It was the first time for Locke to use two tracking cards at the same time. He felt a little painful and had to make Jennifer Grey pay double.

On the map with a diameter of 200 kilometers, three moving dots were moving towards each other, and the dot representing him was in the front, and the distance between him and the two dots behind was gradually increasing.

The tracking card had been released on the CIA agent, and the next step was to wait for the crows to return to their nests.

Locke turned at an intersection and headed towards the Cortina community, while calling Doug directly.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. Doug asked, “Locke, is there anything else?”

Locke replied directly, “Just want to remind you that there are four tails behind your car, and it’s best to change your phone. Your phone may have been tapped. That’s it, good luck…”



Doug hurriedly looked at the rearview mirror and saw only normal social vehicles driving, and did not find anything unusual.

Sullivan Gray asked in the back row, “What’s wrong?”

Doug repeated Locke’s words, and Sullivan Gray’s face darkened. He immediately made a call, “Chief Moen, this is Sullivan Gray, I want to call the police, I’m being followed, the other side has four cars, I’m on Central Avenue…”

While Sullivan Gray was talking on the phone, Doug also informed the security chief Blake Cohen behind him about the tail.

After Sullivan Gray finished the call with LAPD Chief Michael Moen, he said, “Brian said there was indeed a suspicious vehicle behind, he was not sure before, he didn’t expect that all four cars were…”

Sullivan Gray’s face was calm, and he said, “Call Locke, I want to talk to him…”

Doug hurriedly called Locke’s phone back, and after hearing the prompt tone, he frowned and turned around and replied, “He turned off the phone!”

Sullivan Gray paused for a moment while tapping the armrest and said, “Doug, it seems that we don’t know him well enough!”

Doug asked, ” Do you need me to call Jennifer? ”

Sullivan Gray thought for a moment and shook his head, “No, I’ll arrange a meeting with him later…”

Doug asked again, “Do we need to change our schedule?”

Sullivan Gray asked back, “Do you think Raymond Lewis knows where we are going? Don’t overestimate him, but this incident looks like a conspiracy against me. We fell into a trap…”

At this time, several LAPD patrol cars drove over and separated Sullivan Gray’s four cars from the traffic behind.

Locke was relieved as he watched the two tracking targets on the map getting farther and farther away.

Fortunately, Sullivan Gray still has some skills.

In addition to Jennifer Gray’s factors, he didn’t want Sullivan Gray to die suddenly.

It’s not that he felt guilty about taking the blame, but Lebeck’s new farm has not been traded yet, Marian’s new law firm has not been established, and some interest exchanges have not been completed. If Sullivan Gray dies, the Republicans will definitely not admit it.

On the map, the CIA point suddenly turned, probably giving up tracking.

Locke didn’t plan to keep staring at it. He turned on his phone again and saw that Doug had indeed called. He smiled coldly.

His goal had been achieved. He was no longer interested in playing along with him. He had done his best to inform him.

Locke then called Anna Davis and reported the matter of Raymond Lewis.

Anna Davis took this matter very seriously. An elite CIA action team was hiding in Los Angeles, preparing to carry out a revenge operation, and the target might be the leader of the Republican House of Representatives. This was definitely a big deal.

When Locke returned to the Cortina community, he found that Doug’s point had disappeared on the tracking card map, and he was stunned.

Out of the tracking card range!

The last place Doug stayed just now seemed to be the Coast Guard’s station. Thinking of the last Floyd Ross murder case, the Coast Guard arrived at the scene quickly.

It seems that the only armed force that Sullivan Gray can mobilize is the Coast Guard!

Have you gone out to sea?

This is a good safe house.

Well, the Coast Guard has no shortage of planes, and it is possible that they flew away from Los Angeles.

Whether it is going out to sea or flying away from Los Angeles, this move is very impressive, staying away from danger at the first time, very decisive.

How can Raymond Lewis track him now?

The anchored CIA agent has been moving in the city, and it seems that he has no intention of stopping. This should be the CIA’s anti-tracking operation.

No wonder the FBI lost track of him, they are indeed elite!

However, Locke was very happy. The more cautious the other party was, the more he wanted to return home.It seems that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The whole villa is brightly lit, and the lights on the three floors are all on.

Although Americans promote environmental protection all day long, in fact, the United States is the country with the most serious resource waste in the world, and most Americans do not know what conservation is.

The word environmental protection has a heavier political meaning in the United States. People who promote environmental protection are not really environmentalists, but they need this label of environmental protection.

Locke is also used to doing this, and likes the feeling of being more open. Isn’t the purpose of creating lights to light up the night?

However, Jennifer Gray and Elizabeth Koch were not seen on the first floor. He looked up and found that there were people moving on the third floor.

Locke parked the Bugatti 16.4 Veyron Sang Noir next to the brand new white Porsche Panamera, and walked around the car. Not to mention, the car is really good-looking and matches Jennifer Gray very well.

After entering the house, Locke did not go up immediately. To be honest, he was not mentally prepared.

Moreover, he did not eat dinner, and prepared to replenish himself with some energy first. It can be imagined that the energy consumption tonight will be very high, and sufficient physical support is needed.

Soon he found the leftovers, pizza, chicken nuggets, waffle chips, vegetable salad… in the kitchen.

Locke frowned when he saw these things. Forget it, just eat it!

While eating, Locke has been making a mental plan, how to greet Elizabeth Koch, how to ease the unfamiliarity between each other as quickly as possible, how to make a lesbian willing to try the opposite sex…

He was a little worried, what if she resisted?

Fuck, it’s all Jennifer Grey’s fault. It’s so sudden. With his charm, as long as he is given a little time, he will definitely be able to change Elizabeth Koch’s sexual orientation.

After dinner, Locke felt that it was almost done, so he was ready to go. Then he remembered that he had been busy all day tonight and had not taken a shower yet, so he took a shower in the bathroom on the first floor, changed into home clothes, and then went upstairs with the most handsome smile.

When he reached the second floor, the smile on Locke’s face froze instantly, because he actually heard the screams of Qiqi Aiai.

He quickened his pace and rushed up. As soon as he entered the room, he saw a scene of twisted ethics, two white bodies twisted and intertwined, kissing…

Oh my God!

It’s unbearable to watch!

Fuck, he actually slept with his woman in his bed, and he caught her in bed, it’s a great shame!

If he could tolerate this, he would not be a man, and he rushed over immediately!

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