Half an hour later, Tony Gerard, with a scruffy beard, stood on the terrace on the second floor of the villa. After turning around with his eyes wide open, he turned around and asked, “How rich is your family? Billionaires?”

Locke handed him a cup of coffee and replied frankly, “We are not rich. We spent almost all our savings to buy this house, and we still owe a lot of loans…”


Tony Gerard took the coffee and gave him a middle finger, ignoring his true words, “Fuck, I know you have Money, but I didn’t expect you to be so rich! This villa costs at least tens of millions of dollars, and the Bugatti Veyron, I heard it costs at least 2 million dollars, tut tut, I really don’t understand why you want to be a LAPD…” After taking a sip of coffee, he took a special look at the brand name on the coffee cup, “This coffee is good, much better than Starbucks!” Locke smiled and said, “I have chosen a great coffee machine for the office, and you can drink better coffee than Starbucks every day!” Is Starbucks delicious? For senior coffee lovers, this question will definitely be sneered, but for most consumers, Starbucks is definitely not a wrong option. The world-leading supply chain and quality control system allow Starbucks to ensure that the quality of every cup of coffee is within the standard. It’s not delicious, but it’s not bad. Tony Gerard smiled and said, “Then our case handling efficiency will definitely be improved a lot. Thank you, you must be the most generous rich man in Los Angeles!” He extended the coffee cup in his hand to Locke. Locke also raised his coffee and clinked it with him, then got to the point, saying sincerely: “Deputy Captain, you don’t have to come here for a special interview. How much do you need? You are finally willing to ask…”

Tony Gerard was stunned and said: “You thought I came here to borrow money from you!”

Locke was surprised and said: “Isn’t it?”

Tony Gerard touched his beard and hesitated: “Now that you said so, will it embarrass you if I don’t lend you money!”

Locke nodded, “Yes…”

Tony Gerard shrugged, “Sorry, I disappoint you. I just want to find you to understand the inside story of the Topanga Park dismemberment case. I know this information is a bit sensitive and can’t be said on the phone…”

Locke laughed dumbly. He actually guessed wrong. From Catherine Murphy, he had roughly understood Tony Gerard’s situation, so he subconsciously thought that he asked to meet to talk because he wanted to borrow money.

He looked at Tony Gerard and saw that he had a firm look in his eyes. He put his hand in his trouser pocket and took out a jammer from the space. After turning on the jammer, he slowly said: “The mastermind behind the case is Carter Silvio, a psychiatrist at the West Senada Medical Center. You should know this. Carter Silvio is researching a technology that can subvert the world, brain consciousness interference. This technology has been funded by the CIA, but because there has been no results, the CIA is preparing to conduct a comprehensive review of the research. In order to deal with the CIA, Carter Silvio conducted experiments on Pano Sangis…” Tony Gerard has been listening calmly. As a detective for more than 20 years, he has also experienced some cases that are destined to be undisclosed. He was not too surprised that the CIA was involved in this case. After listening, he said with some disappointment: “So that’s it, I thought Carter Silvio was the ‘doctor’! It turns out he is just involved with the CIA. You have heard of the ‘doctor’, right? He is the top plastic surgeon in the underground world, who has been helping terrorists and wanted criminals with plastic surgery to escape the FBI’s pursuit…”

Locke looked at Tony Gerard in astonishment and asked: “Deputy Captain, are you looking for the ‘doctor’?”

Tony Gerard said gloomily: “You may have heard that I had an accident during an undercover operation. My operation was to infiltrate the criminal organization where the ‘doctor’ was, but unfortunately it failed. The ‘doctor’ is a demon who can seduce people, and Carter Silvio fits the description very well…”

Locke stared at Tony Gerard in disbelief. If the deputy captain had infiltrated the ‘doctor’s’ organization and had contact with the ‘doctor’, then the ‘doctor’ would not have known him.

But the last time the “doctor” talked to Torres Mario, he only mentioned his identity as a deputy captain, and at most he just put him on the same level as the new police star of LAPD, and named him as a cop, without showing any emotion of meeting an old acquaintance.

In other words, this “doctor” really only knew that Tony Gerard was the deputy captain of the Robbery and Murder Division of the Detective Bureau, that’s all.


So his previous suspicion may be true, and the corpse in the space is not the real “doctor”!

It’s still just a puppet.

Uh, No, maybe, “Doctor” is just a code name, not referring to a certain person, but there are many “doctors”!!!

Some are good at plastic surgery, some are good at bewitching people…

Locke felt a chill in his heart, no wonder Tony Gerard suspected Carter Silvio.

This guy really fits the identity of “doctor”, is he really just serving the CIA?

Tony Gerard saw Locke’s serious expression and took the initiative to say: “Are you wondering why I didn’t die?” He pointed to his chest and took out the stainless steel wine bottle in his chest pocket, “I told you that this thing saved my life…” Tony Gerard unscrewed the wine bottle, drank a mouthful of mouthwash, and said calmly: “After the ‘doctor’ knew that I was not dead, he created a car accident. You should know what happened later. The reason why he didn’t kill me was to make my life more painful. This is a demon who plays with people’s hearts…” He looked at Locke, his eyes full of deep hatred, “Now you know why I didn’t ask you to borrow money to treat Xi Rui’s illness, because Xi Rui is like this now, still alive, and I can always immerse myself in self-blame and guilt. Once she is cured, the ‘doctor’ may change another way to make me more painful…” In that car accident, Tony Gerard’s son Arthur lost his life on the spot, and his wife and daughter were seriously injured. Especially his daughter Sheri, whose legs had to be amputated and whose organs were severely damaged, leading to heart failure. She has been waiting for a matching heart for a heart transplant.

Shortly after his wife Connie recovered, she divorced Tony Gerard with Sheri, and Tony Gerard paid for child support.

Tony Gerard was hit hard by this and became decadent and alcoholic for a while, but he recovered quickly, but he became withdrawn and unkempt since then.

“Son of bitch!!!”

Locke only knew from Catherine that Tony Gerard’s family had been in a car accident, his son died, his daughter lost both legs and needed a heart transplant, and his wife divorced him because of this, but he didn’t expect that the car accident was caused by the “doctor”, and all the tragedies were caused by this devil.

He has determined that the “doctor” in Tony Gerard’s mouth should be another person, this guy is too crazy.

Locke was about to speak when there was a roar in the sky. Looking up, he saw three Black Hawks flying overhead, heading in the direction of the CIA base!

Black Hawk helicopter

Black Hawk helicopter

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