Locke parked the car in the parking lot of the Wilshire Police Station with ease. He did not rush to get out of the car, but analyzed the fact that Marian was being followed.

Griffin Pierre is a private detective, so the CIA and Mexican drug dealers are ruled out as possible potential enemies.

Their family’s recent enemy is only Susan Hubble. This woman can think of using a helicopter to hit Chester Horton’s helicopter on the way to Bakersfield. Naturally, she is not just a vase.

Jonathan Hubble attacked him and William Horton at the same time that day, and made enemies with the Locke family and the Horton family at the same time.

So the one who killed Jonathan Hubble could be either the Locke family or the Horton family.

Although Jonathan Hubble’s recording pointed the killer to Chester Horton, it is impossible to determine who sent the killer based on this recording alone.

Susan Hubble was eager to take revenge at the time, so she directly sought revenge on the Horton family.

But afterwards, when she calmed down, she would definitely suspect that the killer who killed Jonathan Hubble was sent by the Locke family.

Because the Locke family is the biggest beneficiary of the Lebec incident, it is too eye-catching, and those who are interested will inevitably think in that direction.

For example, the Locke family set up a plan to kill Jonathan Hubble and use Susan Hubble to get rid of the Horton family…

Locke’s eyes were cold, this is the consequence of cutting the grass without removing the roots.

However, in addition to Susan Hubble, the person who hired Griffin Pierre may also be from the Horton family.

It’s still the same reason, whoever benefits the most is most likely to be the mastermind.

This is also why he told Jester that he wanted to kill Ronald Horton.

The Horton family suffered too many casualties, but the ally Locke family grabbed the biggest benefits.

As long as Ronald Horton has a normal IQ, he will definitely suspect…

In addition to Lebec, Los Angeles also has an enemy, the second-hand car dealer who was exposed by him as a cuckold, Peter Turner.

If it was Peter Turner, he should just want to explore their family’s details.

However, if it was Susan Hubble or Ronald Horton, their purpose should be similar, and they should want to find out how powerful Marian is in Los Angeles.

If they want revenge, they should send gunmen directly, not detectives.

Locke breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Marian was very alert. It seems that the family car should be sent for bulletproof modification as soon as possible. This time it was really a close call.

Also, he has to start looking for helpers. He can’t go on alone like this.

Even with a system, he is not a god.

Although he can mobilize the resources of the FBI and LAPD, it is not his own after all. It seems that Victor Mendes must be trained as soon as possible.

If the deputy captain hadn’t provoked the “doctor”, he would definitely be a good helper. He is experienced, methodical, and not rigid.

Unfortunately, he is obsessed with revenge. Once this matter is settled, he will help him get the money as soon as possible.

When Locke was about to get out of the car, the phone rang. It was Madeline Hill calling.

Locke answered the call immediately, “Captain…”

Madeline Hill asked, “Locke, is Ms. Marian okay?”

Locke replied, “The stalker has been caught by me and the deputy team. He is a private detective. The Wilshire Police Department is helping me interrogate him…”

He hesitated for a moment and said, “Captain, I’m sorry. This happened suddenly and delayed the investigation!”

Madeline Hill replied, “It’s okay. The case is just work. Family is the first priority. I called to tell you that if you need anything, please call me…”

Locke said gratefully, “Captain, thank you. I won’t be polite with you!”

After hanging up Madeline Hill’s phone, Locke pushed the door and got out of the car, ready to tell Marian to send them back to Lebec.

As for Griffin Pierre, he didn’t plan to meet him. It’s not about whether the procedure is in compliance, but it’s useless.

What Richard Jones can see, he can also see, this is a rolling meat.

Ordinary black people will not jump so much when facing LAPD, but Griffin Pierre is a black man who is good at using his skin color.

Moreover, as a private investigator, he must have been to the police station a lot, otherwise he would not have called his lawyer so skillfully.

Now, the LAPD can only convict him of two crimes, using a fake card and secretly taking photos. Both of these crimes are misdemeanors and can be released on bail.

When he was about to enter the police station, Locke received a call from David, saying that they had received Jet and Hannah and were escorting them to Wilshire.

But it was also mentioned that Marcy Davis was also coming.

After hanging up the phone, Locke couldn’t help but be a little surprised. As expected of a police family, this girl is so sensitive!

Entering the police station, there was an endless stream of police officers who greeted Locke.

Seeing familiar colleagues, Locke also collectedHe thought about it and responded one by one. He saw Marian in Captain Jones’ office. She was talking on the phone.

Marian saw him coming in and said to the phone: “Locke is back, you tell him…”

Locke took the phone and heard Anna Davis’ voice, “I just read Griffin Pierre’s information. He is just a detective who is paid to do things. He has a criminal record. He went to prison when he was young and worked as a paparazzi after he got out. He started to be a detective 5 years ago. He is a difficult guy. He was prosecuted five times for using a deck and taking secret photos, but he escaped in the end…”

She asked: “Who do you think hired him?”

Locke replied: “It’s hard to say, but hiring a private detective is not the style of Lebeck. I suspect it’s the follow-up of Jet’s fight with a classmate last week. The parent of that classmate is not a good person to talk to…”

Now that the relationship has been repaired and the relationship between the two families has been further improved, Locke has been much more frank with Anna Davis.

Anna Davis asked, “The used car dealer? You revealed that his son was not his biological son…” Locke nodded and said, “Well, by the way, I just asked David to pick up Jet and Hannah to the Wilshire Police Station, and Marcy came with them!” Anna Davis paused and smiled, “Then remember to send her home later. Locke, how are you going to deal with this? Richard told me that the interrogation was not going well. Griffin Pierre has not spoken and said he wants to wait for his lawyer…” Locke replied, “I’ll let Captain Jones handle it impartially!” Anna Davis was silent for two seconds, “Locke, don’t mess around!” Locke said calmly, “Anna, I plan to let Marian and Jet go back to Lebec first!” Anna Davis replied, “Okay, I know!” As soon as Locke hung up the phone, Marian asked, “Is it necessary to go back to Lebec?” Locke handed her the phone and replied affirmatively, “Yes!” Marian looked helpless and shrugged, “Okay, I’ll listen to you!” Locke said, “I’ve asked Daisy to arrange a helicopter, I will take you home to pack your luggage. Don’t worry, I will notify you to come back when I find out who is behind this. If there is no danger…” “Knock, knock…” Captain Jones knocked on the door, “Ms. Marian, Locke, Griffin Pierre’s lawyer wants to see you!”

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