Locke stood beside the body of Alyssa Johnson, which had been put into a body bag.

Many images flashed through his mind. There were at least three scavengers in protective suits working in the room. The body was lifted under the bed and cleaned up, with a waterproof pad underneath.

It was indeed very professional, but it was just like that, a job.

If he had handled this matter, he would not have done it so cleanly.

Locke had even guessed the scope of the murderer. Jacob Spielberg had a close relationship with the Democratic Party, so he should have asked Alyssa Johnson to entertain a Democratic Party boss.

Unexpectedly, this boss got too excited and strangled Alyssa Johnson to death.

This group of scavengers easily reminded Locke of the scavengers who took away the fake Roy Earl body from the West Vidal Building last time. That group of scavengers was also related to the Democratic Party.

Is it still the “doctor’s” organization?

Damn, this job is really rough!

Since this Democratic Party boss has so much power, why not find a scapegoat?

Leave a little genetic material in Alyssa Johnson’s mouth or other places.

Isn’t this case closed?

Obviously, this group of scavengers can only do the cleaning work, and can’t do the work of faking the scene.

Or is it too hasty and didn’t have time to carry away the body?

Damn, now it’s like this, anticlimactic, leaving a clean body, what to do next?

Throwing all the pressure on LAPD, LAPD can’t solve the case, doesn’t it prove that the detective bureau is incompetent.

This is putting LAPD on the fire!

Locke touched Alyssa Johnson’s nose bridge, jaw and other bones, and sure enough, she had plastic surgery and bone shaving.

He touched her chest again, and there was filling inside. He raised his hand and found a wound under his armpit.

This information should be found during the forensic autopsy.

Suddenly, Locke was attracted by the fingers of Alyssa Johnson’s right hand. Her index finger joint was slightly deformed. This is because of long-term gun training, and she used a large-caliber pistol.

In order to get more audition opportunities, do you have the habit of practicing shooting for a long time?

Locke put his hand down and continued to check other places. The lower abdomen was flat and there was no texture. It seemed that no one had died.

Uh, good professional quality.

No wonder he was recommended by Jacob Spielberg to entertain the boss.

Locke did not check in depth. After all, he was not a forensic doctor. If he reached in, he might be complained. He checked Alyssa Johnson’s legs again.

Although the legs were straight and slender, there were traces of ballet practice on the feet.

Alas, it is really not easy for Hollywood actresses.

To please the boss, you need plastic surgery, regular maintenance, ballet practice, and all kinds of martial arts!

You also need to endure the abnormal needs of the bosses…

It’s too difficult!

After checking Alyssa Johnson’s body, Locke took off the three layers of latex gloves on his hands, and his expression was calm.

On the contrary, Thaddeus Martin, who had been standing next to him and watching him perform the autopsy, was breathing rapidly again and looked embarrassed.

But Locke didn’t have time to tease him now. After the preliminary autopsy of Alyssa Johnson, he found something strange, but it was not certain.

Jane Horvath came over and asked, “How is it? Detective Locke, have you found anything new?”

It’s hard to say what’s uncertain now.

Locke shook his head, “Now we can only look forward to the results of the autopsy. Maybe we can find genetic residues in the stomach or vagina!”

At this time, Madeline Hill came over with a gloomy face, “Brian reported that the surveillance of the nearby streets broke down last night and is under repair…”

Last time, the group of scavengers escaped from the maintenance elevator on the top of the West Vidal Building to the building opposite, and then drove away calmly, and destroyed all the surveillance.

He put pressure on the top of the detective bureau, destroyed the surveillance system, and dispatched scavengers.

It seems that this big guy is not simple!

Raven Tate also came over and said, “I just contacted Alyssa Johnson’s agency. Her agent doesn’t know her schedule last night, nor does he know who she met with…” At this time, Madeline Hill’s phone rang. She frowned instantly, but after taking a look at the phone, “It’s Harry and the others…” Two minutes later, Madeline Hill frowned and said, “Harry said that Jacob Spielberg took the initiative to bring a lawyer to the police station to record a statement. He claimed that he knew nothing about what happened here. But he admitted that he lent the key to the villa to Alyssa Johnson because Alyssa Johnson said she wanted to borrow the villa to entertain friends…” “As for him and Alyssa Johnson, they are just friends…” Locke had just watched Harry Sumner ask Jacob Spielberg about his relationship with her.According to the transcript of the middle-aged assistant of Spielberg, she said she came to check the room because Jacob Spielberg was going to have a party there the day after tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, the naked body of Alyssa Johnson was found in the bedroom, so the police were called immediately.

Obviously, these guys had already made up their confessions.

Hearing this, Locke’s face was not very good.

Damn, he didn’t care about this kind of swindle.

He is not a saint, pursuing fairness, justice or justice.

Alyssa Johnson is essentially a prostitute, and she will die if she dies.

He can’t go against the interest group behind Jacob Spielberg for her, as long as you negotiate with the upper level.

Hello, I’m fine, everyone is fine.

But, doing this now will directly put their second team on the fire.

This is how you want to play, right!

Locke asked Raven Tate, “Where is Alyssa Johnson from?”

Raven Tate, as expected of a fan, immediately replied, “British, but she seems to be of Ukrainian descent, a model, and came to Hollywood six years ago…”

Locke glanced at the body again, and his suspicion deepened, so he said that the face was of Slavic race.

He asked again: “What is Alyssa Johnson’s political inclination? Does she support gun control?”

Raven Tate thought for a moment and nodded: “Her Twitter comments are very confusing, but it is obvious that she supports the Democratic Party. She supports gun control and opposes abortion. She is a vegetarian and often participates in animal protection activities. She is very caring…”


Locke asked Madeline Hill again: “Do you have Alyssa Johnson’s medical records? I want to see when she had plastic surgery…”

Madeline Hill replied: “I just checked it. There is no record of plastic surgery in the medical records. There are only dental visits and other cases. Did she have plastic surgery?”

Jane Horvath raised her eyebrows, “I only found that she had breast augmentation surgery. How did you know that she had plastic surgery?”

“I’m good at sketching!”

Locke said perfunctorily. He was now eager to verify his suspicions.

He stared at Alyssa Johnson’s body for a few seconds, then turned to Madeline Hill and asked, “Captain, have you ever practiced martial arts?”

“Yes, Jiu-Jitsu…”

Madeline Hill looked at Locke with some dissatisfaction. This guy asked so many questions at once. Are you the captain or my captain?

She frowned and said, “What did you find?”

Locke stared at Madeline Hill with burning eyes, “Captain, can you take off your clothes for me to see?”

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