After sending his family and girlfriend away, Locke was stopped by Anna Davis.

Anna Davis glanced at the medal of courage and life-saving medal on Locke’s chest, and her face was full of relief. “Let’s go, let’s go to my office to talk for a few words! Someone asked me to pass on something to you…”

What is it?

Locke was a little surprised and asked, “Is it urgent? We have a meeting this morning to discuss the results of the investigation in Bell Gardens and determine the direction of the next investigation…”

Anna Davis said helplessly, “Okay, the case is more important, you go and do it, and come to me when you are done…”

“Thank you, Commander…”

Anna Davis watched Locke hurriedly walk to the Robbery and Murder Department, and the smile on her face slowly faded.

This bastard, she wanted to marry Marcy to him before.

Information about the Greenberg family flashed through Anna Davis’ mind. Compared with marrying with the family of emerging politicians, marrying with a Jewish family like Greenberg is much more difficult.

This also means that the Locke family is bound to rise.

Thinking that her equally handsome son became gay after entering Yale, Anna Davis felt uneasy.

She also hoped that Henry Davis would meet a girlfriend with a background after entering Yale, where there were many second-generation students, and add some background to the Davis family.

Anna Davis took out her mobile phone and made a call, “Dad, we will go home for dinner tonight. Well, it went well. Harold Cardwell didn’t come. He must be busy. Michael Moen and Frank Lacey came. Locke’s girlfriend also attended the award ceremony today. She is not Sullivan Gray’s daughter, but from the Greenberg family. Yes, that Greenberg family, the California branch…”

When Locke came to the meeting room, everyone else was already there. They didn’t change their clothes. They were still in formal clothes, but they didn’t wear hats. The atmosphere looked a little serious.

As soon as he came in, everyone stood up and applauded to greet him, which made him confused.

Harry Sanam looked at the medal on Locke’s chest and exclaimed: “Locke, this is the first time I have seen a living Medal of Courage winner. I am honored to have a teammate like you!”

Jack Talbot punched him on the arm, “Bro, I am convinced by you!”

“Locke, I will take you as my role model!”

“Locke, you are so cool!”


Raven Tate, Brian Smith, and Skye Spears also congratulated Locke one after another.

Miss Spears gave Locke a hug directly, but soon let go, and she was very measured.

Even so, Locke still felt the enchantment of her figure.

When Locke walked to Madeline Hill, she extended her hand to Locke formally, “Locke, congratulations!”

“Thank you, but I’ll be embarrassed if you do this again…”

Locke humbly thanked everyone, “Okay, I know what to do, Miss Spears, help us choose a good restaurant! When this case is over, let’s celebrate…”

“Yeah, Locke, you are the boss!”


“Skye, I want to eat Providence, just book here…”

“OK, can we continue the meeting!”

Madeline Hill motioned everyone to sit down, and she handed the information in her hand to everyone, “The inspection report of Bell Gardens is out. Like George Green Villa, the scene is very clean, so clean that it doesn’t look like a crime scene. We have reason to suspect that the two suspects are not ordinary housekeeping cleaners, they are likely professionals…”

Locke’s eyes flashed, he actually concluded that the two suspects were in the same business, otherwise the scene would not be so clean.

It was just that the body in George Green Villa disturbed him before.

Harry Sumner flipped through the report, “The one who can make liquid bombs out of cleaning supplies is definitely not an ordinary housekeeping cleaner…”

Jack Talbot wondered, “Didn’t they say that the two victims of the explosion may have nothing to do with the rape and murder case?”

“This is just a possibility!”

Harry Sumner glanced at his partner speechlessly, “But before there is solid evidence, why should we create interference for ourselves!”

Locke also asked his question, “Have you found the owner information of the white Ford Transit with the license plate number 8KQL686?”

Madeline Hill shook her head and said, “The license plate number was not found in the system. This is an illegal car…”

It means that the original owner is also an illegal household.

Harry Sumner cursed directly, “Fuck, this is why I oppose illegal immigration!”

Illegal immigrants like to drive illegal cars, it’s cheap, and they can’t be traced to him if something happens.

Shit, thisThe case really can’t be investigated!

Locke put himself in the shoes of the murderer, and the scenes of George Gray Villa and Bell Gardens flashed through his mind. If it were him, he could indeed do this, and there would be no trace of him at the scene.

Although Roca’s law says that wherever there is contact, there will be traces.

But what if all the places that have been touched are cleaned with chemicals?

Locke asked again: “Has the FBI autopsy report come out?”

Madeline Hill replied: “I haven’t asked yet, I will send a letter later…”

Locke immediately took out his mobile phone and called Black Stewed Egg.

Seeing this scene, Madeline Hill’s eyes were a little helpless. She looked over Locke and asked Brian Smith: “Is there any response from the Morelia City Police Department in Mexico?”

They have sent a letter of assistance in the investigation, hoping that the Morelia City Police Department can provide copies of the files of the 13 rape and murder cases.

Brian Smith shook his head and replied, “No, I read the email this morning!” Harry Sumner asked, “How is it? Do we need to go to Mexico to learn about the past of these two murderers?” At this time, Locke ended the call. Hunter Morris was very busy, so he hung up after chatting for a few words. He said, “The FBI said that the autopsies of the two victims of the bombing have not been completed, but it was found that the two victims had no fingerprints. The autopsy confirmed that the two were homosexuals…” “They arranged a special plane to send agents to Morelia, Mexico last night to investigate the 13 rape and murder cases…” “They analyzed the residues at the bombing scene and found that most of the components were common chemical cleaning products, non-aqueous organic solvents, acid-base cleaning agents, surfactants, ionizing chelating agents, etc….” There are no fingerprints, so they are indeed professionals! Homosexual! The explosives are all chemical cleaning products, which means that the two murderers did rob a housekeeping cleaning staff’s car, not terrorists, otherwise the explosive residues should be C4. Madeline Hill stood up immediately and said excitedly, “So our previous reasoning is correct. The two victims of the explosion are the murderers of the two rape and murder cases!” Locke’s eyes moved away from Madeline Hill’s violently shaking chest and asked seriously, “Captain, do we need to continue this case?”

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