The crime scene this time was Los Felice in the West Valley Area. When Locke and his team arrived, it had been blocked by patrolmen from the West Valley Division, and the forensic department and the medical examiner had also entered the scene.

Locke also saw an acquaintance among the patrolmen on duty, Tom Burton, the first-level police chief, who was the on-site commander.

Previously, the Smith family, a gangster organization in Fullerton, sent thugs to Mendes Repair Shop to cause trouble. Locke called the police at that time, and it was Tom Burton who handled the case.

“Hi, Superintendent Burton…”

“Hi, Locke… Detective, are you responsible for this case?”

Tom Burton’s eyes flashed with shock. The last time they met, Locke was still a patrolman, and not long after, he had become a detective.

If he knew that Locke was already a second-level detective and a detective, he would probably be even more shocked.

Because the rank of a second-level detective has exceeded Sergeant I (first-level police chief).

After Tom Burton exchanged a few words with everyone, he began to introduce the case. “The deceased was named Barbara, a white woman over 30 years old. She was sexually assaulted before her death and died from a blunt force trauma to the head. The deceased was a tenant of this apartment. Her room was on the fourth floor, that room…” He pointed upstairs. Through the light fluctuations from the window, everyone could vaguely see the forensic department’s activities in the room. Harry Sumner turned around and couldn’t help saying, “This place is really terrible.” This place is obviously a gathering place for low-income people or illegal immigrants. At this moment, whether outside the cordon or in the apartment opposite, there are many people standing to watch the excitement. Tom Burton continued, “We have notified the landlord. When he comes, we should be able to know more about the deceased…”

Madeline Hill looked at the Mexican who was recording the statement next to him and asked, “Is that the first person to find the deceased?”

Tom Burton nodded and said, “By the way, Mr. Lewis is also a tenant of this apartment, living on the same floor as the deceased. He found that the door of the deceased was not closed, so he pushed the door open to check, and found the deceased lying in a pool of blood, so he reported the case…”

Madeline Hill immediately ordered, “Harry, you and Jack go and record another statement with him!”

Usually, when it comes to criminal cases, the Detective Bureau will not directly use the statement recorded by the patrol officer.

She said to Tom Burton again, “Superintendent Burton, when the landlord comes, please take him upstairs directly!”

Tom Burton nodded and said, “OK…”

Then Madeline Hill took Locke, Tony Gerard, and Raven Tate into the apartment.

In the elevator, the four people looked serious, but they were relaxed. This case sounded like an ordinary murder.

Tony Gerard took out his mouthwash and took a sip, and suddenly asked Locke: “Locke, you have no way to solve the case of Reilly Simpson?”

Locke turned his head and asked: “Deputy Captain, do you also think that the murder of his wife was directed by Reilly Simpson?”

Tony Gerard shrugged and said: “I have read the files. Although there is no evidence, I agree with your guess. Maybe it’s just the psychological effect of the detective. I always feel that this case is not that simple…”

Madeline Hill frowned and turned her head to warn: “If you find anything this time, you’d better tell me as soon as possible!”

Obviously, in the previous Pantoga Forest Park dismemberment case, the two privately investigated Cress Miller, and then made a mess that left her with a shadow to this day. .

Locke reacted instantly and asked, “Deputy Captain, are you following again?”

He began to mourn for Reilly Simpson, who was being followed by the hound.

Tony Gerard replied calmly, “Nothing has been found so far. Reilly Simpson has resigned from the supermarket and stays at home watching Netflix at night. Judy Simpson’s insurance claim will be paid soon. I wonder if he will reveal any flaws after getting the money…”

Locke suddenly thought of something and asked, “Does Judy Simpson have any family?”

Judy Simpson’s family can also inherit her insurance compensation.

Madeline Hill asked, “What do you want to do?”

Locke smiled and said, “I just want to find something for Reilly Simpson. Judy Simpson’s family is also the beneficiary of her insurance compensation. As long as we tell them about this, Reilly Simpson will not be able to enjoy the insurance compensation alone…”

“If this case is really planned by him, then he has to share the insurance benefits of the case he painstakingly planned with others. What do you think his reaction will be?”


Tony Geras was shocked and said, “Boy, you are really cruel!”

Madeline Hill showed a look of reminiscence, “I remember JudySimpson’s family seems to be in Nevada…” Locke gave a positive answer, “Yes, her father is still alive, he is over 80 years old, and there is a brother and sister, also in Nevada!” Although his current 16-point spirit did not increase his IQ much, his memory was already at the level of a top student. Madeline Hill immediately instructed Raven Tate: “Let Skye contact Judy Simpson’s family and ask if Reilly Simpson informed them of Judy’s death, and tell them that Judy Simpson has a high insurance premium…” “Ding…” The elevator quickly reached the fourth floor, and Raven Tate fell behind the three and took out his mobile phone to make a call. Locke and the other two came to the apartment where the crime scene was located. The forensic team leader of this case was William Worrell. They put on shoe covers and gloves and walked into the room. Madeline Hill asked: “William, is there any result? ”

William Worrell was putting a hair into the evidence bag, and complained: “The traces in this room are simply maddening. I suspect that the deceased is a sex worker. I have found about twenty hairs of different colors and shapes…”

Locke looked at the door lock. He basically agreed with William Worrell’s inference that the door lock was intact, so the murderer was most likely put in by the deceased.

He followed Tony Geras into this cramped and old room. When he turned his head, he saw Catherine Murphy using a cotton swab to extract secretions from the deceased’s lower body.

Well, this seems to be the second time.

Last time it was picking chrysanthemums, this time it was picking the front.

Locke quickly looked away. The deceased only had clothes on his upper body, and his lower body was naked. The skull had been deformed, and he should have been killed by a blunt object.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed, and the deceased had something in his mouth.

It was not underwear, but a towel, and the towel was folded neatly. What does this mean? Are you afraid that the screams will be too loud?

“Hey, guys! ”

Tony Gerard stared at the open wardrobe with a serious expression. He said to Madeline Hill who was walking over, “There should be another little girl in this room, about 6-8 years old…”

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