The Locke Farm was peaceful and tranquil at the moment.

Under a huge oak tree not far from the villa, the outdoor chairs were full of people.

This place was where the Locke family usually had outdoor dinners. Because of the shade of the oak tree, it was cool and comfortable even on sunny days, and the view was excellent, with the entire Locke Farm in sight.

The table was filled with food prepared by Lacey Locke, various meats, nuts, fruits, vegetable salads, and various wines and drinks.

Jester Locke accompanied Harry Thomas to smoke his treasured cigars. Although they met for the first time, they were both old and experienced, so they naturally had no shortage of topics.

Jester Locke was telling Harry Thomas about the difficult history of the Locke family’s migration from Texas to Lebec, and Harry Thomas listened attentively.

Next to them, Li Bo and Glenn were chatting with Jeff Davis about the National Football League (NFL).

As the largest sport in the United States, it has countless fans, and the three are all football fans.

They each published the record of the NFC (National Football Conference) team, arguing about which team will compete with the AFC (American Football Conference) for the Super Bowl.

Although the Los Angeles Rams have a good record this year, they have little chance of entering the finals.

Jeff Davis said regretfully: “If Locke had not fallen behind in college, he should have joined the Rams…”

Li Bo said with relief: “His physique is not as good as that of black people after all, and his talent is also a little worse!”

In addition to football, the three of them have another common hobby, which is golf. They have agreed to go to the country club in Los Angeles for a date.

Compared with the men’s chat, Marian and Anna Davis’ chat is more unrestrained, and they laugh from time to time.

Lacey Locke did not join their conversation because she had to prepare Chinese food for everyone.

In the horse farm below, Jet was riding with Marcy Davis, and there was a cowgirl standing by not far away.

The two were riding on horseback, talking and laughing, and their relationship was much more harmonious than before.

On the grass not far from the oak tree, Hannah, the eldest sister, was leading Olivia, Evelyn, and Virgil to chase and play. The laughter came from time to time, causing the adults to stop talking and look over.

Anna Davis retracted her gaze from the horse farm and sighed, “I always thought that Jet was a quiet and introverted boy. I didn’t expect that he would quietly deceive my heart…”

Marianne looked at the horse farm and smiled, “I didn’t expect that Marcy would walk with Jet. After all, she has been more mature and rational than her peers since she was a child. She is a girl with a strong opinion! She should like white people of the same type as her. Were you like this when you were young?”

“I couldn’t compare to her at that time…”

Anna Davis shrugged. Having a daughter who is too precocious and has her own opinions has always been a happy trouble.

She hesitated for a moment and confessed her concerns to her bestie, “Actually, I’m a little worried that Jet will be hurt…”

Marianne looked calm, “This is what every man has to go through. Locke’s first love was dumped by a girl, and then he completely indulged himself…”

Anna Davis heard such gossip for the first time and exclaimed, “Jesus, there was actually a girl who abandoned him. I can’t imagine this. No wonder he became like that later. It turned out that he was hurt…”

Marianne added, “It’s not entirely because of this, but fortunately he finally matured…”

Anna Davis rolled her eyes in her heart. Is playing two women mature?

She asked, “Why hasn’t Locke come back yet? What case is it?”

Marianne picked up the phone, “Let me ask…”

The helicopter landed near the big oak tree. Locke bent down and jumped off the plane with his luggage bag. He turned around and waved to the helicopter pilot, then quickly left the helicopter’s range.

He walked straight towards the crowd, and when he was about to get close, he put down the bag in his hand and said with a smile: “Hi, sorry for the late. Mr. Thomas, welcome to the farm!”

“Welcome, Jeff, Anna…”

Harry Thomas smiled and said: “Our Los Angeles detective is finally back!”

Jeff Davis raised his fist to Locke, “Locke, I heard that your Chinese food is very good!”

Locke raised his fist and bumped it with him, “Arrange it!”

Anna DavisWeiss asked curiously: “How is the case handled?”

Locke spread his hands and said: “You didn’t even look at who was responsible? Of course it was broken. I found out the murderer without even looking at the body…”

Marian got angry when she saw Locke acting like this. She didn’t even look at who was here. How could she be so frivolous!

Glenn Locke asked curiously: “What case is it? Murders rarely happen in Lebec…”

Locke said perfunctorily: “It’s just an ordinary murder case!”

Jester Locke looked Locke up and down, the coldness in his eyes flashed across, and he smiled and said: “You just went to the scene, you go and wash up before you come back. By the way, you can come over to my study and check me in later.” Bring that box of Gaubas cigars…”


Locke said hello to everyone again and walked towards the villa with his duffel bag.

Judging from everyone’s expressions and reactions, it seemed that only Jester knew about the attack on him, but Harry Thomas seemed to have discovered something as well.

Jester Locke watched Locke leave with a smile on his face. Suddenly, his expression froze and he shouted: “No, I have a lot of treasures in my study. I’d better go there in person! Harry, excuse me, that box of cigars was bought from an auction. It’s a gift that Castro gave to Argentina’s special envoy Bonasso. You must savor it later!”

Harry Thomas laughed loudly: “My boy has done a lot of harm to me. I’m looking forward to this box of cigars!”

He looked thoughtfully at Jester Locke’s leaving figure. He smelled the smell of gunpowder and blood on Locke’s body. It seemed that this time he came at the wrong time!

Marian also looked at Jester’s back in confusion and raised her eyebrows. Just in time to see her brother Glenn giving her a questioning look, she shook her head.

When Locke saw his grandfather coming from behind, he took the initiative to stop and wait for him. As soon as Jester Locke came up, he asked, “Who is he from?”

Locke replied: “Jonathan Hubble!”

Jester Locke was startled for a moment and said coldly: “As expected of Old Hubble’s son, he has been dormant for so many years and finally can’t bear it anymore!”

Locke confessed to Jester that he pushed the gunman to a Mexican drug dealer, and then said calmly: “I want to go to Hubble Ranch tonight…”

Jester Locke’s expression condensed, “You should have imagined that Hubble Farm will be heavily guarded tonight…”

Locke said confidently: “I can get in!”


Jester Locke wanted to say something else, but his cell phone rang. He stared at it for two seconds and answered the call, “Chaster…”

Chester Horton said in a cold voice: “Jester, Locke’s attack has nothing to do with the Horton family!”

Jester Locke paused and replied, “I know!”

Chester Horton added: “William was also attacked just now…”

Jester Locke’s hair stood on end for a moment, and he understood Jonathan Hubble’s conspiracy.

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