Locke didn’t stay in Love Hogwarts’ office for long.

After coming out, he said hello to the assistant guarding the door and walked to Daisy Greenberg’s office.

Love Hogwarts’ attitude towards him became more and more friendly. It can be seen that he has completely regarded him as a junior.

Just now, Love Hogwarts asked him to go to a Democratic fundraising dinner with him on Friday.

But as luck would have it, he already had an appointment that day, so he could only refuse.

When Love Hogwarts heard that he had an appointment with Enrique Gonzalez, the director of the FBI Los Angeles Branch, he was very surprised.

Obviously, he didn’t expect Locke’s own social circle of friends to be able to reach this level.

However, he didn’t ask why Locke knew Enrique Gonzalez, but only mentioned that he would need him to replace Daisy Greenberg in some necessary social activities in the future.

Locke actually didn’t like this kind of social interaction, but there was no way, who asked Miss Greenberg to have severe social phobia!

As a man, he had to take the lead.

Locke came to the door of Daisy Greenberg’s office again and found that Juliet was not in her position and the door of the office was open.

As he walked over, the corner of his mouth twitched and he found that Juliet was cleaning the chair where the customer had just sat.

Daisy Greenberg was looking through the documents. When she saw Locke coming in, she looked up and glanced at him, and continued to look through the documents.

Seeing this scene, Locke couldn’t help but miss that personality even more. She wouldn’t be so indifferent to him.

Soon Juliet left the office and closed the door considerately.

Locke glanced at the camera on the wall behind Miss Greenberg, and swallowed the words on his lips. He still didn’t know where the terminals of these cameras were?

It’s not good to ask Lev Hogwarts directly, for fear of affecting his relationship with Steve Greenberg!

Locke actually guessed the relationship between Lev Hogwarts and Steve Greenberg.

But after all, Steve Greenberg is dead.

So, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Locke walked to Miss Greenberg, bent down and picked her up from the chair, then sat on the chair, let her sit horizontally on his thighs, and then put his arm around her waist and thrust upwards, lowering his head to smell the fragrance on her body.

Miss Greenberg’s body stiffened, raised her head and frowned, saying, “Not in the office…”

Locke was a little embarrassed and whispered, “There is a camera behind you, so just chat for a few minutes!”

From the reaction of Love Hogwarts just now, he seemed to know who was the murderer behind the murder of Daisy Greenberg.

Locke kissed Miss Greenberg’s ear and whispered, “It seems that Loew also knows who the murderer is, so old Henry should also know. Uh, based on the existing information, I speculate that the person behind the scenes does not seem to want to anger the Greenberg family, so he invited the ‘actuary’ to create this nearly perfect accident…” “We finally confirmed our relationship. If you face such an accident again, what should I do?” “You told me that you are no longer going to escape. Are you still not going to tell me anything now?” Daisy Greenberg listened to Locke’s words quietly. She was silent for a while, “This will never happen again in the future…” Locke pinched Miss Greenberg’s heart, forget it, don’t force her. From her heartbeat, it can be seen that this question makes her very entangled and hesitant. Locke pulled his hand out, helped her tidy up her shirt, hugged her tightly, and whispered again: “I still say that, I am stronger than you think…” Just as Locke was about to further melt Miss Greenberg’s heart, his mobile phone rang, and he had to let go of the beauty in his arms and took out his mobile phone with difficulty. The call was from Madeline Hill. Locke hesitated for a moment and answered the phone.

“Locke, have you finished your work? There is a new case, come as soon as possible…”


Madeline Hill did not give Locke a chance to speak at all. After saying this, she hung up the phone.

Locke said helplessly: “I wanted to have lunch with you, but it seems I have to go first!”

He picked up Miss Greenberg reluctantly, put her on the seat, hooked her chin, kissed her soft lips, and then left.

Daisy Greenberg watched Locke leave expressionlessly, but when the door closed again, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, but she returned to calm in an instant.

She turned the seat and stared at the painting with an indifferent and distant expression.

Locke drove the 62 Lincoln Continental all the way according to the address in the work group.

Although he hardly slept last night, he was still energetic. For him now, sleeping one or two nights less is not a problem at all.

BecauseThe crime scene was located in West Los Angeles, and it only took 20 minutes to get there from Wilshire Boulevard.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Locke saw two familiar faces on the periphery. Lewis, a white first-level patrolman from the West Los Angeles Division, and Carl, a black second-level patrolman, were both on duty on the periphery.

“Detective Locke…”

“Hi, Carl, Lewis…”

After greeting the two, Locke glanced at the second team members within the cordon and saw that Madeline Hill was on the phone, Harry Sumner was taking a statement, and the others were standing and chatting, so he didn’t rush in.

Instead, he asked the middle-aged black man Carl, “Hey, man, do you have any information to share with me?” Carl replied, “I heard that the deceased was a Hollywood actress, but she was not famous. The villa was registered to Jacob Spielberg, a well-known Hollywood producer. My colleague went into the scene and found the deceased naked, so he notified the police department…” Locke asked, “Who called the police?” Carl pointed to a middle-aged white woman who was taking a statement from Harry Sumner, “That lady, she seems to be Jacob Spielberg’s assistant…” Locke stretched out his fist and bumped it with Carl and Lewis respectively, “Let’s have a drink another day, I’ll go in first!” Locke Locke walked to the cordon. Without waiting for the patrolman to help, Thaddeus Martin came up to him and took the initiative to help him lift the cordon. “Have you finished your work?”


Locke responded casually. Seeing Madeline Hill’s face gloomy after the phone call, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

Madeline Hill glanced coldly at the middle-aged woman who was taking notes, and said in a deep voice, “The case has not yet begun, and someone called the detective bureau to put pressure on them, asking them to solve the case as soon as possible and hide Jacob Spielberg’s information to avoid affecting his reputation. This producer has a movie to be released next month…”

Locke subconsciously asked, “What’s the name of the movie?”

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