
“Are you ok?”



Locke was lying on Madeleine Hill. When the explosion occurred, he subconsciously protected her, and then the two were overturned together.

He stared at Madeleine Hill, who looked dazed. Seeing that she did not react, he immediately knew that she was trapped in the sequelae of the war and remembered the battlefield in Iraq.

Locke looked up at the others again and found that everyone was just overturned by the shock wave. No one was injured. Fortunately, they were far away.

He turned his head and looked back. The white Ford Transit was like popcorn. The roof was overturned, and the surrounding car skin was blown into pieces. The suspect’s body was not seen. I don’t know where it was blown to.

The LAPD patrol cars on both sides of the road were damaged to varying degrees. The patrolmen were overturned on the ground. The vehicles were full of things blown out of the Ford Transit, and the glass was shattered.

The sirens of the police cars were all activated by the explosion.

The police lights flashed and the sirens resounded through the sky.

The air was filled with an unpleasant smell of chemical gas…

Outside, the Los Angeles citizens who had been watching the excitement were getting up from the ground and running outside, as if it was the end of the world…

Locke’s ears were buzzing. He knew it should be very noisy now, but he couldn’t hear anything. There was a buzzing in his ears.

“Get up from me…”

At this time, Locke found that Madeline Hill was talking to him. Although he couldn’t hear it, he immediately recognized her lip language.

He hurriedly got up, but found that Madeline Hill was holding his gun tightly.

He could only give her the HK416, help her up, open the back seat of the F150 Raptor, and take out the first aid kit from under the seat.

Locke first put on a 3M N99 mask for himself, and then distributed the masks to Harry Sumner and others who stood up, shouting: “The gas may be poisonous, we need to transfer the injured…” Seeing that Madeline Hill seemed to have not recovered yet, he tore off another mask, put it on her, and reminded loudly: “Call Anna…” After that, Locke rushed forward with the first aid kit and asked loudly: “Is anyone injured?” … Half an hour later, the scene was taken over by the Parker Center. Air Support Division, Emergency Operations Division, Metropolitan Division and other armed forces directly under the Parker Center arrived at the scene. Bomb Squad (hazardous materials handling team), K9 and biochemical crisis prevention team are exploring the explosion site to prevent the explosion of chemicals and detect the harmfulness of the chemical composition at the scene. LAPD Chief Michael Moen arrived at the scene in person, accompanied by LAPD Assistant Chief of Operations Harold Cardwell, Deputy Chief of Police in charge of public affairs Frank Lacey, and Deputy Chief of Police in charge of intelligence and communication Fred Wallis.

Detective Chief Danny Aiello and Assistant Deputy Chief Anna Davis also arrived and reported the whole story of the case as soon as possible.

LAPD bosses are evaluating whether the explosion was an accident or a terrorist attack against Los Angeles.

Interview cars from major TV stations were parked outside the scene, and CNN helicopters were hovering in the air.

Major cable TV streaming media in the United States are now all broadcasting the explosion in Los Angeles, and many media even directly describe the explosion as a terrorist attack.

Locke and the other four were placed in an ambulance to drink hot cocoa, and Madeline Hill was called to report the case.

The phone calls of several people have not stopped just now, and they have been answering calls from family and friends.

Locke was even more worried. Marian called first, followed by Jennifer Gray, Sarah Mendes, cousins, and David, Thaddeus, and classmates.

Finally, he had to post an Instagram to report that he was safe, but he was careful not to post any photos.

Daisy Greenberg also called him, and after knowing that he was fine, she didn’t say much, obviously not knowing what to say next.

In fact, none of them were injured, not even scratched.

Fortunately, no LAPD officers died in the explosion.

Only three patrol officers in the Southeast Area (#18) needed to be hospitalized. One was injured by the door frame that was knocked over by the shock wave and knocked down the police, and his head was bleeding; another had his hand caught by the car door, and another had his finger stepped on by a colleague.Caused fractures.

They have been sent to the nearby Veterans Hospital. Apart from that, the explosion did not cause any other casualties.

Well, the two suspects were killed on the spot. Except for the clothes being blown off, the bodies were intact.

After drinking the hot cocoa, Jack Talbot smiled and asked Locke: “Locke, this should be your first time to experience such a scene, right?”


Locke nodded. Although the last time he single-handedly chased Johnny Dyson, the scene was also very big, but it did not reach this level, and he evacuated the scene immediately at that time.

Harry Sumner was tidying up his suit. He had just gone to the front for rescue, which made his suit wrinkled. He said coldly: “It’s better to experience less of such scenes. If Locke hadn’t discovered in advance that the suspect was making a bomb, there wouldn’t be only three patrolmen from the South Bureau injured…”

“Detective Locke…”

Locke turned his head and saw that the Southeast Area (#18) Sergeant I Michael Bradley was standing outside. Next to him stood a white and a black middle-aged man, whose ranks were Deputy Chief and Captain II respectively.

After Michael Bradley introduced, the middle-aged white Deputy Chief was Landon Dempsey, the director of the South Bureau, and the middle-aged black Sergeant II was Tim Howard, the captain of the South Division.

Locke and his men hurriedly got out of the car. Landon Dempsey extended his hand to Locke and praised him: “Locke, I have heard of you. Superintendent Bradley has told me everything you have done. It is your professionalism that has minimized our losses. After the explosion, you participated in the rescue immediately. On behalf of the Southern Division, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to you…” He looked at Harry Sumner and the others, “Guys, I will report your heroic actions to the Park Center…” Locke replied modestly: “Chief Dempsey, this is what we should do…” Captain Tim Howard of the Southern Division gave Locke a hug directly, “Thanks, Locke, please feel free to call me if you have any help in the future. You have my word.” Most of the patrol officers who participated in the pursuit this time were from the Southern Division, and his police officers faced the explosion directly. If Locke had not suspected that the suspect might be making a bomb, Michael Bradley would have promptly asked all patrol cars to retreat 10 meters, and the consequences would have been disastrous. Landon Dempsey and Tim Howard did not stay long. After thanking Locke and the others, they left quickly.

Raven Tate exclaimed, “Trump has classified this explosion…”

Locke and the others also opened Twitter and soon saw the President’s tweet. They were all speechless.

This guy likes to take advantage of the popularity.

The LAPD has not even held a press conference yet, and the President has classified this explosion as a terrorist attack.

Uh, this is very Trump.

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