At the dining table, Locke and Jester were eating breakfast made by their aunt Lacey Locke.

In the past, Jester would drink a cup with breakfast, but due to his dignity, no one dared to say anything to him even though everyone knew it was a bad habit.

However, as he got older, the old man’s dignity gradually faded, and he was diagnosed with liver problems, so this hobby has been banned.

Now the farm is run by Uncle Henry and Aunt Lacey, and the old man can only listen and eat breakfast in silence, hoping to complete the task quickly.

Lacey Locke pretended not to see it, and while talking to Locke, she picked up all kinds of homemade meats on his plate, including bacon, German sausage, and fresh steak…

When Locke was a child on the farm, his aunt took care of him most of the time. In a way, he was the first child taken care of by Henry and Lacey.

“When you go back this time, go see Alice if you have time. I haven’t seen her for almost a month. This time I asked her to go back to the farm with you, but she told me that she had made an appointment with her classmates to go hiking in the Redwood Park. Classmates are more important than family…”

California Redwood Park

California Redwood Park

California Red Mountain Park

“I just talked to your mother on the phone. They have already set off. I will prepare lunch for noon. You have to help me. Just make the fried ribs you made last time…”

“By the way, Marian said that Anna Davis’ father Harry Thomas is also coming!”

“Ah! Old Thomas is coming to the farm!”

Locke was very surprised to hear the news and looked at his grandfather.

Jester also showed a surprised expression, but soon regained his composure and smiled: “It seems that I have to find my collection of cigars and red wine!”

Locke quickly realized that Harry Thomas was preparing to upgrade his relationship with the Locke family!

And the reason why he did this was nothing more than that his relationship with the Greenberg family had surfaced.

In addition, Marian was elected as a member of the California Bar Association and was preparing to establish her own law firm. Her status was rising. Of course, Harry Thomas’ personal visit should also be for the purpose of completely repairing the relationship. By the way, there is also the relationship between Jet and Marcy Davis. Locke’s mind flashed with this information, and he smiled at Jester: “Grandpa, did I tell you why Jet fought with others?” Without waiting for Jester to answer, Lacey Locke exclaimed: “What? Jet actually fought with others, Jesus, this is incredible! How is it? Did he lose or win? Was he seriously injured?” Locke smiled proudly: “Although he didn’t win, he didn’t lose either. The opponent is taller and stronger than him, but the wounds on his face are no less than his. You will see the wounds on his face later!” Lacey Locke waved his fist, shouted twice, and then laughed: “If I’m not mistaken, Jet should fight for a girl this time!” “Bingo !”

Locke nodded: “That girl is Marcy Davis, she is Anna Davis’ daughter, and Harry Thomas’ granddaughter. She will come this time too. You should check on Jet when the time comes…”

“Wow, then I have to see what the girl who made Jet awaken the blood of the Locke family looks like!”

Lacey Locke looked expectant, but then said: “But I am more looking forward to seeing Miss Greenberg…”

Locke’s heart moved, why not just let Daisy Greenberg come once, when he was about to make a phone call, the sound of horse hooves came outside the villa.

The three of them turned their heads and looked over, only to see a cowboy dismounting and walking towards the house.

The cowboy knocked on the open door, then took off his hat and walked into the house, but stopped at the door.

Jester asked first: “Bill, what happened?”

Like Matthew, Bill is also the second generation of cowboys on Locke Farm. Although he has started a family, his family still works on the farm.

Usually, only they can come to the villa.

The cowboys on the farm are also divided into different levels, including families, permanent workers, and temporary workers.

Although the villa where the Locke family lives is located inside the farm, it has a clear boundary with the farm workers. Cowboys or workers are not allowed to enter the villa without invitation.

Bill replied respectfully: “There was a murder at Leeds Farm, Henry wants Locke to go and see it together…”

Lacey Locke exclaimed: “OMG, are Grace and Lilith okay?”

Bill replied: “The dead cowboy, Farmer Grace and Miss Lilith should be fine…”

Lacey Locke was immediately relieved, “That’s good!”

Jester handed his Smith & Wesson M686 revolver to Locke, “Then go and see it!”

Since we are goingAt the crime scene, you have to bring a gun.

“Aunt, I’ll come back as soon as possible to make lunch for you…”

Locke took the gun belt and tied it around his waist, followed Bill out, then started his F150 Raptor and followed Bill’s horse to meet Henry Locke.

Henry had been waiting for Locke for a long time. As soon as the F150 Raptor arrived, he opened the car door and got in. While fastening his seat belt, he complained: “I really can’t do the job of sheriff, Locke, why don’t you come back and help me, uh, forget it, just ignore what I said…”

According to the previous agreement, William Horton is handing over the job of sheriff of the Lebec Livestock Association to Henry.

Because Lebec has a very small population, there is no special police station.

Whether it is a case related to livestock, a civil case or a criminal case, it will be handled by the livestock police (Livestock agent) of the Livestock Association.

However, most criminal cases are usually handed over directly to the FBI.

Soon two pickups left Locke Farm. In addition to Locke’s F150 Raptor, Matthew followed in a Chevrolet Silverado.

In addition to full-time livestock police, most of the police are cowboys from the Lebec Farm, so Matthew and Bill are also livestock police.

An hour later, Locke and his team arrived at Leeds Farm, where livestock police were already guarding the scene.

Locke had just stopped the car when Andy, a livestock policeman he had met once before, came to meet him. He was also one of the family sons of Locke Farm, but he had left the farm.

A thought flashed through Locke’s mind. Could it be that Jester had been planning to control the livestock police for a long time, otherwise he would not have inserted Andy so early.

“Hi Henry…”



“Wow, Master Locke, you are here too, Andy says hello to you!”

The last time he cleared out the illegal leaf planting base, Locke was considered a god in one battle, and became famous in Lebec. As soon as he got off the car, he immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

While Andy led everyone to the location of the body, he introduced the situation to Henry, “Sheriff Horton is busy and can’t come. He asked you to take full responsibility. If you can’t handle it, just notify the FBI…”

Henry looked solemn. Although he had a good relationship with William Horton, he still realized that this case was a show of strength from William Horton.

The implication was to tell him that this sheriff was not so easy to be.

It was obvious that the Horton family did not want to give up this authority. Without the armed force of the livestock police, old Horton’s position as the chairman of the livestock association would be one arm less.

It was easy to hand the case over to the FBI, but he couldn’t do nothing.

Otherwise, how could the farmers support him.

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