and civilization. He was admitted to the top 20 universities in the United States, but his family is still shrouded in ignorant religious doctrines.

He received modern scientific education and his mind is full of freedom and independence, but his family’s lifestyle is still full of religious colors, conservative and ignorant. The impact of the two cultures made him very painful.

When his parents sent his underage sister to the Sikh leader to learn doctrines, he had a big quarrel with his family, but still couldn’t stop them.

Not long ago, he found that his sister Pooja was violated by Rigal Singh. Gobind Singh was furious and wanted to call the police, but his parents stopped him again, warning him that if the matter was exposed, his family would not be able to live in the Sikh community.

Long-term high-pressure education made Gobind Singh dare not disobey his parents. It happened that the Sikh leader was assassinated in Canada, so he had an idea that as long as Rigal Singh died, his sister Pooja would be free.

So Gobind Singh prepared to imitate the crime. He planned for three months and thought of many ways to kill Rigal Singh.

He thought about shooting Rigal Singh directly, but he never dared to do it, so he thought of his profession.

He used his professional knowledge to make a remote-controlled bomb with only 50% power.

Gobind Singh learned about Rigal Singh’s living habits from his sister Pooja, and knew that as long as it was a package from India, Rigal Singh would open it himself.

When opening the package from India, Rigal Singh would keep girls other than Aishwarya away.

In order to clear his suspicion, he did not even notify his sister Pooja to ask for leave, because once an explosion occurred, he would be the victim’s family member.

His plan was very careful. He bought the phone from the black market and wore gloves the whole time. He used a telescope to observe Rigal Singh from a distance. When he saw Rigal Singh was about to open the package, he detonated the bomb and threw the phone away afterwards.

Gobind Singh thought his plan was perfect and the Bharat government would be perfectly blamed.

But he overestimated his psychological quality. He saw Locke and Tony Gerard staring at him and preparing to draw his gun, and he collapsed in an instant.

Locke turned his head to look at Tony Gerard. Seeing that he had nothing to ask, he said to Gobind Singh, who looked desperate: “Find a lawyer!”

To be honest, he felt a little sympathetic to this guy, but unfortunately he was unlucky to meet him.

After leaving the interrogation room, Locke saw Anna Davis, Madeline Hill, Inspector Harry Sumner, Jack Talbot and others all standing by the one-way perspective glass to watch the interrogation just now.

Anna Davis looked at Locke with admiration, clapped and laughed, “Locke, well done!”

Then there was thunderous applause, both for Locke and for themselves.

Because of the diplomatic turmoil between Canada and Bharat, the death of the Sikh leader in the Indian community in Los Angeles has attracted national and even global attention.

The White House and the Secretary of State are paying attention to this case, because once it is confirmed that this case is related to the Bharat government, it will become a diplomatic incident and affect the White House’s Indo-Pacific layout. You must know that Bharat is one of the important allies of the United States in South Asia.

As the incident fermented, the mainstream media began to pay attention to this case and directly linked it to the two assassinations in Canada.

The FBI has already made a handover with the LAPD, but it did not expect that the Robbery and Murder Division had already solved the case.

The person who solved the case was Locke, who had just joined the Detective Bureau, which gave Anna Davis a lot of face.

The previous undercover operation was destined not to be made public. Locke solved the nationally concerned bombing case in less than 24 hours, which helped her gain a foothold in the Detective Bureau.

Madeline Hill extended her hand to Locke and said with a smile: “Locke, well done, welcome to the second team!”

Her tone was sincere, and it was obvious that Locke’s performance this time was recognized by her.

“Thank you, thanks to the teachings of the deputy captain…”

Locke looked at Tony Gerard with gratitude, but he didn’t expect that this guy rolled his eyes without any concealment, as if he couldn’t stand his hypocrisy.

Fuck, with this EQ, how did he become the deputy captain.

Harry Sumner looked at Locke with a complicated expression and extended his hand to him.”Locke, great job, keep it up…”

Through the reconstruction of the case, he had found the location where Gobind Singh was spying on Rigar Singh. To detonate the bomb, the murderer must ensure that the bomb was in Rigar Singh’s hands, so the murderer must be paying attention to Rigar Singh.

Then according to the range and time period, the mobile phone signal was found and tracked.

Now he knew that Gobind Singh’s mobile phone was deliberately thrown away for people to pick up, and it was a smoke bomb.

The other people in the second team also congratulated Locke.

On the first day of his employment, he found the body of Sanjis Camilo, and on the second day of his employment, he solved such a big case. Locke’s start in the detective bureau is definitely at the level of heaven.

No one will treat him as a rookie detective anymore.

Locke was actually a little confused. This case was completely different from what he imagined. Many of his skills were not used before the case was solved.

He was actually not happy because he did not enjoy the process of solving the case. It felt a bit like premature ejaculation.

Anna Davis did not stay long. She received a phone call and left soon.

Locke was close by and heard that it was the chief of the detective bureau, Danny Aiello, who called and asked her to go with him to receive someone.

When the group returned to the office of the second team, a Chinese man in a white chef’s uniform came in with two large bags of takeout. There were eight boxes stacked together.

The total was 342 US dollars. Locke counted 400 US dollars directly. He turned to Tony Gerard and said, “I said I would treat you to Chinese food. I mean what I said!”

He invited others to eat together. Everyone had been busy all morning and was already hungry, so they were naturally not polite.

After eating a few bites, Madeline Hill felt a little embarrassed and said, “Locke, how about we go AA!”

For most Americans, a meal of 400 US dollars is not cheap.

Locke shook his head and smiled, “No, just think of me joining the second team and treating everyone…”

“You want to get rid of us with this, no way…”

Tony Gerard used chopsticks to put a piece of sweet and sour pork into his mouth in an awkward position, and complained to everyone, “Locke is the son of a rich family, he has a lot of money, he just gave 100 dollars to wash the car today…”

Locke was speechless, damn, is this matter unacceptable?

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