Locke stood under the shower, letting the pressurized water hit his body. The numbness brought by the impact was like a massage, relieving the fatigue of the body.

It has been a long time since I have been so wanton and carefree. The whole person is transparent from the inside out.

Elizabeth Koch is a crazy woman!

Thinking of the provocation of this woman just now, he almost lost control of the strength and speed, and Locke couldn’t help but feel scared.

Fuck, no wonder Alisa Johnson was played to death.

People’s desires are too easy to get out of control.

Well, he naturally wouldn’t lose control to kill Elizabeth Koch, he was afraid of sending her to the hospital.

With his current physique, if he was fully fired, even Daisy Greenberg and Jennifer Gray would find it difficult to resist.

Not to mention Elizabeth Koch’s white, thin and young figure.

Anyone who has studied junior high school physics knows that when force and speed increase at the same time, friction, heat, and pressure will change accordingly.

The result is no joke.

Fortunately, he pulled back at the last moment.

Even so, the woman still couldn’t escape from the excitement and fell into a coma.

Locke’s expression quickly returned to a cold state. This was what the woman asked for.

And he probably guessed the purpose of this madman.

Damn, madman.

It can be imagined that once Elizabeth Koch was hospitalized for such a thing, it would definitely be a scandal for the Koch family.

Being in the same circle, this matter would definitely spread to the Greenberg family.

Because of Daisy Greenberg’s relationship, Henry Greenberg turned a blind eye to his romantic affairs.

However, if his romantic affairs affected the reputation of the Greenberg family, that would be another matter.

Locke looked down at Dick. He felt that his lust should all come from Locke Lee.

After all, he was a complete ascetic in his previous life.

He was just a lone brave man who regularly went into the dark alleys, and he always looked for the same type, always in the same posture.

Until death, his hands were pure.

Although Locke was not interested in Elizabeth Koch, since she was here, he would not let her come in vain.

This woman still did not resist this time, but just like last time, she bit her lips and did not scream.

I have to say, she is definitely a ruthless person.

Not only did she not scream, she also kept staring at him with a proud look, even though her eyes were already filled with water vapor, she still held on to the last bit of clarity, as if mocking him.

Locke could not stand it.

After all, in this matter between men and women, men actually enjoy the feeling of conquest more than physical feelings.

Even a dual personality like Daisy Greenberg surrendered to his God’s whip.

He did not believe that he could not pierce the disguise of this rich lady.

So, a war between physical strength and mind broke out.

The battle lasted until the fourth round, and ended with one side losing consciousness due to the ravages.

He did not win.

The bathroom door was pushed open, and a tall figure walked in naked. She stood in front of Locke, and the two bodies were intimate.

After washing for a while, Jennifer Gray turned off the shower, raised her hand to wipe the water off her face, and brushed her hair back. Her cold and beautiful face was still stained with water, and even her azure eyes seemed to be blurred.

Locke wiped the water marks beside her eyes and asked, “Is she okay?”

“Same as last time!”

Jennifer Gray hung her hands on his neck and said unhappily, “You really can’t trust a man’s words. He said he didn’t like her, but his body was honest. I’m worried that you’ll ruin this woman!”

Locke enjoyed the touch of his chest and asked unhappily, “Why did you bring her here again?”

Jennifer Gray reached out and sneered, “It’s still her four times and me three times this time…”

Locke immediately looked embarrassed, and while trying to make up for it, he asked, “What do you think I should trade with your father this time?”

Jennifer Gray leaned against the glass with her whole body, and asked with her face turned sideways, “I still don’t know what you did?”

On the sofa, Jennifer Gray collapsed on Locke like a pile of meat paste.

After all, the bathroom is not a place to talk about things, so the two quickly moved the war to the sofa outside.

Miss Grey slowly regained her sanity from lust, and whispered: “You definitely helped the president this time. The Democrats have always wanted to label him as a ‘Russiagate’. The president will never miss this opportunity. He will definitely tie the Democrats and Russian spies together in this case…”

Locke enjoyed the current atmosphere and felt that their bodies and souls were in perfect harmony. They were in each other’s hearts and supported each other.

Jennifer was definitely his soul mate, but unfortunately…

He asked: “Do you thinkWho is the Democratic Party boss involved in this case? ”

Jennifer Gray replied: “Benny Sanders, a senior Democratic congressman, belongs to the Clinton faction within the Democratic Party and is the most influential supporter of the Clinton family in the Democratic Party. He is currently serving as the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and is a powerful leader in the Democratic Party, ranking third in the party…”

“He came to Los Angeles on a private trip, mainly to attend the birthday party of Oracle boss Larry Ellison…”


Locke was shocked by Jennifer Gray’s affirmative tone. Fuck, she is worthy of being the daughter of a political boss. He can’t compare with this information channel at all.

Since Jennifer knows, then Sullivan Gray naturally knows, and the one in the White House naturally knows.

He is indeed a little Karami.

Jennifer Gray said puzzledly: “This matter is indeed very strange. Since Benny Sanders has used the secret power of the Democratic Party to clean up the beginning and the end, why did he leave the body cleaned by Alyssa Johnson at the scene? Could it be that Alyssa Johnson has been targeted by someone for a long time?”

“Are you saying that there is a third party involved? ”

Locke immediately reacted, yes, only this can make sense.


He slapped Miss Grey on the buttocks, feeling a little embarrassed.

Damn, he had been thinking about it all night and couldn’t figure it out, but this woman thought of it right away.

After the slap, Locke stroked her twice and said, “Jennifer, how about you listen to me and go into politics? I will definitely send you to the White House!”

Jennifer Grey raised her head and stared at Locke curiously, “I really don’t know where your confidence comes from. Even Hillary failed. But you look very confident. Can you tell me why? ”

Well, when Hillary Clinton was elected president, the whole of America thought it was a sure win.

Whether it was election funds, party support, or campaign team, she was far ahead.

With her husband’s political achievements as president as a backing, how could she lose?

Even the media reported that Clinton would enter the White House again.

But she met the King of Understanding and fell through.

Locke used both hands to force, “Because I am your man, I am harder than Mr. Bill Clinton!”

Jennifer Grey collapsed on his chest again, giggling, “You are indeed harder!”

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