Half an hour later, Locke drove to a beach in Long Beach according to the map instructions in the work group. He saw a long line of various police vehicles parked in front of him from a distance.

The patrolmen in the Harbor Area (#5) had already cordoned off the scene. Madeline Hill was leading the other members of the second team to stand in the cordon, staring at the beach below.

The place where the body was dumped at the Long Beach Pier

Locke got out of the car and showed his police badge. The patrolman on duty at the scene helped him to lift the cordon.

He would thank the patrolman before, but now he has gradually gotten used to it and has become an old hand. He went straight in.

When he got closer, he immediately saw that on the reef by the sea, several forensic personnel in protective clothing were busy around two white bodies. Some were taking pictures, some were collecting traces, and some were examining the bodies…

The bodies were naked, one was strong and slender, and the other was curvy. It seemed that the deceased this time was a man and a woman, and they seemed to be young.

The forensic doctor squatting next to the female corpse with a beautiful hip line should be Catherine Murphy. Uh, how come I see this woman picking chrysanthemums again, but this time she is picking the female dead body…

Locke quickly retracted his gaze. He felt that he really couldn’t look Catherine Murphy in the face in the future.

However, it can be seen from this that this case is really similar to Green George’s impart case. The victims are both young, naked, and violated from behind…

“Wow, Master Locke is finally here…”

“Locke, why are you always the last one to arrive…”

“Big people usually arrive last…”


As soon as Locke came, he was squeezed by Jack Tabot and others.

Fuck, spit out all the wine, the party bill on Friday is 20,000 US dollars.

He gave a middle finger back, glanced at Madeline Hill who was on the phone, and asked Harry Sumner, “Harry, what information do you know now?”


Harry Sumner was as gentlemanly as ever, wearing a Ralph Lauren plaid suit and shiny brown brogues.

He pointed to a middle-aged white man in a light blue sportswear not far away, “The body was found by that gentleman. He ran past here and called the police as soon as he saw the body. He didn’t go down to check, so he couldn’t provide any effective clues…”

“After the patrol police from the port area came, they reported the police situation to the Parker Center as soon as possible. The Parker Center found that the situation of the two dead was somewhat similar to the impart case we handled last week, so they directly transferred the case to the detective bureau…”

Locke looked around and found that although this place was a tidal flat and a bit remote, it was not far from the highway. It would be very difficult for the murderer to complete the violation of the two dead here.

He frowned and said, “This shouldn’t be the first scene…”

Harry Sumner nodded and said, “I think so too!”

There was blood flowing next to the body. It was obvious that the body was thrown down from above and hit the reef, causing a wound.

Locke found that he didn’t see Tony Gerard at this time and asked, “Where is the deputy captain? Hasn’t he arrived yet?”

Harry Sumner replied, “The captain said Tony asked for leave, and Xi Rui’s body had problems. Tony needs to accompany him in the hospital…”


Locke suddenly realized why Tony Gerard was so abnormal and anxious on Friday.

It seems that Xi Rui Gerard’s heart can’t bear it.

After talking with Madeline Hill, Locke got a better understanding of Tony Gerard and felt more sympathy in his heart.

Perhaps, he should talk to him again to see what the money is like.

“Hey, guys…” Madeline Hill ended the call and came over. “Commander Davis just called to ask if we should hand this case over to the FBI, but I refused because I realized that we might have made a misjudgment in Green George’s imprisonment case last week…” Robert Beasley, the main suspect in Green George’s imprisonment case, is currently out of contact and is not in the United States. The case is also related to the dark web, and the case involves the leak of obscene videos of dozens of East Los Angeles College students… The search warrant applied by the Detective Bureau for Robert Beasley’s Newport Beach residence was rejected due to insufficient evidence. It was obvious that there was resistance. This case has gone beyond the scope of LAPD’s handling, and it is more appropriate to hand it over to the FBI. Locke and Harry Sumner were the first to understand Madeline Hill’s words because they also realized this problem. The way the man and woman died in front of them was too similar to Green George’s imprisonment case, and the modus operandi was almost exactly the same..

However, the biggest difference is the location where the bodies appeared.

The scene of Green George’s imprisonment case was indoors because of the need for filming.

But this is obviously the place where the body was dumped, and the scene is most likely not indoors, otherwise, there would be no need to dump the body.

In other words, this case is actually different from Green George’s imprisonment case.

Previously, Locke and others speculated that the reason why the four students of East Los Angeles College were abused and killed was the evil instructions of the group of perverted bosses behind the camera.

But the conditions of these two dead are very similar to Green George’s imprisonment case.

Then there is a possibility that they misjudged the cause of death of the four dead in Green George’s case.

Green George’s imprisonment case may be two cases, the imprisonment sneak shot case and the home invasion and sexual abuse murder case.

The cause of death of the four dead is not as previously speculated.

Locke immediately had a picture in his mind. Four students from East Los Angeles College were playing Impart in a villa and having a great time. They had no idea that their behavior was being broadcast live. At this time, a pervert suddenly broke in, coerced four victims, joined the party, and tortured and killed them…

As for the camera, it should have been taken away by the team behind Impart. Mia Hamm’s room was also stolen by them.

They were just providing live performances for the perverted bosses hiding behind the camera. As a result, a pervert suddenly came and did something like body centipede, feces and urine flying, and killed people.

It was exciting, but it was too scary.

Maybe those old perverts who watched the boys and girls happy had a heart attack.

It should be like this. After all, dozens of students from East Los Angeles College participated in the live performance before, and there was no problem. The main content was Impart.

This means that this filming team only provides pornographic live broadcasts, not large-scale perverted killing live broadcasts.

Madeline Hill saw Locke suddenly laugh and warned him, “Locke, watch your expression. Be careful not to be photographed by the media…” Locke’s smile faded. He already had some ideas about the case in his mind and said, “Captain, I want to go down and take a look. I’m studying forensic medicine on my own. I want to go down and see if I can find anything…”

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