The call was from Butler Buffy. Locke didn’t expect him to return the call so quickly. He smiled apologetically at everyone, “I’ll take a call!” After that, he stood up and walked to the side to answer the phone. On the other end of the phone, Butler Buffy said: “Susan Daly does have a relationship with the Ropesi family, but the relationship is not deep. Susan Daly’s sister Maria Daly married Roman Joseph of the Joseph family, and Roman Joseph’s cousin Kane Joseph married Nancy Ropesi’s third daughter Cecilia Ropesi. Through the Joseph family, she barely got connected with the Ropesi family…” It turns out that Susan Hubble’s original surname is Daly! “…” Locke was stunned for a moment before he connected this relationship, so Maria Daly and Cecilia Ropesi are not even sisters-in-law, but just cousins. Then Susan Daly’s relationship with the Ropesi family is even more distant. It seems that liking to pull relationships and pull tiger skins is a common problem among humans! He hurriedly said gratefully: “Thank you, Butler Buffy!”

Butler Buffy asked: “Can I know what happened?”

Locke hesitated and said: “I plan to discuss with Daisy and then see whether to seek help from the Greenberg family…”


Butler Buffy showed an interested tone, “It doesn’t matter, you can tell me first, Mr. Greenberg has been worrying about how to return your last gift!”

Locke was stunned for a moment, it seems that the billion US dollars in assets were not given away in vain, old Henry is still a particular person!

Aren’t Jews said to be stingy?

Since Butler Buffy said so, Locke told him about the attack yesterday, the death of Jonathan Hubble, and Susan Hubble’s escape to San Francisco after revenge on the Horton family.

He said in a deep voice: “Jonathan Hubble is dead. Susan Daly, as the current leader of the Hubble family, needs to give an explanation for the attack on me!”

Butler Buffy was surprised: “I didn’t expect the farms to be so chaotic!”

He asked: “What do you want to be explained?”

Locke said: “Susan Daly has said that she wants to sell the Hubble family’s farm in Lebec…”

Butler Buffy immediately said: “I understand. I will learn more information and tell you the answer later!”

“Thank you…”

After hanging up the phone, Locke couldn’t help but smile. With the intervention of the Greenberg family, the Locke family is definitely ahead of other farms in Lebec.

The fat piece of Hubble Farm should not be lost.

The land of Hubble Farm is mainly concentrated in Lebec. Because it was operated early in Lebec, the Hubble family occupied the best pastures and land in Lebec. The pastures have sufficient water resources and the land is not inferior to the plains of Bakersfield.

Hubble Farm owns more than 1,600 hectares (more than 4,000 acres) of land in Lebec, most of which are pastures. Although the area is not large, it is already the largest farm in Lebec.

According to the current land price in Lebec, the comprehensive land price of Hubble Farm is about 11,000-13,000 US dollars per acre, which can be acquired for about 40 million US dollars.

However, the most expensive thing about Hubble Farm is not the land, but the dairy cows and cash crops, houses and equipment that the farm already has. This is a mature farm that can make money continuously.

The farm has thousands of dairy cows, thousands of horses, more than 1,000 acres of orange orchards and apple orchards, and three legal leaf plantations. These assets are at least tens of millions of US dollars.

When Locke returned after the call, he found that everyone was discussing his last proposal to sue Troy High School for condoning racial discrimination.

Anna Davis had talked to Harry Thomas before and found that her father did not seem to support her idea, so she brought this matter up for public discussion.

This was the first time that Marian, Li Bo, and Glenn had heard of this.

Marian frowned and said, “Why haven’t you mentioned this before? Since it has been resolved, why do you want to make trouble for no reason? Do you know how complicated the relationship between the board members of Troy High School is?”

Locke glanced at Jett and Marcy Davis who were walking on the grass slope in the distance, and said indifferently, “I just think this is a good training opportunity for them, whether it is for Jett or Marcy. I heard that Hillary had participated in the local election activities in Maine when she was a sophomore in high school, which laid a solid foundation for her future political career…”

Anna Davis was stunned and said, “Locke, do you mean that you hope Jett and Marcy will go into politics in the future?”

Locke smiled and said, “Jett can’t, I just want him to grow up, but I think Marcy can, and I think there is no problem in becoming a youth opinion leader. Don’t you think she has a maturity andIs it wise? Maybe the Davis family will have a female president in the future! ”

Everyone was shocked by Locke’s promise.

Li Bo also showed an interested look and said with a smile: “If the goal is the White House, then it is indeed appropriate to participate in social activities at this time. Marcy will have a perfect resume, but should she join the Democratic Party or the Republican Party? ”

Locke saw his father’s excited expression and suddenly felt that Jester’s previous proposal might be feasible. Todd seemed to be very interested in politics.

He shrugged and said, “Dad, it depends on whether the olive branch thrown over there is more attractive…”

Anna Davis frowned slightly, a little offended. She didn’t expect Locke to have planned Marcy’s future path.

She glanced at Harry Thomas and then at Jeff Davis, and found that both of them showed a thoughtful look. She calmed down and began to further analyze the pros and cons of this matter.

She just felt that it was unnecessary before, and didn’t want her to be exposed in the spotlight and bear too much public pressure.

But if it is for Marcy’s future development, then participating in this matter seems to be no problem, and it can indeed make her more mature.

Marianne’s ability to observe words and expressions has long been perfect. She immediately realized that her best friend was unhappy, and said to Locke dissatisfiedly: “What are you talking about? Marcy will choose her own path!”

Locke said indifferently: “No matter what she does in the future, it will not harm her to experience more. We are not unable to cover it. Will she not go to college because of this? Participating in such anti-discrimination social activities is a plus for prestigious schools!” He picked up the red wine in front of him and shrugged again, “Of course, the final decision is made by you!” At this time, Harry Thomas spoke and said with a smile: “Why not call the two parties over to ask them what they think!” Soon the two were called over, and Anna Davis directly asked for their opinions. Jet thought of what Locke had said to him before, and looked at his girlfriend again, as if he had gained some kind of power. He said seriously: “I want more people to pay attention to racial discrimination on campus and prevent such things from happening again, so I want to stand up! ”

In front of everyone, Marcy Davis took Jeter’s hand and said with a smile: “I support Jeter’s decision and oppose racial discrimination. I hope more people will pay attention to discrimination on campus. I also oppose the behavior of objectifying and disrespecting women. We are who we are and do not belong to a certain group. Women have the freedom to make friends and we have our own decisions about our bodies…”

Tsk tsk, see, the theme is further sublimated.

Anti-discrimination, women’s rights, liberalism, this is the Democratic Party!

Locke’s eyes swept over Harry Thomas and the Davis couple, and saw that the three of them were shocked.

Obviously, none of them really understood Marcy Davis!

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