The worst thing about investigating a case is having no ideas. Once a breakthrough is found, the rest will follow naturally.

Just like taking off a woman’s clothes, unbuttoning the first button, the second and third buttons will be much easier.

When all the clothes are stripped off, the breasts will naturally be exposed.

This is why profilers or criminal psychology seem to be very high-end.

Because they can save time and effort, and more directly, they can save money.

With Locke’s reasoning, the next K9 (police dog) mountain search and helicopter aerial search will naturally not need to be arranged.

Locke began to think that this case was interesting. This case was not like the previous Rigar Singh case, where the portrait of the murderer was clear at a glance.

Although a breakthrough was found in this case, who the murderer is is still a mystery.

However, it can be inferred that the murderer is not simple, as he was able to think of using a drone to dump the body.

Tony Gerard frowned and said, “Drones don’t seem to be regulated by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)!” Harry Sumner said, “Maybe we can try our luck at Los Angeles International Airport…” Madeline Hill said, “Due to various complaints, the airport’s radar monitoring range has been very small…” Los Angeles International Airport is less than 30 kilometers away from Topanga State Park, and is indeed within the airport radar range, but due to environmental factors, the radar coverage of Los Angeles International Airport has been shrinking. Anna Davis said directly, “I’ll call the airport later!” She looked at Locke, “Locke, do you have anything else to add?” Locke replied, “The flight distance and load capacity of drones are limited. Not to mention the range, only military aircraft in the United States can produce drones with a load capacity of more than 10 kilograms. In the civilian market, the only drone that can produce such a large load capacity is China…” Harry Sumner’s eyes lit up and blurted out, “DJI…” Locke nodded, pointed to the direction of Topanga Canyon in the east, and then pointed to the Pacific Ocean in the west, “The murderer used a drone to fly over Topanga State Park, If this bag of body parts is not the first one, then I suspect there are several bags floating in the Pacific Ocean. After all, the drone has a limited range, and he can’t throw it too far…”

Tony Gerard followed Locke’s finger and turned to look in the direction of Topanga Canyon, “So the murderer is likely to live in the direction of Topanga Canyon!”

Locke replied: “It is likely so. Dismembering the body requires a hidden and independent space. The body parts are cut with a chain saw, and the noise will be very loud when dismembering the body. Most of the villas in Topanga Canyon are several kilometers or even dozens of kilometers apart…”

Anna Davis did not nitpick Locke’s judgment, after all, the forensic report has not come out yet.

She immediately ordered: “Madeline, you will be responsible for the sea search next. I will ask the Coast Guard to help you search the nearby waters. We must find out as soon as possible whether there are any body parts in the nearby waters to avoid panic…”

Ten kilometers below is the tourist-filled Santa Monica Beach, and above is the Malibu Beach exclusively for the rich. Topanga State Park is also a public beach facing the Pacific Ocean.

If body bags are scattered on these beaches, it will have a great negative impact, and the most direct reaction is that it will affect the tourism industry.

So this task is the most important.

Anna Davis said to Harry Sumner again: “Harry, take someone to contact DJI in Los Angeles to see if you can find the murderer’s information from the buyer’s information…”

“OK, no problem…”

Harry Sumner nodded, turned his head and complained to his partner Jack Talbot: “I finally know why the White House banned the sale of DJI. If the murderer uses DJI to dump the body in the future, it will increase the difficulty of solving the case…”

Locke and Tony Gerard also received their tasks and led the team to Topanga Canyon to screen the suspect information.

Finally, there is no need to walk down the mountain, just take a helicopter directly.

Looking at the instrument buttons in the cockpit, Locke has a clear understanding of their functions. He has mastered the helicopter driving skills, but he doesn’t have a license.

So Locke also took the opportunity to ask the pilot about the procedure for taking the helicopter license test. He didn’t expect that taking the private driver’s license test was very simple.

He can skip the previous physical examination and theoretical learning and directly enter the flight training stage.

The FAA requires a minimum training time of 40 hours, of which 20 hours are spent with the instructor, which is not a problem for him at all.

Then he can take the Private Pilot Practical Test, also known as the Checkride or “road test”.

After passing the test, a temporary pilot license will be issued on the spot, and the official license can be obtained in one month.

Ni Gerard looked at Locke in astonishment and asked loudly, “Do you want to take the helicopter pilot’s license test?”

Locke nodded. He not only wanted to take the helicopter pilot’s license test, but also wanted to take the yacht pilot’s license test by the way. He believed that it should be easier.

The helicopter landed directly on the road where they parked before. The two took the car and drove towards Topanga Canyon.

Although Topanga Canyon is not as good as Beverly Hills, Newport City, Malibu, Newport City and other luxury residential areas, the people living here are also rich.

There are also many villas worth more than 10 million to 20 million.

The community structure in the United States is completely different from that in China. There is no street office, no neighborhood committee, and even no property management.

The organization with property management functions in the American community is called HOA (Homeowner Association), which is composed of residents and is mandatory.

HOA charges management fees (HOA fee) to all residents for the maintenance of community public facilities. It is collected monthly, even if your house is empty.

Each community’s HOA has its own management regulations, such as whether to keep pets, the design of the front and back yards, the color of the exterior walls and the parking of cars.

In some high-end communities, whether you can buy a house here requires the approval of all owners.

Otherwise, no matter how rich you are, you cannot live in this community.

In some states, if you owe HOA management fees, you will be sued, and then your house will be auctioned by the HOA. Once the court decides, the police will help you clear out of your house.

Locke and his friends want to check the residents’ information in Topanga Canyon. It is best to find the community’s HOA, because the owners’ information will basically be registered.

After getting off the car, the two walked to the HOA office. Tony Gerard asked Locke: “Do you have a picture of the murderer in your mind?”

Locke pondered for a moment and replied: “He can fly drones, his personality is a bit introverted and paranoid, and he is probably a technology geek. He should have received higher education, is meticulous and smart, and he almost succeeded…”

Tony Gerard looked at Locke in astonishment, because Locke’s psychological portrait of the murderer was the same as his.

At this time, Locke added, “Deputy Captain, have you ever thought about what would happen if we found the body bag on Santa Monica Beach?”

Tony Gerard’s scalp tingled, and he said in a deep voice: “If it was found on the beach, then this case would most likely become an unsolved case, unless we find the identity of the body…”

As the two walked into an office, a fat middle-aged Latino woman asked politely: “Hello, how can I help you?”

Locke and Tony Gerard showed their police badges at the same time, and Tony Gerard said: “I am Detective Tony Gerard of the Detective Bureau, and this is my colleague Detective Locke. We want to know the information of the owners in your community…”

The smile on the middle-aged woman’s face disappeared instantly, and she said firmly: “Sorry, this is a high-end community, and we need to keep our owner information confidential…”

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