The way Locke was talking to Catherine Murphy seemed like flirting to Madeline Hill, and she frowned.

She glanced at them coldly and said to the others, “Tell me, what do you think of this case?”

Tony Gerard didn’t know if he didn’t sleep well last night, his eyes were bloodshot, he touched his unshaven mouth, “I think the place where the body was dumped is very strange…”

The black garbage bag stood alone on a large piece of grass, about 15 meters away from the hiking trail, very conspicuous.

If the body was really dumped here after being killed and dismembered, it should be thrown in the jungle, or a more secret place.

Jack Talbot blurted out, “The murderer is trying to provoke us…”

Harry Sumner had taken off his coat, and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up due to the heat. His hair, which had been sprayed with hairspray, was completely messy, and his image was a little embarrassed.

He said: “We have only found this bag of body parts. Are there any more body parts in other parts of the park? I think we should apply for K9 to conduct a large-scale search as soon as possible…”

“At the same time, we need to collect the recent missing persons, and wait for the DNA information from the forensic department to come out, and find out the identity of the body as soon as possible…”

“Since the murderer abandoned the body here, it means that he is a hiking or mountaineering enthusiast, otherwise, he would not have carried this bag of body parts for so long…”


Although this guy likes to show off, he must have some skills to be a detective.

Raven Tate nodded and said: “I agree with Harry’s reasoning. The murderer is most likely a strong outdoor sports enthusiast with a strong physique and extremely confident in himself. I am a little worried that in addition to Topanga State Park, he will also dump the body in other places…”

“I think what Jack said just now is right. The murderer is just provoking us…”


Madeline Hill glanced at Tony Gerard and saw that he frowned and thought, and did not intend to speak.

She asked William Worrell, “William, when can the autopsy report be out as soon as possible?” William Worrell replied, “This is not a complete body. We will go back and obtain the biological characteristics of these body parts. The report will be out as soon as tomorrow morning…” Madeline Hill nodded and said, “You also know that this place is close to Beverly Hills and UCLA. The call from above will come soon, so we have to speed up…” William Worrell shrugged, “I understand. I will talk to Catherine later…” Madeline Hill immediately ordered, “Raven, you will contact Skye and Brian separately later. Ask Skye to summarize the information of missing women in Los Angeles in the past year, and ask Brian to retrieve the video of the entrance of Topanga State Park. The murderer must have a means of transportation to come here. Let him screen the suspicious…” “Harry, take Jack to UCLA and record a statement for the witness who found the body…” Because they had to go to class, the patrol officers of the West Los Angeles Division let them go after recording their statements, but left detailed contact information. She said to Tony Gerard again: “Tony, take Locke…”

Suddenly she found Locke squatting next to the bag of body parts with Catherine Murphy, and she was stunned.

Catherine Murphy stared at Locke with her beautiful brown eyes, incredulously, “Locke, are you serious?”

Locke replied: “Of course, when I was delivering water to your colleague just now, I glanced at the body bag and found two left ribs stacked together…”

Catherine Murphy’s cheeks were a little hot, and she explained: “Because the environment here is not good, I am worried that taking out the body parts will accelerate the melting of the body parts, which is not conducive to extracting biological samples. I plan to return to the autopsy room to thaw and then splice…”

As she said, she walked towards the bag of body parts in a panic, and Locke naturally followed.

The three forensic personnel who were sorting out their equipment looked at them in confusion, “Catherine, what happened?”

Catherine Murphy did not answer, and handed the water and the remaining Snickers in her hand to her colleagues. After hurriedly putting on two layers of latex gloves, she squatted next to the body parts again. In terms of her professional knowledge, she had to verify what Locke said.

Whether these body parts belong to one person or two people will change the nature of the case, so it is better to find out as soon as possible.

Locke did not point out his discovery at the first time, but squatted next to Catherine Murphy. He also wanted to take the opportunity to learn more information.

Catherine Murphy opened the sewn bag and tried to expose the still solidified body parts inside. She pulled them twice with her hands and froze them.

The third and fourth layers are two frozen chest parts, both of which are left ribs. There are 8, 9, 10 on one piece of meat.Ribs, one piece of meat is ribs 9 and 10.

She turned her head to look at Locke, “It really comes from two people, Locke, how do you know so much about the human body?”

Locke replied calmly: “You don’t know what I paid to enter the detective bureau? I am studying medicine and forensic medicine…”

The other three forensic personnel also gathered around, and after hearing Catherine Murphy’s explanation, they all exclaimed OMG.

At this time, Madeline Hill and the others also came over, “What happened? Any new discoveries?”

Catherine Murphy pointed to the body parts and explained: “Locke just reminded me that these body parts are not from one person. It is true. Look here, these two pieces are from the left chest cavity…”

When she said that, she specifically pulled the black plastic bag down so that everyone could see more clearly. The human tissue frozen together like pork was instantly exposed to everyone.



Jack Tabot and Raven Tate ran to the side to vomit as agreed.

Locke was staring at the grass under the black garbage bag. He turned his head and looked at it with some surprise.

These two guys just reminded them not to vomit, and he thought they were old birds.

Madeline Hill’s expression suddenly became solemn. The severity of the case of one body being dismembered and two bodies being dismembered is completely different.

She asked curiously: “Locke, how do you know so much about corpses?”

Catherine Murphy answered for him: “Locke is self-studying forensic medicine…”

Tony Gerard stared at Locke with doubtful eyes. He didn’t believe that a self-taught forensic doctor could find information that the forensic doctor couldn’t find, and Locke dared to stare at the pile of body parts so closely…

Harry Sumner’s face was uncertain. Could it be that Locke would steal the limelight of this case again?

Locke stood up and stepped on the grass on the ground with his feet. He could feel that there should be hard geology under the grass.

He turned to William Worrell and asked, “Director Worrell, take a look at the grass under the body bag. Can an object of about 10 kilograms cause such an indentation?”

The grass under the body bag was bent, bruised, and discolored, as if it had been pressed for a long time.

William Worrell replied, “I also found that, considering that the body was frozen into ice, I suspect that the grass was frostbitten. I plan to go back to the laboratory to do experiments to verify it…”

At this time, the roar of a helicopter came from the sky, and Harry Sumner complained, “These guys, they are here now…”

LAPD helicopter

Locke stared at the helicopter flying closer and closer, and looked at the marks on the grass under the body bag. An idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

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