Eldo Madrid quickly regained his composure, shook his head and said, “Sorry, I haven’t heard of it…”

Locke stared at Eldo Madrid in a daze, cursing in his heart, don’t you know with this expression?

He originally wanted to give it a try, knowing that Mexicans like to stick together and have their own circles, but he didn’t expect it to be a pleasant surprise!

All kinds of torture methods flashed through Locke’s mind, but they sank into the depths of his mind in an instant. He is now LAPD and has to follow procedures and laws.

He can understand these illegal immigrants who are pursuing the American dream. Before getting a green card, they dare not take any risks.

Especially Eldo Madrid, who wants to immigrate with his whole family.

In his impression, Eldo Madrid is a steady and honest person.

Fortunately, he has been mentally prepared, and he is ready to lure.

Locke said again: “Eldo, are you interested in being my informant? Uh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the detective of the LAPD Detective Bureau. I know you are applying for a green card. If you become my informant, I will help you to greet the Immigration Bureau and relax the review of you…”

“If you encounter any trouble, you can also tell me, I will provide you with protection…”

“In fact, informants are not dangerous. I will hide your identity and will not let you do anything dangerous. You just need to tell me the information you know. It will not affect your normal work. For you, it is equivalent to an extra part-time job…”

“Every time you provide information, you will get a considerable income. Of course, the informant fee is linked to the quality of the information…”

Eldo Madridio was silent for more than ten seconds, and his face full of worldly wisdom was changing. Finally, he looked up at Locke and asked in a trembling voice: “How much is the informant fee this time?”

It seems that money is the most useful!

Locke replied: “There should be many people who know this information, so this time the informant fee is only 1,000 US dollars…”

Eldo Madrid said immediately: “Garcia is missing. His family in Mexico has not been able to contact him for three days. His friends have asked us…”

He hesitated for a moment, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, “Yesterday… The car that exploded yesterday belonged to Garcia, a white Ford Transit. I remember the license plate number. Garcia has been using that license plate number recently. Garcia is unlikely to cause an explosion. He also wants to bring his family to Los Angeles…”

Fuck, it’s the owner’s information of the white Ford Transit!

This is really a pleasant surprise!

Locke’s face was calm, “What’s Garcia’s full name? Where does he live?”

“Garcia Arteaga…”

“He lives at 46 Lennox De Fury Street…”


Locke asked Eldo Madridio to write down Garcia’s name and address, and then asked, “Do you know if there are other housekeeping cleaners missing?”

The two scavengers fled from Mexico to Los Angeles. At the beginning, they should have followed someone. They are probably housekeeping cleaners. After all, this is the job they are good at.

Eldo Madridio thought for a while and shook his head: “Except Garcia, I haven’t heard of anyone else missing…”

Locke asked again: “Does Garcia Arteaga take orders alone like you?”

Eldo Madridio nodded and said, “Yes, we are not affiliated with a housekeeping company. The commission of the housekeeping company is too high…”

Locke asked a few more questions, but Eldo Madridio didn’t know, so he counted out 1,000 US dollars to him.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Eldo Madridio took the money but did not get out of the car immediately. Instead, he said solemnly, “Inspector, the reason why I agreed to be your informant is not because of the money, but because I believe in you!”

Locke extended his hand to Eldo Madridio and said seriously, “You have my word!”

Eldo Madridio held his hand and said, “No need to say hello to the immigration office. I don’t want to expose my information!”


Locke agreed immediately and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that this guy is really a coward!

However, the more cowardly a person is, the tighter his mouth is, and the more reliable he is.

After Eldo Madridio left, Locke opened Google Maps and looked at Lennox’s location.

Lennox is close to Los Angeles International Airport and is not on the line of George Green, Bell Gardens, and Long Beach, so he suspected that Garcia Arteaga was not killed at home, but was killed while working.


And the location where he worked was most likely between George Green and Bell Gardens. Two perverts killed him, robbed his car, and then committed the Bell Gardens rape and murder case.

This means that Sia Arteaga’s body may still be lying in a villa.Locke immediately called Hunter Morris. It seemed that this guy would owe him another favor.

As soon as the call was connected, he said frivolously: “Detective Hunter, I got a piece of information from an informant about yesterday’s explosion. The owner’s information, uh, what…”

Five minutes later, Locke hung up the phone and couldn’t help laughing. It seemed that he underestimated the FBI.

On the phone, Black Egg told him that the FBI had found more video information about Ford Transit through the Los Angeles city surveillance system, and thus found the original owner Garcia Arteaga.

The FBI had also searched Garcia Arteaga’s house in Lennox, and found the villa where he worked before his death through the customer information list in the room. The villa was near Bell Gardens.

The body of Garcia Arteaga was found in the villa. Unlike the other two rape and murder cases, Garcia Arteaga’s clothes were intact and had not been violated.

It seems that the two perverts don’t fuck everyone. In the other two rape and murder cases, the victims were young men and women, which shows the aesthetic taste of the two murderers.

Garcia Arteaga was a 48-year-old Mexican manual worker.

Garcia Arteaga also died of nitrite poisoning. The scene was the same as the two rape and murder cases, with no other traces.

The FBI has sent photos and DNA information of the two deceased to Interpol in Mexico to obtain the identity information of the two deceased.

According to the internal speculation of the FBI, the two murderers should be professionals working for Mexican drug dealers, belonging to the cleaners or scavengers of the underground world.

Because they couldn’t restrain their perverted sexual fetish, they committed a series of crimes in Morelia, Mexico. Unexpectedly, the victims included the sons and daughters of congressmen and wealthy businessmen, which led to a reward, so they fled to Los Angeles.

Locke knew that the truth of this case should be like this, and the FBI deserves to be the FBI.

He admitted that he had always underestimated the FBI before, but if they were given some more time, they could still find out the truth.

For example, the Detective Bureau can find the original owner of the car, Garcia Arteaga, through city surveillance and then find his body.

However, in Mexico, the LAPD’s relationship and action are not as strong as the FBI.

Locke started the car and drove to Beverly Hills. Because Marian had to catch a plane, tonight’s dinner would be advanced.

His heart moved, and the panel flashed, but it did not refresh.

He was a little curious, wondering if the system would give him a reward for this case?

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