Jester’s study room didn’t have much space, and there wasn’t enough room. It was a bit crowded with so many people squeezed in at once, but everyone was very excited.

The Locke family settled down in Lebec and finally entered a new stage, becoming a real local tycoon.

Jester and Henry, father and son, both held power, and the family’s land area was about to expand. How could this not be exciting?

After Jester’s speech, Li Bo took over the conversation, holding the detailed information of the two farms in his hand, “The price of Meridian Farm is 14,500 US dollars per acre, 1,500 hectares is 3,700 acres, and the total price is 53.65 million US dollars. The main crops currently grown are grapes, tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, etc. The farm is distributed with 32 wells, various agricultural machinery, and a Bell 47 agricultural helicopter, but it has been twelve years. This is the detailed information of the farm…”

Bell 47 agricultural helicopter

“This is the information of Alvin Farm. The price of this farm is 12,800 US dollars per acre, 4065 Acres, the total price is 52 million US dollars. Because this farm is next to the Nevada Mountains, it has hills and is not a completely plain farm. The geographical location is not as good as the Meridian land. The farm grows grapes, walnuts, avocados, tomatoes, strawberries, and has a ranch, mainly raising dairy cows. In addition to basic equipment, it also has a Robinson R22 helicopter and a Bell 47 agricultural helicopter, both of which are relatively new, only 5 years old…” Robinson R22 It was the first time that Locke heard about the new farm. It sounded like Alvin’s land was more suitable for the Locke family, with ranches and grape plantations. After taking over, it would be easy to get started. Meridian’s farm is completely a planting farm, and the Locke family had not actually been involved in this field before. However, vegetable planting has a fast yield and high profit value. It sounds like both are possible! He turned his head to look at Marian, and immediately saw Marian and Li Bo whispering intimately. He didn’t know whether to be relieved or envious… They are so old, how can they still be so close in front of others? The study room has limited seats. In addition to Jester’s own big chair, there are only four seats.

Uncles Henry and Glenn sat on two, and Li Bo and Locke sat on the remaining two.

Aunt Lacey sat on the armrest of Uncle Henry’s chair, and Marian also sat on the armrest of Li Bo’s chair, and she also hugged Li Bo’s neck. The two of them were reading the information head to head.

Compared with Uncle Henry and Aunt Lacey who sat opposite them like top students, the intimacy between the two was a bit eye-catching.

Feeling Locke’s gaze, Marian felt a little embarrassed, sat up straight, and asked, “What’s wrong?” Locke asked, “Mum, do you want to sit in my seat?” Marian lifted her hair and shook her head, “No, I’ll sit next to your dad, don’t stare at me!” Glenn immediately joked, “I was just sighing that Sophia must regret not attending this family meeting!” He patted the armrest of his sofa, “But I regret it now. I shouldn’t support her to stay in Los Angeles, otherwise my hand guard would not be empty, hehehe…” Marian glared at him coldly, and Glenn immediately made a gesture to seal his mouth, but then he and Henry next to him tacitly bumped fists. The two brothers looked like they couldn’t help laughing, but because of Marian’s power, they wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh. When Jester saw this scene, the pressure of ascending to a high position suddenly eased inexplicably, and a warm smile appeared on his face. He also joked: “Okay, Todd and Marian’s good relationship is a blessing! Have you forgotten that when you were young, Mary always liked to sit on my lap and read fairy tales to you. Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, you have all started a family and Locke has grown up so much!”

Jester’s feelings instantly made the originally relaxed and cheerful atmosphere in the study disappear, and Marian’s three siblings also thought of their mother.

Li Bolei, Xi Locke and others also showed nostalgic expressions.


Jester shrugged and smiled with relief: “Okay, Mary would be very happy if she knew that you are all doing so well now. She has not left us, she is on the farm…”

“You will be the boss of the farm. Which of the two plots of land should we buy?”

“Henry, you go first!”

Henry immediately replied: “I think Alvin’s land is more suitable for us…”


“I think Henry is right!”

“Glenn, what about you?”

Glenn looked at his brother apologetically and said: “I prefer Meridian Farm. I think this farm can complement our Lebeck ranch, making our products more diversified and increasing the farm’s resistance to pollution.The ability to resist risks…”

Jester looked noncommittal and looked at Marian and Li Bo, “Todd, what about you?”

Maryan replied first: “Henry is managing the farm. He thinks Alvin’s land is more suitable, so let’s take Alvin’s land!”

Li Bo also echoed: “Well, professional matters should be left to professionals!”

Glenn was embarrassed when he heard what the two said. He hurried over and whispered to Henry to apologize, “Sorry…”

Henry punched him on the shoulder, “Actually, what you said makes sense!”

At this time, Jester also asked Locke’s opinion. Locke had just calculated the money. The cash and gold he handed in this time were 1.2, enough to buy both farms. Why choose!

He replied directly: “Why not buy both farms!”

Without waiting for Jester to answer, Marian replied: “Because we have to reserve enough money to buy Hubble Farm! ”

With the situation now developing, no one needs to ask, everyone knows why Jester wanted to save money before.

The Hubble family has always owned the best farm in Lebeck, and there is no farmer in Lebeck who is not envious.

Now Susan Hubble has announced that she will sell it, and any powerful farmer in Lebeck will definitely compete for it.

Glenn said worriedly: “I’m afraid that Susan Hubble will not sell it to us…”

Jester said firmly: “We must get the Hubble Farm. Although we already have a farm in Beskfield, Lebeck is our foundation. Grace will definitely participate in the competition this time. It seems that Depp Howard’s Wells Fargo Bank can no longer be counted on! ”

Li Bo also said: “I’m afraid that the banks in Beskfield can’t be counted on. It’s best for us to raise funds from other places…”

Marian said solemnly: “This time when I return to Los Angeles, I will talk to the bank…”


Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Locke consciously apologized first, “Sorry, there is one thing I haven’t told you yet. I have entrusted the Greenberg family to negotiate about the Hubble Farm…”

He said angrily: “Jonathan Hubble’s attack on me can’t be regarded as nothing just because he is dead. Since Susan Hubble inherited his estate, she should also bear the debt owed by Jonathan Hubble. Susan Hubble must compensate Jonathan Hubble for attacking me!”

Jester looked at Locke with an angry face, couldn’t help laughing, and his heart was relieved again.

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