In the evening, Rowland Heights, Old Wharf Hot Pot.

With the help of the waiter, Locke completed the order. He didn’t eat much hot pot, so he didn’t know how to choose the base.

Li Bo had done it at home before, but at that time, the father-son relationship was cold, and he didn’t care at all.

At the waiter’s recommendation, Locke chose red oil and tomato base, and then ordered the classic wharf beef platter, the three musketeers of the wharf, duck blood, bean skin, etc., and also ordered some other classic dishes.

He didn’t even consider whether Madeline Hill and others would eat things like beef tongue and offal.

After a while, Madeline Hill, Tony Gerard and others came over. What surprised Locke was that Jane Horvath also came, but when he thought of Madeline Hill’s scandal with her, he was relieved.

Jane Horvath smiled and said, “Locke, you should welcome my arrival!”

What can Locke say? Of course, he can only say welcome.

Jack Talbot and his friends were dazzled by the Chinese-style decoration of the hot pot restaurant. “Cool, I feel like I’m in Chinatown!” Harry Sumner stared at the big mandarin duck pot on the table curiously, “This is different from the hot pot restaurants I’ve been to before!” Skye Spears also said, “The hot pot restaurants I’ve been to have a pot for each person…” Others also expressed their amazement. Except for Harry Sumner and Skye Spears, no one else had ever eaten hot pot. After everyone sat down, Locke introduced: “The hot pot restaurant you have been to is a modified fast food hot pot, similar to Panda Express. This one is an authentic Chinese hot pot. This pot is called a mandarin duck pot…” Blair Smith interrupted: “It looks like Chinese Tai Chi…” Locke nodded: “Yes, these two pots represent yin and yang, also called mandarin ducks, because mandarin ducks always appear in pairs. I will give you two flavors to choose from. One is the classic Chongqing red oil pot base. Uh, this is the most authentic Chinese hot pot and the most popular flavor. It will be very spicy. If you don’t like spicy food, I don’t recommend trying it…” Raven Tate smiled and said: “I am looking forward to seeing the difference between Chinese peppers and Mexican peppers…” Jane Horvath echoed: “Is it the pepper smell we smell? It really smells terrible!” Locke continued to introduce: “There is also a tomato hot pot, which may be easier for you to accept…” Then Locke led everyone to mix the dipping sauce. Uh, in fact, he didn’t know much. In the end, with the help of the waiter, everyone got a variety of dipping sauces. Soon the waiter started to serve the soup base and side dishes. Jack Talbot saw the red oil boiling in the pot and said in a lost voice: “Why do I feel that this is a bit like a magic potion brewed by a witch!” Locke ignored him and asked Tony Gerard: “I thought you would bring Princess Ciri with you!” Tony Gerard said with a look of fear: “I dare not bring her out easily now…” Obviously, he still had lingering fears about the last time he took Ciri Gerard to the party and caused her heart attack. Locke was a little confused about the deputy captain’s imprisonment of Ciri Gerard at home, but he didn’t know what to say, so he asked again: “How is the case today?” Tony Gerard was about to answer, Jane Horvath pointed to the beef tongue and yellow throat next to him, “Locke, what is this?” As a forensic doctor, she had already discovered what these two things were, and she was a little unbelievable! Locke laughed and said, “You definitely don’t want to know what this is!”

Jane Horvath shrugged and said, “Well, although I have guessed it, I still want to try it. I have to say that the Chinese are really scary!”

Madeline Hill frowned and said, “Is it dog meat?”

Jane Horvath shook her head and said, “No, do you think this restaurant will still exist if it is dog meat?”

Soon, other people also joined the topic, and finally the top student Brian Smith ended the topic, “In fact, the country that eats the most dog meat is South Korea. China has been discredited. Some places in Texas, the United States, also have a tradition of eating dog meat…”

Locke did not participate in this topic. He has always believed that humans are at the top of the food chain. Any species on the earth can become human food in order to survive.

Tony Gerard did not participate in this topic, but told Locke about today’s investigation. “This case is most likely Teresa Turner who hired a killer. Because she is the most suspicious, we invited her directly to the police station to record her statement. She reacted very calmly to Peter Turner’s murder…” “We checked Teresa Turner’s call records. She called an unfamiliar number twice yesterday. We suspect that this call was used to contact the killer.”Hand…”

“Theresa Turner went there yesterday afternoon. She said she was going out to relax, but we checked the road surveillance and found a white Honda Fit following her. We suspect she was going to pay the killer…”

“From the surveillance, the driver of the Honda Fit is a woman. Because she was wearing a mask and a cap, the surveillance did not capture the woman’s face…”

Harry Sumner echoed: “This case is very troublesome because the scene is too clean and it is almost impossible to find the killer. If we can’t find the killer, we can’t accuse Theresa Turner. With the current evidence, it is not enough to accuse Theresa Turner…”

Jane Horvath also interrupted, “I have never seen such a clean scene. It’s a bit like the scene of the West Vidal Building before. Did the killer also have a scavenger this time?”

Locke’s eyes shrank, and seeing that the bottom of the pot on both sides was boiling, he hurriedly said: “Hey, guys, it’s time to start!”

He asked casually: “Isn’t that strange phone tracked?”

Madeline Hill replied: “It’s been turned off for a long time! ”

Locke breathed a sigh of relief, and then he discovered a terrible phenomenon.

Except for him and Skye, no one else could use chopsticks. Seeing their clumsy appearance, he couldn’t help laughing.

Harry Sumner complained: “This is why I don’t like Chinese food. Chinese food is too unfriendly to us!”

So Locke had to take on the task of sharing the meat. He started with beef.

Jack Tabot couldn’t wait to put it in his mouth, and immediately screamed because of the burn, and poured ice cola into his mouth.

Skye Spears smiled gloatingly: “Do you know why hot pot has dipping sauce?”

She dipped the beef in the sauce skillfully, “Because the dipping sauce is to cool the food down…”

Others followed suit, and then exclaimed, “Amazing, beef can be eaten like this!”

Then Locke scalded another plate of beef tongue. This time he put it in the red oil pot. After sharing the cooked beef tongue, he looked at everyone expectantly.

“Fuck, it’s too spicy! ”

“Ahem, Jesus, did I eat gunpowder?”

“Crazy, I feel like my mouth is no longer mine…”

“What on earth is this, liver?”


Madeline Hill took a sip of iced Sprite elegantly, “Can you tell me what this is now?”

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