When the chief of the police department, Danny Aiello, left, he said to Locke and the others meaningfully: “Guys, you have given Parker Center a difficult problem!”

Locke didn’t react to this sentence at first, until he received a call from Doug, the assistant of Republican Congressional Chairman Sullivan Gray, asking about the details of the bombing. Only then did he know that the characterization of the bombing was actually related to the struggle between the Republicans and the Democrats.

Soon after the explosion, the White House characterized the explosion as a terrorist attack.

Mr. President’s Twitter is not random, and he is not just trying to get attention.

His Twitter has a political purpose, which is to prove the correctness of his anti-immigration policy. Illegal immigration will bring risks to the security of the United States.

Building a wall on the US-Mexico border is one of his campaign promises. The explosion is a terrorist attack, which can prove the correctness of his wall building and win more public support.

It can also put pressure on the Mexican government to force the Mexican government to provide funds for the border wall.

If the explosion had occurred in traditional red states such as Texas or Arizona, the National Guard of these states would have been on alert after Trump’s Twitter post.

However, California is a state controlled by the Democratic Party, and Los Angeles is also a city controlled by the Democratic Party. Anti-Trump is politically correct.

Based on the current evidence, it cannot be proved that the explosion was a terrorist attack on Los Angeles, so the LAPD senior officials classified the case as a criminal case and handed it over to the FBI instead of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) that handles terrorist attacks.

However, the information reported by Locke and Harry Sumner brought variables to the case.

It had been decided to hand the case over to the FBI, but now it suddenly said that the explosion may have nothing to do with the previous two rape and murder cases.

This explosion may really be a terrorist attack on Los Angeles…

However, despite this, after another “discussion”, the LAPD senior officials still felt that the current evidence was not enough to prove that the explosion was a terrorist attack, but just an accident.

So the case was still handed over to the FBI.

This made the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) director who came to take over this terrorist attack very dissatisfied.

So, Mr. President was slapped in the face.

However, there is indeed no problem with the LAPD’s operation. The information currently available is really not enough to prove that the explosion was a terrorist attack.

Once there is more evidence, the LAPD can upgrade the case at any time.

Well, of course, the opposite is also possible.

For example, it can first announce that it is a terrorist attack, and then after obtaining more evidence, it is found that it is just an accident and the case is downgraded…

Unfortunately, the California government and the Los Angeles government will not cooperate with the president to play this drama…

As the FBI took over the case, the LAPD people gradually withdrew. After Locke and his team recorded the formal confession to the FBI, they can go off work. The files of the two previous rape and murder cases will be officially handed over tomorrow.

Locke originally said that he would take Raven Tate back to the police station to pick up the car, but Madeline Hill happened to be going back to the police station, so Raven went to be her driver.

Locke was about to leave when he suddenly received a call from Hei Lu Dan. Although the FBI entered, Hei Lu Dan, who was the director of operations just now, was so busy that he didn’t see anyone.

After answering the phone, Locke asked, “Anything else? I’m getting off work…”

Hunter Morris said in a deep voice, “I just got a message from the US Embassy in Spain. Robert Beasley is dead. He drowned in the hotel swimming pool three days ago. Because he used a fake passport, the Spanish police sent his death information to the US Embassy in Spain today…”


Locke’s expression froze. No wonder Robert Beasley’s son Robert Beasley Jr. said he couldn’t contact his father. They all thought it was an excuse.

Once Robert Beasley died, all the clues of the impart case in George Green Villa were cut off.

Since the impart live broadcast organization killed Robert Beasley to silence him, it would naturally not put the video of that night on the dark web.


Locke was silent for three seconds and replied, “Thank you, I will pass this information to the detective bureau…” He thought of something and asked, “Has the FBI paid attention to this organization before?” Hunter Morris replied, “Yes, but this organization is very secretive. Because it only involves pornographic live broadcasts, the level of attention is very low, and the top leaders don’t pay much attention to it…” Locke raised his eyebrows. If pornographic live broadcasts are not taken seriously, no wonder the FBI WARNING only mentions copyright issues! Thinking of the rejection of the search warrant for Robert Beasley’s house last week, I guessed that the network behind this organization should beIt is also complicated.

After hanging up the phone, Locke immediately conveyed this information to Madeline Hill. Madeline Hill also fell into silence. She only said that she would discuss the follow-up at the meeting tomorrow and hung up the phone.

Locke put away the phone, started the car, broke through the blockade of the external media, and drove away from the explosion site.

When driving into Long Beach Express, Locke received a call from Marian, asking him to go home for dinner in the evening. It seems that she is still worried about him and wants to see him in person.

Locke agreed immediately and prepared to turn at the next intersection to go to Beverly Hills.

I didn’t want to hang up Marian’s phone and receive a call from Tony Gerard.

As soon as the call was connected, Tony Gerard asked anxiously: “Locke, I heard that you encountered an explosion. I just called Madeline and she was on the phone…”

“It’s okay, we are all fine…”

Locke was a little surprised. Why did the deputy captain know about this now?

Tony Gerard seemed to have guessed what Locke was thinking and explained, “Sorry, I’ve been staying with Xi Rui in the ward, and I just came out and saw the CNN news report…” Locke briefly recounted the incident and the current embarrassing situation. Tony Gerard replied: “I’m sorry, I was absent when you needed me. Locke, you have done a good job. In the absence of sufficient evidence, you have deduced the murderer’s occupation and narrowed the scope. You have done what an excellent detective should do. Regardless of whether the two murderers of the bombing case are related to the two rape and murder cases, we only need to continue to track the Mexican domestic cleaners. We should be able to connect all the clues together. There is nothing wrong with your thinking…” “Thank you, deputy captain…” Somehow, Locke was relieved to get Tony Gerard’s approval, and then asked: “Deputy captain, is Xi Rui okay?” Tony Gerard said calmly: “The doctor said that she can be discharged after a few more days of observation, but Xi Rui’s heart can’t wait much longer…” Locke heard the hint in Tony Gerard’s words and replied: “Deputy captain, let’s take some time to talk these two days…” Just after hanging up Tony Gerard’s phone, Anna Davis called, Asked: “Locke, have you told anyone else about the details of the bombing?”

Locke replied: “FBI Inspector Hunter Morris called me to ask about the details of the case. What’s wrong?”

Anna Davis was obviously relieved, “That’s fine…”

Locke asked: “What happen?”

Anna Davis said in a strange tone: “Mr. President tweeted again…”

After hanging up the phone, Locke hurriedly pulled the car over, opened Twitter, and soon saw Trump’s latest Twitter.

[I regret the LAPD’s decision. Obviously, this is a terrorist attack. I have accurate information channels within the LAPD. There is currently no evidence to prove that the bombing is directly related to the two criminal cases…]

Fuck, is Trump’s information so timely and accurate?

Uh, Locke suddenly thought of Doug’s previous call and the relationship between Sullivan Gray and Trump…

Fuck, could it be that Trump’s source of information within the LAPD is him!

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