In the Mercedes-Benz BMW 750Li, Sullivan Gray stared out the window expressionlessly. Although Jennifer Gray was safe this time, he was still extremely angry.

No matter what misunderstandings there were, he regarded the attack on his family as a provocation to his power, which made him feel humiliated.

Will the CIA assassinate the young lady?

Or, do they dare to kill the family of the old witch Nancy Lopez?

“Sir, do you still need to call the chief of staff?”

Doug, who was driving himself, looked ahead, but his voice was clearly transmitted to the back seat.

Sullivan Gray retracted his gaze and said coldly: “Of course!”

He then continued to talk to himself: “The daughter of Republican leader Sullivan Gray, who just helped the White House defeat the Democrats in the Senate, was attacked by an unknown gunman. It is not clear whether this shooting is related to the passage of the president’s tax reform bill. Doug, I need this news to appear in tomorrow’s “Washington Post…”

Doug was silent for two seconds, and replied firmly: “Sir , you will see this news in tomorrow’s Washington Post!”


Sullivan Gray then picked up his phone and made a call. The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. He said in a low voice: “William, I’m sorry to bother you at this time. I have to regretfully tell you that I can’t attend the lunch meeting with the president tomorrow at noon…”

The White House Chief of Staff on the other end of the phone said calmly: “Congressman Gray, you know that the president is looking forward to meeting tomorrow. What happened?”

Sullivan Gray said in a deep voice: “Jennifer was just attacked by an unknown gunman. Fortunately, she was accompanied by the LAPD. The gunman did not succeed, but she was very frightened. She needs my company at this time. Please convey my apologies to the president… …”

The second-in-command of the White House, William Kelly, could not help but exclaimed, “OMG, I will convey this to the president. Your family needs you even more. Congressman Gray, do you know the identity of the gunman?”

Sullivan Gray replied, “Both gunmen were shot dead. According to the initial judgment of LAPD, they are professional killers and do not have any identity information…”

He said with a guilty voice, “William, you know I have offended too many people during this period, but this time they violated the rules!”

William Kelly understood immediately and said in a deep voice, “Assassinations against the families of politicians are unacceptable. I will call the president to inform him of this matter. I will suggest that the FBI intervene in this matter immediately…”

After Sullivan Gray hung up the phone, Doug said hesitantly, “Sir, After the FBI intervened, the White House soon knew the truth! ”

Sullivan Gray raised his eyebrows and said unhappily: “Doug, I’m disappointed that you would ask such a question. No one cares about the truth. We just need to make public opinion suspect that the Democratic Party is the mastermind behind it…”

He looked out the dark window again and said faintly: “As for the public, do you think the CIA will make the investigation report public?”

In the Detective Bureau, after Sullivan Gray and Lauren Anderson left, Danny Aiello immediately reported the situation to Director Michael Moen.

Because it involves the CIA, whether LAPD needs to continue to follow up on this case needs the big shot of the Parker Center to make a decision.

Danny Aiello ended the call soon. He said to Anna Davis in the office: “Apply for an arrest warrant and ask Madeline Hill to arrest Carter Silvio immediately…” Anna Davis frowned and said: “I still think this case should be handed over to the FBI…” Danny Aiello said in a deep voice: “Since the CIA dares to kill people in Los Angeles, the LAPD has the power to manage it!” His expression relaxed, “I know what you are worried about. Let her apply for SWAT assistance. Don’t shoot unless necessary. No matter who takes over this case in the end, Carter Silvio is in the hands of the LAPD, and we will have the initiative…” “I hope this guy hasn’t run away yet…” Anna Davis was a little worried that the CIA would hide Carter Silvio. Danny Aiello said: “The CIA is now in a state of panic. They need to face the wrath of Sullivan Gray, who is the confidant of the White House…” He added: “I have read your report on promoting Locke to detective chief, and I will sign it as soon as possible. We should not stick to the rules for talented and capable young people! Not to mention that he is a Medal of Courage winner!” … Topanga Canyon. Tony Gerard wiped the blood off his hands and apologized to Madeline Hill, who was expressionless next to him, “Because it was just a subjective speculation, I didn’t report it to you. I also wanted to wait for the investigation.I will inform you after I get the exact evidence. I didn’t expect things to turn out like this…” He stared at the body of Cress Miller on the ground and said in a deep voice: “Since this guy was silenced, then our previous speculation was correct. He is really related to Topanga Park, and there is someone behind him. It should be my tracking that alerted the enemy, and let the person behind him silence him…” After Jane Claire, the duty supervisor of the Forensic Department, completed the preliminary inspection of the body, she stood up and said: “The cause of death was heavy bleeding in the carotid artery. The bullet should be a .45 ACP bullet. Tony, you have tried your best. No one can save him. I suspect that the murderer should also use FN545, just like the two gunmen killed by Locke…” “Wait…” Tony Gerard stared at Jane Claire in astonishment, and then looked at Madeline Hill, “Locke had a gunfight and killed two gunmen? When did it happen? Why don’t I know about it?” Madeline Hill was also stunned, “Don’t you know? ”

Tony Gerard spread his hands and said, “No one told me!”

After Madeline Hill told him that Jennifer Gray was almost attacked and Locke shot and killed two gunmen, Tony Gerard sighed, “Fortunately Miss Gray is fine, otherwise I would feel guilty…”

Then his face changed, “No, why were Miss Gray and Cress Miller attacked? The guns used were the same. They were obviously the same group of people. Fuck, Locke must have something he didn’t tell me. Something must have happened in the Spirit Realm Club…”

Madeline Hill also looked solemn. She picked up her phone and was about to call Locke, but the phone rang. It was Anna Davis calling.

After hanging up the phone, Madeline Hill immediately said, “Tony, I Let’s go catch the real suspect now, the details are in the car…”

Real suspect?

Although Tony Gerard’s mind was full of questions, he still followed Madeline Hill out the door.

After starting the car, Madeline Hill continued: “Locke said that the person Cress Miller met at the Spirit Realm Club tonight was Professor Carter Silvio, a psychologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and the project Carter Silvio is researching is about brain consciousness storage…”

Tony Gerard was immediately angry, “Fuck, why would this bastard hide such an important clue…”

He saw Madeline Hill’s calm face and asked: “Aren’t you angry?”

Madeline Hill replied: “Do you know Jennifer Gray’s identity? Her mother is the director of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and her father is Sullivan Gray, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives. I saw the chief and Commander Davis accompanying them at the police station. Locke was also accompanying them and had a close relationship with them. I used to think that Locke’s background was only Commander Davis…” Tony Gerard was stunned for a moment, “This kid actually knows such a big shot!”

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