Locke fastened his seat belt and said hesitantly, “I did find something, but I’m not sure…”

Madeline Hill asked, “What exactly is it?”

Locke shook his head and said, “Sorry, I don’t want to tell you before I get confirmation. This is just my wild guess. Anyway, this case is the responsibility of Team One, and it has nothing to do with us…”

As he was about to shift gears and start, a weak and powerful hand tightly grasped his hand.

Locke turned his head and immediately saw Madeline Hill’s serious and cold face, with coldness and persistence in her eyes.

She said in a deep voice: “Locke, this case is related to the reputation of the detective bureau. We need to solve the case as soon as possible. Now is not the time to be angry with Tom Williams, that bastard!”


Locke shrugged and asked: “Have you seen an action movie? It seems to be produced by 20th Century Fox. The male lead is the Chinese action star Jet Lee from Singapore. In that movie, Jet Lee plays a Chinese agent. He has a secret weapon, which is Chinese acupuncture…”

“You should have heard of acupuncture. Yes, acupuncture is a medical skill, but for an acupuncturist, the needle in his hand can both cure diseases and kill people…”

“If I remember correctly, the movie should be called “Kiss of the Loong”. The tiny needle represents the ancient heritage of the mysterious ancient country…”

“You can’t even feel the tiny needle piercing your body. It’s as gentle as a lover’s kiss…”

“It can both soothe your pain and kill you…”

“Gentle but deadly, I have to say, “Kiss of the Loong” 》This movie name is really good!”

After listening to Locke’s words, Madeline Hill’s cold and flawless face was full of confusion, “Loong? Is there such a word? How to spell it?”


Locke had to explain: “Loong is the Chinese dragon. As we know, dragons are evil and brutal in Western mythology, but in China, Loong is holy and majestic. He is one of the gods believed by the Chinese, similar to Notos, the rain god in Greek mythology, who controls rain and affects the harvest of farms. Therefore, the dragon worshipped by the Chinese is righteous. In order to distinguish it from the evil dragon in the West, the Chinese dragon is Loong…”

Madeline Hill became more and more confused as she listened. Obviously, she had no interest in Chinese Loong.

She frowned and asked, “You mean acupuncture?”


Locke asked, “Captain, do you have Netflix on your phone? Maybe you can understand it better after watching the movie…”

Madeline Hill shook her head and said, “No, I only have Netflix on my iPad!”

Locke spread his hands and said, “This is why I don’t want to tell you. You know nothing , we can’t discuss this topic at all, but this speculation still needs to be verified! ”

“How to verify?”

Although Madeline Hill couldn’t understand what Locke said, she also reacted, “You got this association from the needle holes on Beech Water’s arm? Jesus, if the murderer pierced his arm with needles, how could it affect his heartbeat, how did this happen…”

Locke said helplessly: “That’s why I said I would verify it. However, you first need to understand one thing, Chinese medicine and the modern medicine you know are two completely different medical systems. In the theory of Chinese medicine, there is the concept of meridians. There is qi running in the human body. Acupuncture can cut off the flow of qi. Uh, do you understand?”

Madeline Hill is no longer as cold as usual. She has a few words of embarrassment on her face, just like an 8th grade student who suddenly heard advanced mathematics and was hit by dimensionality reduction.

Cultural differences, sometimes, do make people feel that they are in different latitudes.

She hesitated and asked, “Chinese Kungfu?”

Locke shouted excitedly, “Yes, you get it!”

He reached out to Madeline Hill, and the woman t excitedly high-fived him, with a look of relief on her face.

It wasn’t easy.

She finally understood the question!

Locke was also a little helpless. Most Westerners’ understanding of China and Chinese culture is almost ignorant!

Bruce Lee is worthy of being the pride of the Chinese people!

Just Kung FuTwo words are enough to be remembered by history.

He suddenly understood why his father was so enthusiastic about promoting Chinese culture.

Perhaps, he should accept the invitation.

At this time, Madeline Hill’s cell phone rang, and she smiled and said, “It’s Sophia…”

Locke started the car, “Let her go to the movies!”

Madeline Hill answered the phone and turned on the hands-free mode. She roughly repeated what Locke had just said, and specifically mentioned the movie “Kiss of the Loong”.

Sophia Gaia screamed, “Another movie!”

Locke said coldly, “You don’t have to watch it…”

After hanging up the phone, Madeline Hill immediately searched on YouTube. After a while, she looked at Locke speechlessly, “Locke, the name of the movie is “Kiss of the Dragon”. It’s dragon, not loong. You remembered the wrong name of the movie!”

Locke didn’t even look at her and corrected her, “It is Loong!”

Madeline Hill looked helpless. While watching the movie clips on YouTube, she asked curiously, “How do you know acupuncture?”

Locke replied, “I have Chinese ancestry. Isn’t it normal to know acupuncture? You should remember that I was on the football team in college. Acupuncture is widely used in physical therapy…”

Madeline Hill soon saw the Chinese actor in the video using acupuncture to freeze the gangster thugs. She turned her head and screamed, “OMG ,Is this true? How did he do it? ”

Then he realized that this was not the way back to the detective bureau, “Where are we going?”

Locke replied: “China Town!”

He actually hesitated whether to reveal this matter, but soon figured it out.

Since this killing method is already being used by someone, there is no need to keep it secret. Revealing it will just be a good way to take the blame for him in the future.

He also thought, is Spike’s poison needle secret really only known to him?

When Spike learned acupuncture, he only learned the flying needle technique, but not the essence of acupuncture.

He trusted his African herbs more, and the flying needle was just a carrier of medicine in his eyes.

So, it seems that someone has discovered that acupuncture is also a killing technique?

Or is this murderer a Chinese?

However, no matter what the result is, the theoretical basis of acupuncture killing cannot be said from his mouth.

In the forensic autopsy room, after hanging up the phone, Sophia Gaia said to Tom Williams: “Locke let’s watch an action movie about acupuncture killing people…”

She stared at the dense needle holes on the inside of Beech Water’s arm, “Can you find fresh needle holes? Caused by acupuncture needles…”

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