Richard Johnson came and went quickly. The Black Hawk helicopter was still hovering on the edge of the second floor. They bent down and got in. The helicopter tilted back, turned a circle, and quickly moved away.

The LAPD downstairs had no idea what was going on.

However, this episode added another topic of conversation to today’s wealthy party, and made Locke’s background even more mysterious.

Facing the strange looks from Black Sauce Egg and Tom Williams, Locke shrugged calmly, “I just reminded him who is the enemy of the United States of America. Believe it or not, the CIA has probably already written a report about the Russian bear being the mastermind behind the scenes…”

“The truth can be found slowly, but we can get what we want first!”

Inspector Hunter nodded and said with approval, “I was wondering why such a powerful sniper suddenly appeared in the United States. It turned out that he was from the Russian bear military. It seems that the case of Will Lewis and Carter Silvio can be closed!”

He stood up and smiled, “Locke, thank you very much for your invitation. It’s a great party. I have to go back and write the closing report first!”

“You continue, no need to see me off…”

Inspector Hunter walked towards the stairs while making a phone call, “Liv, get up and change your clothes. We have to go. There has been a breakthrough in the case of Will Lewis and Carter Silvio…”

Only Locke and Tom Williams were left on the terrace, and neither of them spoke.

“I just realized that you have the potential to be a politician!”

Tom Williams suddenly made a sarcastic remark, then stared at Locke with a half-smile, “Locke, you’ve just been exposed!”

Locke remained calm, picked up a glass of wine, stared at him with an icy smile, “Tom Williams, you are worthy of being the Los Angeles detective, you actually found me!”

Tom Williams’ expression froze, and he sneered, “It’s a waste of your face and your acting skills if you don’t go to Hollywood to play a villain…”

Locke raised the glass in his hand and took a sip, “How is it? This is how the boss behind the scenes laughs, am I acting like it? I’m cooperating with you! Don’t you think you’re too boring?”

Tom Williams also picked up a glass of wine, took a big sip, and said coldly, “From the perspective of criminal psychology, only real criminals can’t wait to identify a “You are a scapegoat. Your behavior just now is completely in line with this!” Locke shrugged and spread his hands, saying, “Okay, I’ll be honest. I did it. What evidence do you have?” Tom Williams stared at him suspiciously for a while, frowned and said, “I haven’t seen you for a while, and you have grown up again. Now I can’t tell which of your words is true and which is false. Fuck, you are really a genius. I really didn’t misjudge you!” Locke curled his lips and asked, “Tell me, there are only two of us here now. Who do you think did this?” Tom Williams was silent for a few seconds, “You have given the best answer. The truth is no longer important!” Locke suddenly felt ridiculous. No wonder Black Sauce Egg just pointed out that this was done by the CIA, and Richard Johnson’s reaction was so intense. It turned out that the CIA itself suspected that it was done by its own people. Only CIA people know about this CIA base in Malibu! Only CIA people are familiar with their secret sentries and electronic alarm deployment! Only the CIA could easily plant spies in Raymond Lewis’s action team!

The CIA itself admitted that they were developing sound wave shielding technology!

Why did they go to the trouble of taking the body away?

Of course, it was to cover up the secrets hidden in the body.

For example, some toxins that affect nerve reactions were given in advance, so the elite action team lost their ability to resist, and they were slaughtered almost like they were executed…

The CIA also has experts in cleaning up traces…

Action experts, demolition experts, electronic support…

The CIA has them all…


If the body was not lying in his space, Locke himself would have believed that the CIA did it.

The reason why the CIA suspected himself was because there were too many factions within the CIA and too much secret funds.

The CIA director was appointed by the president and was an outsider. Many plans and projects were handled by the assistant deputy director or other senior officials. Because of confidentiality or authority, the director did not ask in person and might not know the specific content of the plan at all.

Tom Williams hesitated for a moment, then said, “I suspect this is all related to the project that Carter Silvio is in charge of!” Locke raised his eyebrows, “Brain interference?” Tom Williams frowned, “I’ve read the files of the Pan Ao Sangis dismemberment case, you are all too humble.I have estimated this technology. This technology should not be perfect yet, but once it is perfected, it will be terrifying! Carter Silvio was too eager for success and exposed the project, so he was silenced…” Locke stared at Tom Williams, and the scene of the black-salted egg automatically replenishing his brain flashed in his mind. Sure enough, people can’t be too smart! Tom Williams immediately caught Locke’s emotions and said coldly: “Don’t you believe my reasoning?” Locke hurriedly said: “Believe, believe, I believe…” Tom Williams snorted coldly and stopped talking about it. He asked: “What case did you deal with yesterday?” Locke briefly talked about the case of Impart. Tom Williams held the wine glass and pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: “This case feels weird, but this kind of thing is indeed what those blood-sucking worms hiding in the dark can do. In their eyes, human life is just a tool for fun…” His eyes flashed and stared at Locke, “Locke, I hope you will become a big man one day, not such a rubbish! ”


Locke passed the wine glass in his hand over to touch Tom Williams’s glass, and said with a smile: “When I become a big shot, you will say this to me again in person!”

The two drank the red wine in the glass. Tom Williams put down the glass, stood up and said: “Thank you for your hospitality, I have to leave!”

Locke stood up to see him off. Tom Williams went down two steps of the stairs and suddenly turned around and said: “Remind you, Richard Johnson didn’t drink your wine just now…”

Locke grinned, “Thank you, I will be careful!”

After Tom Williams left, Locke turned and looked at the littoral combat ship on the sea in the distance, his expression was stern, “It is indeed the CIA that will take revenge for any slight. So, has he been implicated by Sullivan Gray? ”

Locke reviewed what had just happened in his mind, and after feeling that nothing had been missed, he took out his phone and prepared to report what had happened today to his background.

He first called Henry Greenberg’s butler, “Butler Buffy, I recently handled a case involving the West Senada Medical Center and the CIA, and I think it’s necessary to tell you…”

Half an hour later, Locke made another call, “Doug, I just met with Richard Johnson, the CIA’s special agent in charge of Los Angeles affairs…”

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