The call was from Anna Davis. She said, “Madeline just called me. I will follow up on this matter. I will report this to Deputy Director Harold Cardwell later…”

Locke smiled and said, “Thank you, Anna!”

Anna Davis continued, “Again, we just did what the LAPD should do. Don’t worry. You handled it very well today. Fortunately, there were no casualties.”

Locke replied with a smile, “I am the LAPD, so I won’t mess around…”

Anna Davis paused and said, “Okay, that’s it. Say hello to Marian and Todd for me…”

After hanging up the phone, Locke looked calm. If he had revealed a little about his relationship with the Greenberg family before, he would not take the initiative to expose it now.

Henry Greenberg dealt with the Democratic Party, and the LAPD senior management communicated directly with the FBI. The two-pronged approach was more foolproof.

Locke drove directly back to Beverly Hills. After entering the house, Locke found that there were only Marian and Li Bo in the living room. The two were busy with computers, obviously waiting for him.

His scalp tingled. There were many things he couldn’t confess, so there were many things he couldn’t tell Marianne and Li Bo.

However, both of them were wearing the watches he gave them, which meant that the storm had passed.

“Dad, this is the sales account book of the turbocharger of Mendes Repair Shop…”

Li Bo looked away from the computer and took a look, “Okay, I’ll take a look later!”

Marianne didn’t even look at him. Locke couldn’t help but smile bitterly, went upstairs to the room to change clothes, and then went downstairs obediently. After taking a can of soda from the refrigerator, he sat down next to the two of them.

Marianne looked at him in confusion, “Why did you change clothes? Aren’t you going back to Villa Cortina tonight?”

Locke was startled, and instantly realized that he was going to go back to guard the money!

So maternal love will disappear. She used to wish he would sleep at home.

Can he say that the basement is empty now?

Locke took a sip of soda and replied, “I’ll be back soon!”

He took the initiative to say, “Okay, ask whatever you want to ask?”

Marianne stared at the computer and shook her head, “I don’t have anything to ask…”

She turned her head and asked, “Todd, do you have anything to ask?”

Li Bo pretended to think for a while and shook his head, “I don’t have anything to ask…”


Locke was speechless, took another sip of soda, and sighed, “Okay, I was wrong, I will answer any questions you have, that’s fine, right?”


Marianne closed the computer and asked, “You said you gave Henry Greenberg a big gift, what was it?”

Locke hesitated and said, “In the last undercover mission, my target was Floyd Ross, a drug lord in California. Later, Floyd Ross’s family suddenly died, and the undercover mission ended. During the mission, I accidentally obtained Floyd Ross’s asset list. This thing is useless to our family, but it is useful for talents at Henry Greenberg’s level…”

He almost wanted to talk about the acquisition of oil paintings and jewelry, but after thinking about it, he still felt that he had to proceed step by step.

Li Bo interrupted and asked, “How much is this asset list worth?”

Locke replied, “About 1 billion…”

Marianne’s face changed instantly, and she turned to look at Li Bo.

Li Bo nodded and said, “Locke is right. This asset list is useless to us. It’s like a piece of waste paper. Even the Greenberg family can only swallow half of it at most. The resources needed for such a thing are unimaginable…”

Marianne shrugged, “No wonder Henry Greenberg approves of you so much and indulges you so much! I feel much better now. I don’t have to feel that I owe them a favor anymore…”

Li Bo exclaimed in his heart again. He found that he could not see through Locke more and more. Such a large sum of money, even Marianne could not help but be tempted. Locke said to give it away and he gave it away.

He asked, “How much money do you have in your account now?”

Locke thought for a moment and replied, “About 10 million!”

Li Bo said, “You can’t put so much money in your account. It’s too easy to attract attention. Once the IRS is on you, even if I do your accounting again, they will still find loopholes. And, more importantly, you need to consider your tax return next year…”

Locke said indifferently, “Dad, you decide. How about paying off the loan for the Malibu house in advance…”

Li Bo shook his head and said, “No, the loan for the Malibu house is already the best. The interest rate can just offset inflation, so there is no need to pay it back in advance!”

Locke said again, “Then use it for the new farm in Lebeck. Anyway, leave me about one million…”

“LebeckThere is no problem with the funds there…”

Li Bo interrupted him and said, “I plan to register a company for you. The patent authorization and transaction between you and Mendes Repair Shop will be in the name of the company. In this way, in addition to tax avoidance, it can also effectively block some tax risks…”

“Your mother and I don’t plan to touch the money in your account. You are now older and your daily expenses are also high. I will help you with asset planning. Most of the money will be used for investment. The investment income should be enough for your daily expenses…”


Locke wanted to say that he still had money, but he swallowed it when he got to his lips. That was equivalent to hitting himself in the mouth. He said, “Okay, then you can do it. I will give you the card now…”

Locke put his hand in his pocket, took out his wallet from the space, handed the bank card directly to Li Bo, and then looked at Marian, “Mum, don’t you have anything else to ask? ”

Marian shook her head and said, “No, you can hurry back to Villa Cortina and call me when you get home…”

Locke said speechlessly, “I’ve left it there for two months. The basement is very secret…”

He asked Li Bo, “Dad, have you thought about the operation method?”

Li Bo replied, “Your mother and I have studied it all day today and have some ideas. Your uncle Glenn and his family will come over tomorrow. We will discuss it together then…”

Locke said, “I have something to do tomorrow…”

Marian frowned, “What do you have to do?”

Locke replied, “I’m going to take a private pilot’s license exam. I have to attend training tomorrow…”

Li Bo was surprised and said, “You want to take a pilot’s license exam, which is great. I’ve always wanted to take it but couldn’t find the time. Then you can go and do your thing! ”

After Locke went upstairs to change his clothes and came down, Li Bo sent him out the door. He showed the watch on his hand, and then looked at the black Range Rover that had to be parked at the door because there was not enough parking space. He smiled and said, “Thank you for your gift. I like it very much. Don’t blame your mother. She just can’t accept that you have suddenly surpassed us…”

After saying goodbye to Li Bo, Locke left with complicated thoughts. Fortunately, not all of them were exposed, otherwise, I’m afraid his mother would find it even harder to accept.

When he was about to reach Cortina, his phone rang again. It was Tony Gerard who called.

After answering the phone, Locke asked, “Deputy Captain, what’s the matter?”

Tony Gerard asked hoarsely, “Locke, is it convenient for you to meet now?”

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