Half an hour later, Locke and Tony Gerard walked into the apartment again. Jane Huwas and other forensic staff were busy in the room.

After they broke the door, they immediately found a middle-aged female body in the room. The way she died was very similar to Barbara across the street. She was also killed by a blunt instrument on the head.

The neighbors on both sides have been asked to come and see. The deceased is the tenant of this room, named Cindy Clark.

Cindy Clark, 42 ​​years old, lives with her husband Edward Clark.

According to the neighbors’ confessions, Edward Clark is a truck driver who is rude, bad-tempered, and likes domestic violence. They often hear Edward beating and scolding Cindy.

When they meet in the corridor, they will find that Cindy is injured.

However, Cindy doesn’t seem to go out much. Usually, she goes out with her husband Edward.

According to the confession, Edward Clark was at home yesterday, and the sound of beating and scolding came from the room as usual.

There were three police calls within the LAPD, but when the LAPD came, Cindy kept denying domestic violence, saying it was their hobby, so no one called the police again.

The room was clean and tidy, and it could be said to be bright and clean, which was completely different from the room opposite.

Although the furniture was very old, everything looked spotless.

Locke stood in front of a photo frame, staring at the beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a slim figure. The woman was wearing a white ballet dress and was doing her signature ballet moves. Her body was as light as a dancing white swan.

Tony Gerard stood behind him and asked in disbelief: “Is this Cindy Clark?”

Locke nodded. Although the body on the ground was already a standard middle-aged white aunt with a plus-plus figure with big breasts and hips, he still recognized the beautiful ballet dancer as the deceased Cindy from the facial contours and height.

Tony Gerard asked again: “Have you found any photo of Edward Clark?”

Edward Clark is the first suspect. Both bodies were hit hard on the head and died in almost the same way, so it is likely that they were killed by the same person.

Locke has seen both bodies and has already determined that the murderer is the same person.

And Cindy Clark’s death time was before Balala on the opposite side, so it is likely that Balala discovered that Cindy on the opposite side was killed.

So the murderer went to kill her to silence her. Before killing her, the murderer had a good time.


Locke shook his head. In this photo frame, there were no other photos except a few photos of Cindy when she was young.

He looked at Jane Horvath who was doing the autopsy, “Deputy Captain, it seems that there are no mobile phones in the two rooms…”

“Well, the murderer did not do any cleaning in Balala’s room, which means that the murderer killed two people and kept the murder weapon in his hand…”

Tony Gerard took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, “Skye, have you found Edward Clark’s contact information?”

Skye Spears replied: “I have found his contact information and identity information in the logistics company where Edward Clark works, and I also need his photo. The logistics company said that Edward Clark is on vacation, and Brian is locating his mobile phone number. Uh, it has been turned off…”

Tony Gerard looked calm and not disappointed. The murderer could think of taking away the mobile phone, so he would naturally turn it off to cover his whereabouts.

He said calmly: “Send me the information of the logistics company…”

After hanging up the phone, Tony Gerard looked at Locke and found that Locke was thoughtful, and asked: “You thought of it too!”

Locke nodded. They just ignored a problem.

Edward Clark is a truck driver, so the Clarks shouldn’t live in a place where illegal immigrants gather.

American truck drivers are blue-collar workers, with an annual salary of up to 170,000 US dollars, which is a high-paying job for one person to support a family.

So, normally, the Clarks should live in an independent villa.

The two of them are living here now, and their lives seem to be very ordinary, which is very abnormal. After all, Edward Clark’s income is not low.

So, where does their money go?

Why do they live here?

Locke stared at Cindy Clark on the ground. He thought he had found the murderer, but he didn’t expect another change.

It seems that they need to figure out Edward Clark’s identity first…

“Deputy Captain, I can tell you some things first…”

After Jane Horvath completed the initial autopsy, she stood up and stretched her body.

Locke followed Tony Gerard to the bodyUnlike Barbara, Cindy’s clothes were intact and she had not been sexually assaulted.

“The cause of death was a blunt force attack on the head, which caused a fractured skull, brain damage and coma, and excessive blood loss…”

“The estimated time of death was between 10 and 11 last night…”

“The deceased had a lot of scars on his body, but they were not left this time, but had existed before…”

Jane Horvath lifted the shirt of the corpse, and the abdomen, ribs, and chest of the corpse were covered with scars of varying depths, and some bruises.

“I guess the deceased should be an SM lover with a tendency to masochism…”

“Obviously, her husband is also a pervert…”

Jane Horvath suddenly lifted the corpse’s skirt again, revealing a golden metal underwear with a lock at the waist, a hollow pattern at the crotch, and black elastic material on the edge…

She asked with a smile: “Beautiful, right! Is this called a chastity pants? I can understand that this hollow should be used for urination, but how is the excretion handled later?”


Locke and Tony Gerard were shocked by the metal underwear suddenly exposed in front of them.

Although Locke had played with it before, it was the first time he saw this thing, and he saw it on an obese middle-aged woman.

He almost laughed just now, but he held it back, after all, he was professionally trained.

Besides, laughing in front of a corpse is too rude.

Tony Gerard said unhappily: “You should study it slowly by yourself! Didn’t you find anything else on the body? For example, the murderer’s hair!” Jane Horvath covered her skirt with regret. Obviously, Locke and Tony Gerard’s reactions were not what she expected. She nodded and said, “Of course I found it, but I have to go back to the police station for further testing…” Tony Gerard said, “I suspect that there is a problem with the identities of Cindy Clark and Edward Clark, so do a DNA comparison as soon as possible…” After a while, Madeline Hill and the others also came here. It was basically confirmed that the two murders were committed by the same person. Edward Clark was the biggest suspect, and now the police force has focused on searching for Edward Clark. However, Madeline Hill’s expression did not ease at all, because there was still no clue about the little girl in the closet. After checking the entire apartment building, almost no one had seen or heard of the little girl in Barbara’s room. It was basically confirmed that the little girl in the closet was kidnapped and imprisoned by Barbara. Now all they can do is collect the little girl’s hair in the closet and compare it with the missing children database to see if they can find the little girl’s identity.

After summarizing the information, Locke and Tony Gerard prepared to go to Edward Clark’s company to find out the situation. Not long after starting the car, Locke’s phone rang. It was Marian calling.

Locke answered the phone, “Mum, what’s the matter?”

Marian’s nervous voice came from the phone, “Locke, I seem to be followed…”

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