Locke had no expectations for Jack Williams, but he didn’t expect that this guy would not only contribute 600 justice points, but also give out 3 experience cards.

Black Jack is a gangster organization that steals vehicles, illegally modifies vehicles, and sells them.

It’s reasonable for a boss to give out two experience cards, driving and unlocking.

But what the hell is makeup…


Locke immediately thought that this was the guy’s ability to escape!

He decisively clicked on all 3 experience cards.

Car driving (L4 Superb ↑ 25 years of experience)!

L4 car driving has accumulated 25 years of experience, but it hasn’t been upgraded yet!

Does it need 30 years of experience?

Good guy, L4 itself has 30 years of experience, and it takes double to upgrade from L4 to L5.

60 years of experience, normal people can’t achieve it at all!

He is increasingly looking forward to what level L5 car driving will reach.

Can the car fly out of the earth?

The lock picking experience card and makeup experience card are automatically added to the talent skill Shadowless Man.

Shadowless Man (L2 Evolution ↑ 10 years of experience)!

After upgrading the experience card, Locke stared at the new card in the skill card.

Medical Card (5 times)

As the name suggests, this card is for healing and can be used five times.

This is really an unexpected surprise. There are more and more ways to save lives.

This card makes up for his lack of security without the bullet avoidance card and the early warning card.

But it feels that this thing is still not as good as those two cards. He doesn’t want to get hurt!

And I don’t know how much the medical card can treat…

Can you live as long as you have a breath?

Locke subconsciously wants to try it, because it is very important, otherwise he will stab himself…

He dismissed this stupid idea in an instant.

Not to mention, this card is still quite timely!

He didn’t expect the Mexican border operation next month. Although he is very confident in himself, he dare not guarantee that he can escape unscathed in the chaos of gunfire.

With this card, it should be foolproof!

After finishing his work, Locke got up and returned to the bedroom. When he saw the scene on the bed, his steps could not help but pause.

On the bed, Jennifer Grey and Elizabeth Koch, who were sleeping soundly, were hugging each other.

Their expressions were so peaceful and harmonious, just like a couple.

Looking at the intimate scene of the two people, Locke felt like he was a third party.

Locke didn’t know where he should sleep for a while.

Fuck, is he going to sleep under the bed?

Come on, hurt each other!

Locke smiled coldly, walked to the side of Elizabeth Koch, lay beside her, and pressed tightly against this petite body.

I don’t know what Jennifer Grey’s reaction will be when she sees this scene tomorrow morning.

Facing Locke’s tight pressure, Elizabeth Koch was completely unaware and slept like a corpse.

I’m afraid she won’t wake up even if she is shot again.

Locke immediately realized that this intimate scene between the two should be initiated by Jennifer Grey.

Humph, I’ll settle accounts with this woman tomorrow.

Locke habitually grabbed the beloved woman in his arms, curled his lips, and his hands felt a little empty. He slowly closed his eyes.

Three minutes later, he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of energy, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but overflow with a cool and domineering smile.

Although he said that he would no longer think about the case, he couldn’t help but think about it when he closed his eyes just now.

Getting involved with the “Doctor” organization again made him subconsciously worried about gains and losses.

If he knew that Alissa Johnson would be involved in such a powerful person, he would never get involved in this matter.

Thinking about it, he suddenly woke up.

The reason why he was afraid of the “Doctor” organization in the past was nothing more than fearing that it would bring danger to his family, because this organization was too mysterious, and he couldn’t eliminate the hidden dangers in advance.

But now he has discovered who the boss behind the “Doctor” organization is.

What’s there to be afraid of?

No matter how powerful Benny Sanders is, he is just a shot to him.

No matter how powerful he is, can he hide from his Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle 4,000 meters away?

Locke suddenly understood, and the haze in his heart disappeared. No matter if you are sitting in the White House or sitting on Capitol Hill, just don’t mess with me.

In a good mood, he couldn’t help but kiss the woman in his arms.

No matter who it is, it’s just a matter of one shot!

When he looked up, Locke saw Jennifer Gray opened her eyes at some point and was staring at him calmly.

He subconsciously explained: “I…”

Before he finished speaking, Jennifer Gray slowly closed her eyes, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

Locke stared at her for a while, and seeing that she looked peaceful and fell asleep soon, he didn’t say anything and closed his eyes.

Morning, Locke was making breakfast in the kitchen, Jennifer Grey was doing yoga in the gym next door, and Elizabeth Koch was still sleeping soundly.

Soon Locke finished breakfast. In addition to fried eggs, sandwiches and vegetable salad, he also made a Chinese fried noodles.

Locke stood at the door of the gym, admiring the graceful figure of the woman.

Jennifer Grey was doing the Golden Rooster Stand, her golden hair was tied into a ponytail, and under the wrapping of yoga clothes, her almost perfect curves were fully displayed.

Slender and well-proportioned figure, strong and powerful limbs, full and perky breasts, and plump and sexy hips.

Crystal clear sweat beads slowly slid down her face, along her neck, and flowed into the ravines…

Although he was almost drained last night, he still couldn’t hide his inner restlessness when he saw this provocative scene, staring naked at the ripe peaches.

He suppressed the desire in his heart, he didn’t want to become a slave to desire.

Besides, Jennifer Grey should not be able to bear the whipping either. He also suffered from the damage. Too much is as bad as too little.

“Hi, honey, it’s time for breakfast!”

“You eat first, I’ll finish this round…”

The woman said without looking back.

Looking at the woman with fragrant sweat, Locke admired her.

This woman is so self-disciplined. She was so tired last night, but she could still do yoga as usual in the morning.

Locke shrugged and turned back to the restaurant. He was indeed hungry. He consumed too much last night.

When he was almost finished eating, Jennifer Grey finished today’s exercise.

“I’ll wash up first…”

The woman kissed Locke on the face, and couldn’t wait to go upstairs to wash.

Locke watched her go upstairs. Although he was used to it, he was still a little bit irritated by the mixed smell of perfume and sweat gland secretion.

The word “fragrant sweat” is the most appropriate for Western white women.

After exercise, the sweat glands secrete, which is called a heady, and his mother Marian also has it.

However, because she has been using perfume for a long time, Jennifer Grey’s body odor is not that strong.

Among the three women, Jennifer Grey’s body odor is relatively strong, followed by Sarah Mendes and Daisy Greenberg, who almost has none.

Well, Elizabeth Koch has none either.

It seems to be because of race.

He also benefits from his Chinese mixed blood, so he doesn’t need to use deodorant at all.

Just as Locke was about to go upstairs to wash with Jennifer Grey to save water, his cell phone rang. It was Madeline Hill calling.

She said, “Locke, I want to inform you that the case of Alissa Johnson has been taken over by the FBI. The FBI came early in the morning to take away the case files and her body…” Locke replied, “This is really good news!” Madeline Hill echoed, “This is indeed good news, but there are new discoveries in this case. The West Los Angeles Division found a van near Jacob Spielberg’s villa. There were two dead people in the van, shot in the head. Both of them were wearing protective clothing, and there were a lot of cleaning chemicals inside…” Locke stood up and blurted out, “Call the FBI!”

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