Thinking of this, Locke couldn’t help but worry about his cheap mother-in-law again. This time, such a big mess happened, and his cheap mother-in-law, as the dean, was the first to bear the brunt!

Carter Silvio’s illegal operation, as the dean, she failed to supervise, her opponents will not miss this opportunity.

The Jewish shareholders behind Cedars-Sinai Medical Center don’t care who is the culprit of this matter, not to mention that the culprit is dead.

As the dean, during her tenure, she let the hospital fall into such a big crisis, and there is a risk of being resigned.

Damn, the Gray family is really in trouble this time!

And it seems that it’s all his fault!

If he didn’t ask Jennifer Gray to take him to the Spirit Realm Club, he wouldn’t have found Carter Silvio so quickly.

With the style of Carter Silvio and the CIA, it’s only a matter of time before Kress Miller is silenced.

And Pan Ao Sangis, who is imprisoned in Orange County Prison, is mentally unstable, and it is reasonable for him to die.

Once they are all dead, the truth of this case will be completely covered up.

And Sullivan Gray’s blame was directly taken for him.

Thinking of Jennifer Gray’s white and tender body, Locke suddenly felt guilty. Since it was his fault, he would solve it one by one.

After analyzing it in his mind, Locke felt that the most urgent thing was the CIA, so he asked: “Who is this Redmond Lewis? How dare he threaten your FBI…”

Although he didn’t have a good impression of Sullivan Gray, if the other party died because of the blame he threw, I would be embarrassed to agree to Jennifer Gray calling him dad again in the future.

However, he was skeptical about whether the CIA really wanted to seek revenge on Sullivan Gray.

Sullivan Gray was the minority leader of Congress, a Republican boss, and Trump’s confidant. He was someone who could play cards in the House of Cards.

Would the CIA really dare to take action against him just because he was highly suspected?

“A very cold and crazy person…”

Inspector Hunter turned his head and looked at Locke, his face became a little solemn, “Do you know how big an impact the collapse of the Soviet Union had on the CIA? Although the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest achievement of the CIA, without the Soviet Union, the CIA also lost its biggest opponent. At that time, many CIA agents felt that they had lost their goals and chose to retire, hide their identities, and live an ordinary life…”

“Redmond Lewis is a top agent left over from the Cold War. Because he was relatively young at that time, he did not retire, but served as an instructor in the CIA. He was known for his iron-blooded harshness and was called the Butcher, because it was said that some students died under his harsh training, but the CIA has never released an investigation report…”

Locke choked, this is really a ruthless character.

He asked puzzledly: “After such a thing happened, why can he still be an instructor, and he seems to have great power…”

Detective Hunter shrugged, “Because he is old enough and has enough experience. The current senior officials of the CIA are either his former colleagues or his students. One of the giants in the CIA, Assistant Director Godwin Boll, is his former colleague…”

“And there is an even more terrifying thing. Redmond Lewis is already 60 years old. I heard that his professional skills are still top-notch in the CIA. Can you imagine how terrifying this person is?”

“No matter who is behind the murder of Will Lewis, he has offended someone he shouldn’t have offended. After all, Redmond Lewis is already 60 years old. For a 60-year-old man, there are fewer and fewer things that can restrain him…”


Rocke immediately presented a portrait of Redmond Lewis in his mind. This is definitely an extremely dangerous person.

Such a ruthless character lost his son in old age, and his revenge is absolutely unscrupulous. He doesn’t care about Sullivan Gray’s identity.

And Jennifer Gray will also be in danger.

Locke stared at the back of Black Sauce Egg’s head, feeling a little complicated. Although this guy was annoying, he was his only source of information at the moment.

He was the one who tipped off Jack Pastin that time.

This time, he revealed the CIA information to him, which inadvertently helped him a lot.

At the golf driving range, Sullivan Gray was practicing golf alone.

Doug waited for Sullivan Gray to swing a club before walking over and reporting: “Martha just called and said Lauren hopes to have dinner with you in the next two days…”

Sullivan Gray swung another club and replied: “Tomorrow! Cancel the cocktail party at the Korean Consulate tomorrow night. I heard that there is a lot of opposition from the public that South Korea should bear more of the military expenses of the US troops stationed in South Korea…”


Doug hesitated and asked: “I heard a piece of news,Some people say that you arranged for someone to kill Carter Silvio and the CIA director… ”

Sullivan Gray’s face darkened, “How could there be such news?”

Doug replied: “Sir, you are indeed the biggest suspect!”

He looked at Sullivan Gray with a wronged look. He always thought that he was the boss’s most trusted confidant, but he didn’t expect that the boss was hiding something from him.

Sullivan Gray looked ridiculous, smelled a hint of conspiracy, and asked: “What does the outside world think of this matter?”

Doug replied: “Most of them are positive. They think you are decisive and value your family. I have received calls from several congressmen who want to invite you to play golf…”

Sullivan Gray’s mouth twitched, and he swung another club, “It wasn’t me! ”

But after Doug left, he thought for a moment, picked up his phone and dialed a number, “Jennifer, I have good news for you. Carter Silvio is dead, and the CIA director in Los Angeles is also dead. Anyone who dares to hurt you will pay the price…”


The other end of the phone paused for a long time before replying: “Thank you, daddy, I love you!”

South Pasadena, Garfield Community.

Locke followed Inspector Hunter and Liv to the door of Carter Silvio’s villa. The villa had been blocked by a cordon. The blood on the ground had been cleaned up, and only the white line where the body fell to the ground remained.

There were already some FBI forensic personnel working at the scene. When they saw Inspector Hunter and Liv coming over, they all greeted them.

Locke seriously inspected the location where the body fell to the ground, turned his head and asked: “Did the gunman fire two shots at the time? Did you send a helicopter to search afterwards…”

Inspector Hunter looked a little embarrassed, “One shot. At that time, the CIA controlled the scene, and it was not under the jurisdiction of the FBI, so we withdrew first. We didn’t expect that it would be pushed to the FBI in the end, and we had to accept it…”

The CIA has no law enforcement power in the United States, but if the FBI can’t handle this case, then the CIA will have an excuse.

Liv also said: “Redmond Lewis is an extremely dangerous person. We must find the murderer as soon as possible, otherwise, we don’t know what they will do in Los Angeles!”


Locke immediately captured the key information.

Inspector Hunter replied solemnly: “There was also an elite CIA special mission team that arrived in Los Angeles on the same plane as Redmond Lewis…”

His face sank, “We only tracked them for two hours, and they disappeared in Los Angeles!”

Locke instantly became alert. At this time, his mobile phone rang. It was Jennifer Gray who called. She asked: “Will you come back tonight? I have a surprise for you…” Listening to the sexy and charming voice on the phone, Locke probably guessed what the surprise was. But now is not the time to be happy, he replied: “I also have a surprise for you!”

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