Soon Peter Turner’s body was taken away, and the forensic department also withdrew.

The forensic department had already scanned the entire villa, and the traps and cameras in the backyard of the villa were also found. Unfortunately, after checking the surveillance, there was nothing abnormal.

Before Jane Horvath left, she suddenly said, “Do you think this case was done by a ‘ghost’? After all, there is a cemetery behind, with tens of thousands of people lying…”

Madeline Hill heard this and stared at her coldly, “When did you stop being a forensic doctor and become a witch!”

Jane Horvath gave her a middle finger, “Forensic doctors are originally the medium for communicating with corpses, no different from witches!”

After Jane Horvath left, Madeline Hill looked at everyone expressionlessly and asked, “What do you think?”

Harry Sumner said, “It’s obvious Obviously, this is a murder for hire case. The biggest suspect is Theresa Turner. Peter Turner wants to divorce him. If Peter Turner dies, she will benefit the most…”

Madeline Hill did not comment, and asked Tony Gerard: “Deputy Captain, what do you think?”

Tony Gerard took a sip of mouthwash and shrugged: “This case is most likely done by a professional killer, so the scene is so clean. Professional killers are usually difficult to catch…”

As senior forensic doctors, they actually know the difficulty of a case as soon as they arrive at the scene.

He glanced at Harry Sumner, “Harry is right. Since there are not many clues on the victim’s side, we can only find a breakthrough from the suspect!”

Madeline Hill turned her head to look at the villa behind her, frowned and asked: “How did the murderer get into the villa?”

No one except Locke answered this question, so he asked again: “Captain, do I need to avoid this case?”

Madeline Hill actually heard what Locke said to Tony Gerard before, and no longer doubted that Peter Turner’s death was related to Locke.

Just because of such a small contradiction, it is indeed not necessary to kill people. The two means of revenge mentioned by Locke are reasonable.

Madeline Hill pondered for a moment and asked, “What do you want?”

Locke said calmly, “Although I don’t want Peter Turner to die, I don’t want to find a murderer for this guy. So, if my situation meets the avoidance rules, I want to withdraw…”

Madeline Hill nodded and said, “OK, I understand. Then you withdraw from the investigation of this case! Write me a report on your conflict with the deceased later!”

Locke immediately smiled and said, “Thank you, captain. I will start my vacation next. Don’t forget the dinner tonight. Bye, I wish you good luck!”

Harry Sumner, Jack Talbot and Raven Tate looked at each other in surprise and said, “Hey, is there anything we don’t know? Why did Locke avoid this case? Does he know Peter Turner?”

Madeline Hill replied, “When Locke submits the report, you will know it naturally!”

Locke drove away from the scene quickly. Although he expected that the case would be taken over by the Detective Bureau in the end, he did not expect that it would be taken over by the second team.

This time, he really checked himself. Fortunately, he had the principle of avoidance. Otherwise, he really didn’t know how to check this time.

Locke was confident that the captain and his men would not be able to find anything this time, but there were indeed loopholes on Theresa Turner’s side.

For example, her call records and her itinerary yesterday.

As long as the detective bureau checked her call records and itinerary, they would find strange calls. If they checked her travel surveillance yesterday, they would also find that a white Honda Fit had been following her car.

This was of course part of Locke’s plan. He wanted Theresa Turner to fall into the suspicion of the police and be prosecuted by the prosecution.

However, these evidences alone were not enough to accuse Theresa Turner of hiring a killer to kill her husband.

The recording of her calling Sarah Mendes yesterday to place an order will be the key evidence, and this recording will also become his trump card to threaten Theresa Turner to seize Derek’s used car chain.

Locke reviewed it in his mind to see if there were any loopholes. The Honda Fit needed to be disposed of as soon as possible, and there was also a phone number.

Although the license plate number of the car can be flipped, and after leaving Theresa Turner, it switched to another license plate, but the trajectory of the car can still be compared with Sarah Mendes in disguise from the video.

He immediately called Victor Mendes, “Victor, the white Honda Fit in the Long Beach warehouse needs to be disposed of, remember to use a box truck…”

It’s good to have a repair shop, the disposal is very simple, just dismantle the vehicle, and the car will disappear.

Then LockeHe called Marian, “Mum, I have good news for you, Peter Turner is dead…”

Maryan was stunned for a moment and asked, “When did it happen? Is it related to you?”

Locke was speechless. Since everyone suspected him, why not just come clean!

He briefly described the case, “But it seems to be related to me. If I hadn’t revealed that his son was not his own, they wouldn’t have divorced. In the end, they hired someone to kill him for profit…”

Maryan exclaimed, “Did his wife really hire someone to kill him? This is too tragic. The son is not his. She lied to him for 18 years and finally hired someone to kill him!”

Locke replied, “It is likely that she did. There is a motive and a profit drive…”

It was indeed Theresa Turner who hired someone to kill, and the hired killer was him.

After informing his mother of the good news, Locke called Anna Davis again.

However, Anna had already learned the news from Madeline Hill. She asked, “Captain Hill said you took a vacation directly!” Locke replied, “Well, I still have more than 20 hours of training for my personal photos. I plan to complete all the training during this vacation. Anna, I think that thing can start. Peter Turner is dead, and the reaction of the Derek used car chain store can be ignored. We only need to face Troy High School…” After the call, Locke was hesitant. He had not decided whether to share the profits with the Thomas family in the end of the plunder of the Derek used car chain group. Although he also used the relationship of the Thomas family to create trouble for the Derek used car chain company this time, he did not disclose the plunder plan because he was not sure that Anna Davis would support his action. Locke knew that getting the shares of Derek Company from Theresa Turner and the gang at a low price through coercion and inducement was only the first step. But wanting to make illegal things legal in the end is the most critical step of this plunder. At this point, he will have to mobilize government relations to escort. After a while, Locke came to the apartment building where the case of Barbara Coker in Los Felice was committed. After all, this case involved the orphan of a police officer, so he did not give up completely.

The operation of sneaking into Peter Turner’s villa from the roof of the villa next door last night gave him inspiration.

Since the nearby surveillance and witnesses did not see anyone taking Alice Smith away, would the other party leave from the roof of the apartment building?

As soon as he reached the roof, he received a call from Sarah Mendes, “I was just about to call you, that number…”

Sarah Mendes said anxiously: “That lady just called again and wanted to kill someone!”

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