The main interrogator was Tony Gerard, who was more experienced than Locke in this kind of thing. Under his interrogation, Pan-O Sangis spilled the beans and told the whole story.

Pan-O Sangis and Michelle Chen were classmates at the University of Southern California (USC). They fell in love at first sight at a dance and became lovers.

Although Pan-O Sangis has a father who is a well-known producer in Hollywood, the relationship between father and son is not good.

Matthew Sangis was in Hollywood, surrounded by temptations and gossips, so he divorced Pan-O Sangis’ mother early.

In addition to paying alimony, Matthew Sangis’ greatest help to his son was that when Pan-O Sangis applied for the USC School of Cinematic Arts, he asked Hollywood directors Spielberg and George Lucas to write letters of recommendation for Pan-O Sangis.

It was because of the recommendation letters of these two great directors that Pan-O Sangis was admitted to USC.

When Pan-O. Sangis was an actor in Hollywood, he did not get any help from Matthew Sangis, and he was disdainful of looking for Matthew Sangis, which is why his acting career has been tepid.

Pan-O. Sangis’s photography talent was also with the help and encouragement of Michelle Chen. He returned to his alma mater to study photography again, and then he found the path he should take in Hollywood.

At that time, Pan-O. Sangis had almost no source of income, and his life was completely dependent on Michelle Chen who worked three part-time jobs.

Their current house in Topanga Canyon was also bought with the financial support of Michelle Chen’s family, and then they entered into marriage.

It can be said that the relationship between Pan-O. Sangis and Michelle Chen has experienced the test of time and poverty.

Pan-O. Sangis has always felt that Michelle Chen is his soul mate and an angel given to him by God.

However, since having a child, Pan-O. Sangis found that their relationship has changed, especially after his mother-in-law Huang Guizhi came to help them take care of the child, the two began to quarrel, and the previous sweetness no longer exists.

Michelle Chen began to complain about the pressure, disliked his work for not working hard, and blamed his lifestyle. He also scolded him for his bad habits such as alcoholism and drug addiction, which would set a wrong example for the children.

Even his mother-in-law often scolded him in Chinese, which he could not understand. Although he could not understand, he could feel that those words were scolding him.

Pan Ao Sangis said that he lived in depression and pain every day, and could only rely on alcohol and drugs to escape these nagging.

Michelle Chen filed for divorce this year and wanted to take away the custody of the child.

Pan Ao Sangis himself lived with his mother, which was an experience he did not want to recall, so he did not want his son Paul to experience his life again.

So, he also wanted Paul’s custody, but with his alcoholism and drug addiction lifestyle, it was difficult for him to get Paul’s custody.

So, he thought of making Michelle Chen disappear, so that he would automatically get Paul’s custody.

He said calmly: “I have planned for a long time…”

Is this the motive for murder?

Locke asked, “Why did you kill your mother-in-law?”

Pan-o. Sangis showed a hateful look, “It’s all this woman’s fault, it’s all this woman’s instigation, Michelle is her puppet…”

Then Tony Gerard asked Pan-o. Sangis about the murder process. Pan-o. Sangis said that Michelle Chen and her mother were going back to China to deal with the property, and brought her father to the United States, and planned to buy a new house in Los Angeles.

Pan-o. Sangis knew that Michelle was preparing for separation, so he lied that his father wanted to give them the idle mansion in Topanga Canyon, and took Michelle Chen and his mother-in-law to visit.

In the basement, he used a Taser to stun the two, then took off all their clothes, tied their hands and feet, sealed their mouths, and put them in the freezer in the basement to freeze them to death.

He also took all the clothes home and mixed them with other clothes to wash together.

The next day, he came to cut up the body that had already been frozen into ice cubes…

When Panao Sangis calmly described how he cut up the body, everyone’s face changed, whether inside or outside the interrogation room.

Locke had to pretend to be unnatural, but to be honest, he had only dealt with bodies that had already turned into blocks, and had never done such a cruel thing as cutting a body into pieces.

For professionals like them, there are many ways to make a body disappear, and dismembering a body is a low-level physical job.

Then they talked about drones throwing bodies. Panao Sangis was very proud of his drone. He said that the drone was assembled by himself with smuggled parts from DJI.

The maximum range of this drone is 28 kilometers, the maximum load is 30KG, and it can be fully loaded.He can fly 16 kilometers, and he only lifts 10KG at a time. Theoretically, he can fly at least 20 kilometers.

According to Pan-O. Sangis, he had used the drone for two nights. On the third night, the hook had a problem, so he threw the bag of body parts in Topanga State Park.

As for the two Chinese women who disguised themselves as Michelle Chen and her mother, they were illegal workers hired by Pan-O. Sangis.

Both of them came here illegally. Their passports had been torn up long ago. They have been working illegally and receiving free food.

Pan-O. Sangis promised 100,000 US dollars each. The two people knew that there was something fishy about this matter, but they still agreed happily.

After coming to the United States, they realized how valuable 100,000 US dollars is. Anyway, they can come here again after returning.

Pan-O. Sangis also specially invited a makeup artist friend to help the two people with makeup, so that they look more like Michelle Chen and her mother.

After the interrogation, Pan-O. Sangis signed the confession very cooperatively and asked, “When can I see Paul?”

Tony Gerard replied, “We will discuss this with your lawyer!”

After leaving the interrogation room, Anna Davis led Madeline Hill and others to applaud.

“Well done!”

“Well done!”


With Pan-O. Sangis’ confession, plus the body parts and drones found in the Topanga Canyon mansion, the case is basically a done deal.

Next, we only need to confirm the witnesses and undocumented evidence one by one according to Pan-O. Sangis. However, he said that he had thrown two bags of body parts into the Pacific Ocean, but they did not find them on the first day of the search. It is really like looking for a needle in a haystack to find these two bags of body parts.

Although Locke and Tony Gerard still felt that there were doubts in this case, they did not say anything more.

Panao Sangis’ confession showed a clear motive for the crime and a clear process of the crime, which made their previous suspicion that there was someone behind Panao Sangis somewhat untenable.

After all, they had never found any substantial evidence for their suspicion of Kress Miller.

Next to the office coffee machine, Tony Gerard personally brewed a cup of coffee for Locke and sighed: “Sometimes I have to doubt, are you really only 25 years old? You must have a lot of questions in your mind now, but you are so calm, why?”

Locke raised the coffee to show his gratitude, shrugged, and said meaningfully: “The truth is not important to me, I just enjoy the process of finding the truth…”

He took a sip of coffee, turned his head and said to Skye Spears: “Skye, please help us choose a new coffee machine, I will pay!”

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