After Harry Sumner introduced the smuggling case, Locke leaned back in his chair, stared at the introduction of the offshore company on the projector, and asked, “Even the FBI can’t find the relationship between this offshore company and Jack Williams?” Harry Sumner shook his head and said, “The legal person and shareholders of the offshore company can hire local employees in the British Virgin Islands. Most of these companies are registered with the help of financial companies. The actual controllers are often hidden, and the actual controller of this company may still be an offshore company, and the controlling relationship will be more complicated…” “…” Locke nodded. In fact, he also knew that this time the family bought a new farm in Lebec. In order to facilitate money laundering, Li Bo bought the new farm in the name of an offshore trust company, registered in the Cayman Islands. In fact, the so-called three major offshore registration places should be the firewalls set up by Western financial groups for themselves. Madeline Hill asked, “Regarding the fact that Peter Turner is an FBI informant, has the FBI given a positive response?”

Harry Sumner shook his head and said, “The FBI rejected this statement…”

Madeline Hill frowned. She had already mentioned this to Anna Davis and hoped to send a letter to the FBI in the name of LAPD to consult about this matter, but the FBI did not respond.

Locke’s face was calm. Peter Turner admitted that he was an FBI informant and that the case was based on the information he provided.

In the end, he was exempted from prosecution due to insufficient evidence, which was also handled by the FBI.

Obviously, Harry Sams’s level was not high enough, and the FBI did not want to reveal these secret information to him.

In terms of informants and undercover confidentiality, the FBI is still well-known.

Locke raised his eyebrows and frowned, “Is this case a bit weird?”

Raven Tate asked, “What’s wrong?”

Locke touched his chin and said, “In this case, the backbone of the Black Jack gang was wiped out, and only Jack Williams, who had been hiding behind the scenes, escaped…”

“Since such information has been spread, but Peter Turner has lived well in the past two years, you know, Jack Williams quickly recruited a group of people, and the Black Jack organization still exists…”

He was a little speechless in his heart, which was why he applied for recusation before.

Because once he was involved in this case, he couldn’t remain silent, he always had to say something.

Harry Sumner frowned and said, “Locke, from what you said, it seems that Peter Turner and Jack Williams cooperated to send all the gang members to prison!”

Madeline Hill stared at Locke, a ray of light flashed in her eyes, “Some of the management of Derek Company were also sent to prison because of this case. After this case, Derek Used Car Group was also clean.”

Locke’s expression became a little solemn, and he realized that he seemed to have stirred up a hornet’s nest.

He already knew that Jack Williams was using Derek Used Company to launder money, and immediately understood why Peter Turner and Jack Williams wanted to clean up the company and the gang members and make the company clean.

The reason they did this was naturally for greater interests.

Good guy, these two guys used the FBI, they were premeditated.

Otherwise, Jack Williams would not have escaped this disaster and stayed out of it.

For greater interests, sacrifice a group of younger brothers, and then pull up a group of people, while continuing the business of stealing cars and selling stolen goods, quietly starting a new business.

Locke guessed that it was probably Peter Turner and Jack Williams who discovered that Derek’s used car chain had a large turnover, which was very convenient for money laundering. The profit from money laundering would far exceed that of car smuggling.

No wonder Peter Turner had gang resources but didn’t use them, and even hired a private detective.

Because he couldn’t get involved in gangs, and didn’t want to lose the big picture for the small, he had to make sure that Derek’s used car chain was clean.

Last night he thought that it was just Jack Williams who used the company to launder money, but if the two of them treated money laundering as a business, there would definitely be a lot of stakeholders involved behind the scenes.

Locke was now regretting that Peter Turner died too quickly, and he didn’t ask many questions!

Theresa Turner probably didn’t know about this, otherwise, she wouldn’t have hired a killer to kill Peter Turner so quickly.


Locke recovered and looked at Thaddeus Martin beside him. He winked at him, “The captain is calling you!”

Locke suppressed the turmoil in his heart and turned to look at Madeline Hill. She asked, “What do you think of this?”

Locke replied, “I suggest that this case be handed over to the FBI!”

He decided to give up the plan to plunder Derek’s used car chain.

This company is too complicated and he can’t control it now.

But thisThe efforts of this period of time cannot be wasted. I hope that Jack Williams’ safe can make up for his mental loss.

Madeline Hill frowned and asked, “Why?”

Locke took a sip of the cold coffee and said slowly, “Peter Turner died at the hands of a top killer. We have not found any useful clues so far. His road is basically dead!”

“The information currently available on Theresa Turner’s side is not enough to prosecute her. She now has a senior lawyer to escort her. She doesn’t need to do anything next. She only needs to accept Peter Turner’s shares to become a wealthy woman with a net worth of over 100 million and have more money to fight against us…”

“According to our just discovery, the smuggling case two years ago was clearly Peter Turner and Jack Williams using the FBI to clean up the management of the company and the gang…”

“After reading the financial statements of Derek’s second-hand company, we can see that the company has a large turnover, but the profit is very thin. What can you think of?”

“I think this case has exceeded our investigation capabilities!”

Locke’s words made everyone in the conference room fall into silence.

Madeline Hill hesitated for a moment and said, “Locke, come with me to see Commander Davis later!”

In the elevator, Teresa Turner’s face was livid. She turned her head and looked at the two lawyers next to her, “I want to inherit Peter’s shares as soon as possible. We hope you can start the relevant procedures as soon as possible!”

Just now, she took her lawyer to the headquarters of Derek Used Car Company, but was coldly received by the management.

Although she also holds 14.7% of the shares, the management rights of these shares have always been in the hands of Peter Turner, and she has never participated in the management and operation of the company.

Paul Schroeder glanced at Garfield Thomas and said first: “No problem!” Theresa Turner angrily cursed: “These bastards must think that Peter is dead, so they can do whatever they want in the company. I don’t care and don’t want to wait. I am a shareholder of the company. I will inherit my husband’s shares. I will be the largest shareholder of the company. I have the right to know the company’s operating conditions…” This time Garfield Thomas took the lead and said: “I will send a letter to the company’s management in your name and ask them to report to you…” Paul Schroeder’s eyes flashed with a cold light. He didn’t expect that this woman didn’t fire Garfield Thomas even though she hired him. What a difficult woman.

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