Grace Liz said in a lost voice: “Haven’t you seen the body yet?”

Lilith Liz graduated from New York University after all. She has seen the world and watched a lot of TV series. She quickly reacted and asked in a low voice: “The murderer has returned to the scene. Is the murderer among these cowboys?”

Grace Liz immediately glanced at the cowboys coldly and said in a deep voice: “Okay, very good, who is the murderer?”

Locke replied: “The two cowboys next to the stable on the right are the most suspicious. You can bring them here for questioning…”


Grace Liz immediately shouted to the cowboys who gathered together.

A middle-aged cowboy with a full beard came over immediately, “Miss Liz, what’s the matter?”

From the name, it can be seen that this cowboy is a surrogate son of the Liz family.

Grace Liz pointed directly at the two cowboys next to the stable, “Tie up those two guys…”

The two cowboys next to the stable looked very young and handsome. They stood on the periphery of the crowd and said something calmly.

Although they were chatting, they were always paying attention to Locke and the others. Grace Liz’s actions instantly alarmed them.

After a moment of shock, the two looked at each other, turned around and ran away.

The cowboy named Stephen immediately shouted: “Shit, catch these two sons of bitches…”

The cowboys immediately took action, and those who had horses directly jumped on their horses and chased after them.

Two legs naturally cannot outrun four legs. After a while, the two young cowboys were locked by the lasso and were brought back stumblingly.

Henry Locke came over with a confused look on his face and asked, “Grace, what happened?”

Grace Liz stared at him speechlessly and complained, “Henry, you are such a lucky guy. Locke has helped you find the murderer!”


Henry Locke was even more confused. He looked at Locke in disbelief, and then looked at the two cowboys who were brought over. He said in astonishment, “These two guys are the murderers? How did you find out?”

“It is very likely, micro-expression analysis…”

Locke just thought that these two cowboys were the most suspicious before, but the two ran away like frightened birds, so it was nine out of ten.

Seeing that everyone was walking towards the two suspects, Locke walked towards the body instead. He just found that these two people were the most suspicious through micro-expression analysis, and needed more evidence to improve his reasoning.

Lilith Liz followed him and exclaimed: “You can actually find out that they are the murderers through micro-expressions. Is micro-expression analysis really that powerful?”

Locke turned his head and glanced at her, and then his attention was attracted by the corpse in front of him. He replied casually: “Most people can’t really act as if nothing happened after killing someone, no matter how they build up their mentality. Although their expressions are very calm, they reveal a lot of information in my eyes…”

The corpse is a male cowboy in his thirties, with a beard, a face full of flesh, and a face that looks a bit hideous.

The collar of his clothes is dirty, his jeans have been washed white, and his boots on his feet are also broken. This is a typical low-level cowboy.

Most people are misled by the aesthetic image of cowboys in movies. In fact, cowboys are low-level workers on the farm, responsible for herding cattle, shoveling cow dung, cleaning stables…

The corpse exudes the unique stench of corpses.

Locke’s eyes slid from the corpse’s face to his neck, and then stopped at his jeans.

The jeans of the corpse were unbuttoned, revealing the yellowed underwear inside…

The animal husbandry police have no forensic doctors, only veterinarians.

At this moment, the veterinarian was taking photos of the corpse. All they could do was take as many photos of the corpse and the scene as possible. The rest needed to be handed over to the forensic agency.

Locke borrowed two pairs of latex gloves from the veterinarian. After putting on the gloves, he turned over the eyes of the corpse and found that the pupils were dilated and the conjunctiva of the eyes would bleed due to the rupture of capillaries.

He opened the neck of the corpse again and found obvious purple marks on the Adam’s apple…

He basically determined the cause of death. The deceased died of mechanical asphyxiation.

The deceased should have been strangled to death by someone’s arm from behind.

There were also traces of struggle and friction on the ground, as well as traces of heels kicking the ground.

An adult wants to strangle another adult with bare hands. Anyone who has tried it knows how difficult it is!

Locke looked at the hands of the corpse again, and indeed found some skin tissue in the gaps between the black nails.

However, the hands of the deceased were twisted, not relaxed after suffocation, which means that there was an external force suppressing the hands. The deceased was struggling desperately at the time, and the murderer was not just one person.

Uh, what is this?

Locke also found traces of secretions on the buttocks of the jeans of the corpse.He was stunned for a moment.

what the fuck ?

Combined with the corpse’s pants being unbuttoned, an idea flashed through his mind, could it be that the murderer wanted to anally fuck him?

Damn, no way!

This is too heavy!

Locke turned his head to look at the two young and handsome cowboys who had been hung up, and immediately rejected this disgusting idea.

It would be more reasonable for the deceased to want to anally fuck them!

Locke got up and turned around. This stable was very remote, a full kilometer away from the cowboy’s dormitory. It was indeed a good place for a date.

He looked at the footprints on the ground again, all of which were cowboy boots, but he quickly found two footprints with obviously different standing postures from the messy footprints.

He followed the footprints to the corner of the stable, and indeed found two pairs of footprints here.

The standing postures of the two pairs of footprints were open, about 0.5 meters, one in front and one behind, looking like four-legged beasts.

Locke stared at the footprints on the ground and looked at the two young cowboys who were hung up again, so, this pair is Brokeback Mountain?

Brokeback Mountain

He immediately deduced the course of the crime. It should be that the Brokeback Mountain couple came here for a tryst and were discovered by the deceased.

The deceased should have threatened them with their homosexuality. From Grace Liz’s attitude, it can be seen that Brokeback Mountain is not allowed in the conservative farm.

Well, the deceased may have been infected by their homosexuality and wanted to have sex, so the deceased’s pants were probably taken off by himself.

Most lovers who truly love each other cannot bear such humiliation in front of others.

So the Brokeback Mountain couple killed the deceased, one strangled the deceased’s neck from behind, and the other held the deceased’s hand to prevent him from struggling.

The reason why there were traces of secretions on the deceased’s jeans should be that the murderer had not pulled up his pants at the time…

Locke took off his gloves and prepared to tell his uncle and Grace Liz about the case he had sorted out.

Lilith Liz had been following Locke’s steps and had been quiet without disturbing him. When she saw him take off his gloves, she asked, “Detective, have you solved the case?”


Locke nodded and walked towards his uncle.

For him, this case was a dimensionality reduction attack, and it was not difficult at all.

The traces at the scene were too rich, and the murderer was also limited to a specific group of people.

The murderer was still a novice, killing for the first time…

Lilith Liz frowned and stared at Locke’s back. She clearly felt Locke’s indifference.

She subconsciously looked down at her towering chest and straight and slender long legs.

She was a model who almost signed a contract with Victoria’s Secret!

But Locke’s eyes stayed on the disgusting corpse for much longer than on her.

The cowboys on the farm usually looked very obscure, but she still felt that those eyes wanted to dissect her naked.

Uh, she knew, he was gay!

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