Mercedes-Benz repair shop.

The repairman was checking the damage to the car. The passenger window was broken, but because of the privacy film, the glass did not break and scatter, but was still hanging on the window.

The repairman confirmed that he only needed to replace the window glass and re-apply the privacy film, and told Locke that he could pick up the car tomorrow morning.

After Locke signed the handover form, he took another look at the broken glass hanging on the window and felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, Marian only applied the privacy film. If she had replaced the bulletproof glass like his F150-Raptor, Nathan would be in danger today.

After leaving the Mercedes-Benz repair shop, Locke called an Uber. Marian called him before and forced him to go home tonight.

When Locke returned to his home in Beverly Hills, Marian came to meet him as soon as he entered the door. Seeing that he was really safe and sound, she gave him a hug.

Locke stiffened and said embarrassedly: “Sorry, Marian, I broke your car…”

Maryan hugged Locke tightly, “Silly, I’m glad you’re okay!”

Maryan let go of Locke and made way. Locke immediately saw Jet and Hannah looking at him with concern.

He forced a smile, “Sorry, I made you worry! I’m fine, thank you!”

Jet didn’t seem to want Locke to think he cared about him. His face froze and instantly turned cold. He subconsciously wanted to say something.

But seeing Marian staring at him, he shrugged and said, “I heard that you used your bravery to save your colleague today, cool!”

Hannah asked directly, “Locke, how did you feel when you killed someone this time? Will your personality continue to change?”

“Shut up! Hannah Lee!”

Maryan yelled unhappily and said in a deep voice, “OK, this matter ends here, no more talk, eat first…”


“Locke, can I come in?”

“Come in, Marian…”

Locke was searching for information about the Copernicus organization on the Internet, and he turned his chair to look at the door.

Marian pushed the door open and walked in, holding a cell phone in her hand, “Locke, your father wants to talk to you, I turned on the speaker…”

Locke took the phone, put it in front of him, and shouted: “Hi, Todd…”

Li Bo’s voice came from the phone, “Hi, Marian has told me everything, I’m sorry I can’t go back to accompany you the first time, how do you feel now? I only mean your mental state…”

Locke said calmly: “Fine, I’m saving people, so I don’t feel guilty this time, but I will still see the police psychologist tomorrow…”

Li Bo continued: “That’s good, if you have any questions, be sure to tell your mother or me in time, we are family, we will always support you.”

“Locke, I heard about your heroic behavior today, I am proud of you…”

“Thank you, Todd!”

Locke’s expression was a little moved. As far as he could remember, this was the first time Li Bo said this to him.

Marian crossed her hands in front of her chest, listening to the first warm conversation between the father and son with a smile on her face, and was very moved.

She interrupted, “Don’t worry, dear, he really looks fine, let’s move on to the next topic…” Li Bo said, “Ok, Please!” Marian stared at Locke with a scrutinizing look, “Anna mentioned today that you rejected the transfer application from the Detective Bureau. She thinks this is a rare opportunity. She said that Captain Tom Williams is the detective with the highest crime-solving rate in the LAPD. Your joining his team will be very helpful to your resume. But she said that your attitude is very firm, so I didn’t call you to interfere with your decision.” “Since you insist on being in the LAPD, your father and I will naturally support you. Now, can you tell us what you think?” Locke was startled and realized that this was a family meeting about his career planning. Obviously, his unconventional actions today made Marian and Li Bo feel it necessary to intervene in his career planning. Locke sat up subconsciously and told Tom Williams about the two times he monitored him. He confessed, “I know he is very powerful, but I don’t like him. He is too self-centered and neurotic. It is not pleasant to work under him.” He said to the phone, “There is an old saying in China that it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. If I join Tom Williams’ team, I will only be overshadowed by his brilliance. But if I go to other teams, I believe I can also shine. I have confidence in myself. I am learning traceology, micro-expression analysis, criminal psychology, andLip reading, I have bought relevant books…”



After Locke finished speaking, Marian and Li Bo fell silent.

Maryan looked at Locke in surprise, “I didn’t expect you really like being a policeman…”

Li Bo asked curiously, “Where did you learn this Chinese sentence?”

Locke just said this sentence, specifically in Chinese, which shocked him, and he also said that we are Chinese, and the old father was almost moved to tears.

The next morning, Locke took Marian’s Mercedes-Benz S600 to the Mercedes-Benz repair shop to pick up the car.

On the way, Marian asked, “Locke, how is the G55?”

Locke naturally praised, “Very good, I like the appearance of this car, very cool, very powerful, and the chassis tuning is very tough, sorry, I may need to use it for a few days…”

Maryan nodded and said, “As long as you like it, then this car will be given to you as a gift for your joining LAPD…”

Locke turned his head and said in disbelief, “Maryan, are you serious? ”

Marianne’s G55 AMG, he remembered, cost about 170,000 US dollars, which is not a car worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Although the Locke family is also rich, they are not top-tier rich people and will not give their children too luxurious things.

Marianne nodded and said, “Of course, but I have a condition!”

Locke breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, “OK, you say…”

Marianne said, “I hope you will let me take care of the FBI reward. My father and I don’t want you to have such a large sum of money at your age. Don’t worry, we are just helping you manage your finances. When you need it, the principal and the income will be returned to you…”

Locke said indifferently, “OK, no problem!”

After deducting taxes, the reward for Harry Bellein should be only about 300,000 US dollars.

Marianne didn’t expect Locke to agree so easily, and she was a little surprised, “OK, you are here, I will prepare a transfer contract later, and you just need to sign it.”

Before getting off the car, Locke asked curiously, “Marianne, why do you suddenly want to give me a car? ”

Including the training time, he has been in LAPD for almost a year. He doesn’t believe it is a gift for joining LAPD.

Marianne hesitated and said, “Jennifer’s mother is the director of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. It would be too shabby for you to date her in an F150!”


Locke was stunned for a moment. He thought that Jennifer Grey’s family background should be extraordinary, but he didn’t expect it to be so awesome.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is one of the top three hospitals in the United States. The social status and connections of the director of such a hospital can be imagined.

He said indifferently, “Jennifer doesn’t care about this kind of thing at all…”

With the degree of attachment Jennifer Grey has to him, he has no problem riding a shared bicycle.

Marianne smiled and said, “I know, but this is also a kind of social etiquette…”

The United States does have the concept of family status.

Locke shrugged, pushed the door and got out of the car. When closing the door, he asked with concern, “Marianne, you have always liked off-road vehicles. You gave me the G55, so what will you do? ”

Marianne said calmly: “I will buy a replacement car. I have my eyes on a Rolls Royce Coolinan and have already reserved it. Okay, help me close the door, I have to go…”

Locke watched the S600 leave smoothly, and always felt that something was wrong.

Is this my biological mother?

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