On the map of the early warning card, the directions of 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock were full of red exclamation marks, densely packed.

Locke’s scalp instantly numbed, and his adrenaline surged at the same time. His first reaction was to unbuckle his seat belt, then slide down, and glance at both sides.

Seven or eight gunmen emerged from the ditches on both sides of the road, all holding automatic rifles, staring at the F150 Raptor with a cold face, ready to shoot.


Locke stepped on the foot gas to the bottom, and the F150 Raptor suddenly soared up, and the engine seemed to sense the danger and roared violently.

Although the V8 engine instantly exerted its power to the extreme, it was still faster than the speed of the rifle bullet.




The bullets hit the car body and glass like a rainstorm, and the bulletproof glass was hit by the dense impact and turned white instantly.

Locke’s face was calm, and he didn’t even blink. Because of the experience of the previous F150 Raptor, Victor Mendes directly upgraded the bulletproof technology of this Raptor, and the bulletproof effect of this car was stronger than that one.

So even if it was attacked by more than a dozen automatic rifles, the bullets still did not penetrate the car body and bulletproof glass.

His brother-in-law saved his life again.

Feeling the vibration of the bullets hitting the car, Locke’s murderous intent boiled, and his brain CPU was spinning wildly.

Who are these gunmen?

His first reaction was “doctor”, but he denied it in an instant.

Could it be Peter Turner?

Seeing that the F150 Raptor was about to run away, the gunmen did not give up, chasing to the road, and continued to arrogantly shoot at the F150 Raptor.

Just as Locke was concentrating on the position of the gunmen on the map, a white F150 with a bumper in the left lane in front suddenly changed lanes and accelerated towards Locke.

Damn, front and back attack!

No wonder the gunman didn’t give up, it turned out that there was an obstacle in front.

Looking at the aggressive white F150, Locke smiled coldly, and a HK416 appeared in his hand instantly. He wanted to lower the passenger window, but the door and bulletproof glass were damaged, so he could only lower it 5 cm.


Locke drifted suddenly, and the F150 Raptor instantly turned sideways. He inserted the HK416 into the window gap and fired at the windshield of the white F150.

Fortunately, the white 150 was not bulletproof glass. The bullet instantly penetrated the windshield and hit the driver, and the body trembled.

Locke easily avoided the out-of-control vehicle. After killing the obstacle, he opened the sunroof and rushed towards the group of gunmen.

Killed a surprise attack.

The gunmen thought Locke would escape, but they didn’t expect him to come back. At first, he continued to shoot at the F150 Raptor, and the windshield was instantly smashed into a white piece.

However, seeing the Raptor getting closer and closer, he was so scared that he dodged to both sides of the road, and his hands slowed down.

It’s my turn!

Locke immediately seized the opportunity, extended the HK416 out of the sunroof, and fired fiercely at the front.

A large number of gunmen fell down immediately, and others fled to both sides of the road.

Locke naturally would not give them a chance, and stepped on the accelerator again, and at the same time, he turned the steering wheel to death with one hand.

Woo woo woo…

The F150 Raptor immediately turned around quickly on the spot, and Locke pulled the trigger at the same time, and bullets shot out of the HK416 like flowers scattered by the sky.

The gunmen who didn’t have time to run far were hit by the car, and they were knocked out like broken bags.

The fleeing gunmen fell to the ground again like harvested corn.

Locke quickly changed the magazine of the HK416, opened the car door, and got out of the car with a calm face. Seeing the gunmen who were not dead on the ground, he shot them immediately.





A gunman had just hidden in the ditch, avoiding the previous strafing. He wanted to take advantage of Locke’s inattention to attack him, but he was shot in the head as soon as he stood up.

The road suddenly became dead silent, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, blood, and brain matter.

Only the last gunman was left!

Locke calmly looked at the gunman who got off the green Nissan Titan with a gun. The gunman was holding an m4a1 in his hand. He was frightened by the scene in front of him and stared at Locke with fear on his face, not daring to shoot.

This gunman was specially left alive by Locke.

From the time Locke was attacked to the time he killed the white F150 blocking the road in front of him and turned around to kill all the gunmen, it took no more than 2 minutes.

The green Nissan Titan had been hanging behind Locke’s F150 Raptor before, and he didn’t have time to participate in the first wave of attacks.

He felt that this was a one-sided massacre, and it would be the same with or without him, but when he parked the car and got out with his gun, he found that the battle was over.

They were massacred…


Locke stepped over the bodies on the road,He walked towards the gunman in cowboy outfit calmly. The bodies on the ground were also in cowboy outfits.

It seems that his previous guess was wrong. The person who wanted to kill him should be from Lebec.

Inchuis listened.

Who could it be?

The face of Chester Horton flashed in his mind. Could it be this old guy?

Because Henry took William Horton’s position as the chief of livestock sheriff…

Seeing Locke getting closer and closer, the gunman became more and more afraid. He suddenly turned sideways and raised the gun in his hand to shoot Locke…


Locke fired two shots casually. The M4A1 in the gunman’s hand fell to the ground. He wailed in pain and turned around and ran back.


Two more shots, the bullets hit the gunman’s legs accurately, and the gunman staggered and fell to the ground, as if he was knocked away by something.

Although his limbs were shot, the gunman did not give up. He still crawled forward desperately, as if he was escaping from something, and the ground was dragged with blood.

Suddenly, a hot gun barrel pressed against the back of his head, and the gunman froze instantly, but his body trembled uncontrollably.

Locke asked curiously: “Who are you?”

The gunman replied without hesitation: “Jonathan Hubble…”

The truth!!!

Locke was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of who he was, it was him!

“Thank you!”


Locke frowned and stared at the body on the ground. There has never been any conflict between Locke Farm and Hubble Farm.

Isn’t Chester Horton the biggest enemy of the Hubble family?

Uh, he thought of it!

No wonder they call Jonathan Hubble a little fox!

This guy wants to take the opportunity to muddy the water!

This time, the Locke family has violated Chester Horton’s interests. If something happens to him, the Horton family will be the most suspected.

It’s a very simple plan!

Locke walked to his car with an uncertain expression, and soon he made a decision and grinned.

Since the other party wanted to play the game under the card table, he would play with him, which was exactly what he was good at.

Locke took out his mobile phone and called his uncle Henry.

After the call was connected, he said directly: “Uncle, I was attacked just now, and it has been resolved. Don’t notify the farm yet. There are guests coming to the farm. I don’t want this matter to affect everyone’s mood. Please ask Aunt Grace to help deal with the body…”

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