“Locke… Detective Locke, I didn’t expect you to invite us. This house is so cool. This is my first time to such a mansion…”

“Yes, it’s a great party. Thank you, Detective Locke…”

“Hey, guys, we are friends. Call me Locke…”

“Thank you for inviting me, Locke…”


Locke, as the host, was talking to two patrolmen from the Hollywood Area (#6). The young black man was called Frank Filen and the middle-aged white man was called Keith Field.

Last time he went to pick up Jennifer Gray at night and exceeded the speed limit, the two let him go, and he owed them a favor.

And the two were from the Hollywood Area, belonging to the West Division, and Keith Field knew David.

I always wanted to invite them for a drink, but I didn’t have the chance. I just took this opportunity to deepen my understanding of each other.

After chatting with them for a few words, Locke walked towards the four patrolmen from the West Hollywood Division.

Yes, since he invited Frank Filene and Keith Field, he would not forget the four patrolmen from the West Hollywood Police Station. He promised to treat them to a drink.

Keith Field watched Locke leave, and reminded Frank Filin, who was still excited, “Frank, seize this opportunity, I don’t need you anymore, you are still young, Locke’s resume is perfect, and he is so rich, his future in LAPD, uh, maybe LAPD is just his starting point, anyway, he will be a big shot in the future…”

Frank Filin nodded and said, “I know, Master…”

Keith Field patted him on the shoulder, “Come on, I’ll take you to meet David Murphy…”

Locke took another wine glass and walked to the four people in the West Los Angeles Division, “Guys, I’ve always remembered that I must have a few drinks today…”

The older black third-level police officer Carl Smith took the initiative to clink glasses with Locke and smiled, “I thought you forgot, but I didn’t expect it to be such a high-end bureau…”

The three young men who were a little restrained also raised their glasses, “Detective Locke, thank you for your invitation…”

“Great party, thank you!”


Locke also saw that Henry, Lewis, and David were a little reluctant, after all, the relationship was not that far.

He patted Henry’s arm, “Hey, guys, most of the people here are from our Western Division, relax a little and enjoy it…” Then Locke took them to David and Mark. Because they were from the same Western Division, although they were not familiar with each other, they immediately found common friends after a few words, and the atmosphere became relaxed. Buffet party… On the sea view terrace on the second floor, Tony Gerard sat here alone with his daughter to enjoy the sea view, and the food he brought from below was placed on the table. However, compared with food, Xi Rui Gerard liked computers more. He only tasted it briefly and then became addicted to computers. Madeline Hill came over with a cocktail. As more people came to the swimming pool, she couldn’t stand the hot eyes. After all, her status was different. After playing for a while, she got up and changed back into her own clothes and began to enjoy the wine and food. She swept her eyes over Xi Rui Gerard. The girl was concentrating on typing on the laptop keyboard and didn’t notice her coming at all. Madeline Hill didn’t mind. She knew the girl’s condition very well, and a trace of pity flashed in her eyes.

Looking at Locke who was chatting and laughing with everyone by the swimming pool, she couldn’t help but sigh: “Tony, this world is so unfair. Locke, this bastard, is not only handsome, but also so rich. Tsk, tsk, I didn’t expect his family to have such a mansion. They are richer than I imagined…”

“Handsome, rich, with a deep background, good at communication, and sincere to others, this is the rich class! It will make you subconsciously feel that their wealth is a matter of course…”

She took a sip of the cocktail, “Tsk, tsk, I used to think that his background was Commander Davis, but I didn’t expect it to be a big shot like Sullivan Gray…”

Tony Gerard He glanced at her, took a sip from the stainless steel bottle in his hand, and reminded her: “Jennifer Gray is just his ex-girlfriend…”

Madeline Hill’s expression froze, and she turned her head and asked: “Do you mean that his current girlfriend has a more powerful background?”

Tony Gerard shrugged and shook his head: “I don’t know, I only saw his girlfriend pick him up at the police station in a Rolls-Royce Phantom. Although I remembered the license plate number, I didn’t check it. Otherwise, Jennifer Gray should have shown up on this occasion today…”

“Obviously, his girlfriend is too special because of her identity.Uh, or for some other reason, it is not suitable to appear in such an occasion! ”

“Uh, okay, thank you for sharing the information…”

Madeline Hill raised her glass to Tony Gerard and said, “Tony, it is a great progress that you are willing to bring Xirui out…”

Tony Gerard touched her with the stainless steel wine bottle in his hand, and cursed, “Damn, Madeline, do you think this is polite? I have quit drinking, this is tempting me…”

“Dad, don’t swear!”

Xirui Gerard raised her head, with a stern face, and then a face full of surprise, and stood up with the help of the table, “Aunt Madeline, I haven’t seen you for a long time, sorry, I didn’t see you coming just now…”

Madeline Hill hurriedly got up and walked over, giving the girl a hug, “Xirui, you are beautiful again!”

After greeting Madeline Hill, the girl was immersed in the computer world again after a while.

Madeline Hill withdrew her eyes from her and asked in a low voice, “Haven’t you waited for a matching heart yet? ”

Tony Gerard’s face suddenly turned gloomy, and he shook his head and said, “You know, it’s not a heart problem, but I don’t dare to take any risks. That bastard wants me to live in fear and anxiety…”

Madeline Hill frowned and said, “Tony, sometimes I have to wonder if you have been scaring yourself…”

Tony Gerard’s expression froze, and he was about to say something when he found Locke coming over.

Locke had already changed his favorite bud light in his hand. His eyes swept over the Internet addict girl and said to Madeline Hill, “Captain, if you don’t swim, can you help me entertain a guest? FBI Inspector Hunter Morris is on the third-floor terrace. He doesn’t seem to like the noisy scene downstairs…”

No. 65 Malibu Avenue

He said to Tony Gerard again, “Deputy Captain, if you want, you can also take Xi Rui to the third floor. You know, the scenery upstairs is more beautiful than here…”

Madeline Hill was surprised and said, “Is Hunter Morris here too? I didn’t even notice it. Let’s go. Take me to him…”

One of the main functions of American parties is socializing. At Madeline Hill’s level, she would like to take this opportunity to get to know the senior officials of the FBI Los Angeles Branch.

Tony Gerard shook his head and said, “I won’t go there. The scenery here is also very beautiful!”

Locke said regretfully, “Okay, deputy captain, if you have any needs, just go to Juliet…”

Deputy captain, do you know what you missed?

He wanted Tony Gerard to communicate with Hei Lu Dan. If they suddenly found that they were both looking up “doctor”, the truth about “doctor” would be exposed.

Of course, it is also possible that the two of them would hug each other and cry bitterly.

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