Locke looked at Miss Greenberg awkwardly. He was ashamed and shocked. He didn’t expect Daisy Greenberg to do this. However, he knew that the reason why it was so fast was also because of the voice on the phone. He didn’t care that Miss Greenberg was biting him, and said in a suppressed voice: “It’s okay, I saw another white dolphin! So, the case will be handed over to Captain Samuel Cliff!” Samuel Cliff is the captain of the third team of the murder department. He is a very gentlemanly black man with silver hair, a bit like Denzel Washington, gentle and elegant, and good at criminal psychology. It must be said that the robbery and murder department is full of talents. Several captains have their own styles. Tom Williams, the captain of the first team, has a weird temper like a psychopath, Samuel Cliff, the captain of the third team, is gentle and elegant like a scholar, Rip Sheldon, the captain of the fourth team, is cold and ruthless like a robot, but he has not yet discovered what style Madeline Hill is. I always feel that her title of “Black Widow” is somewhat unworthy of the name.

Does this title refer to that aspect, not the style of handling cases?


Madeline Hill is still upset about Peter Turner’s case. She asked, “Who do you think killed Teresa and her son?”

Locke was holding Miss Greenberg’s head, and he couldn’t bear it anymore. After all, he had vomited.

He stammered, “Who else except… Jack Williams? I don’t know what the FBI does. There has been no movement for so long!”


Madeline Hill was silent for two seconds, “Locke, why didn’t I see you, damn it, were you on that yacht?”

“Beep beep beep…”

Hearing the call being hung up, Locke hurriedly put down the phone and pushed Miss Greenberg away.

I’ve already vomited, and I’m still doing it. How can I bear it.

Obviously, this woman has guessed what he is doing from his series of reactions!

Locke pulled Miss Greenberg up and sat her on his lap. He looked at the woman suspiciously.

Daisy Greenberg also stared at him, “Is this what you want? Will it please you?”

Locke wiped the corner of her mouth, put his finger into her mouth, and nodded: “Well, but you surprised me just now. How can you suddenly… use your tongue like that?”

He was a little bit unbelievable. Could it be that the training last night worked?

Daisy Greenberg frowned, pushed her finger out with her tongue, and said lightly: “I just can feel your body’s reaction…”

Listening to her saying this in such a calm tone, feeling the warmth of her buttocks, Locke found that it was a little restless again.

He glanced in the direction of the villa. He originally planned to come over to say hello and go back.

Now it seems that he can’t go back for a while.

Forget it, they are all family members anyway, and there is no problem of being rude and neglectful.

Locke touched Miss Greenberg’s hair and said, “Aren’t you practicing diving? Let’s go swimming in the sea!”

He picked up the woman, put her on the deck, led her to the side of the ship, and looked at the sea below.

The third deck is about 8 meters away from the sea surface. The sea surface is azure blue, and the waves are shimmering under the sunlight.

Locke climbed up the side of the boat first, and then reached out to Daisy Greenberg. He didn’t plan to go into the water from the stern, but to jump from here.

He had guessed that Madeline Hill might be looking at this side with her mobile phone camera!

Then they went to play in the water outside the yacht.

Daisy Greenberg hesitated for a moment, grabbed his hand, and climbed up the side of the boat.

“That’s right, you shouldn’t jump into the water like this!”

Locke hugged her in his arms and reminded her: “Take a deep breath!”

He took a breath himself, then jumped down with Daisy Greenberg in his arms.


After sinking into the water, Locke let go of Daisy Greenberg. The woman opened her eyes and looked at him. After spitting a few bubbles from her mouth, her hair was scattered and floating in the water. The hem of her skirt was like a mermaid’s tail.

The sunlight shone through the sea surface, making her look very beautiful, like an elf in the sea.

Locke looked at the scene, and his heart was beating. He recalled the scene when Miss Greenberg was trapped at the bottom of the Los Angeles River.

Locke pointed upwards, indicating that they should go up first. The sound of them jumping into the water should attract the attention of the security on the ship.

Daisy Greenberg pressed her hands down, then swung her legs and quickly jumped out of the sea.

Locke followed closely, and when he surfaced, he saw Juliet and Solomon standing by the side of the ship looking at the sea. There were already crew members at the stern, ready to go into the water.

Daisy Greenberg didn’t even look at the people on the boat. After taking a breath, she dived into the water again.

Locke wiped the seawater off his face,Shouted: “It’s okay, I’m here…” After saying that, he took a breath and followed him into the water. Soon he found the graceful figure, he sped up and chased after it. This area of ​​water is not deep, only forty or fifty meters, and under the sun, the light on the seabed is very clear. Daisy Greenberg should be used to diving in the swimming pool, so she doesn’t know how to dive deep into the seabed. It must be said that her diving training during this period is still very effective. She can already dive freely underwater for 4 minutes. But compared to Locke, it is still a lot worse. With the help of L3 swimming and L3 diving, if the depth does not exceed 50 meters, he can dive underwater for 12 minutes. If it is just holding your breath, it should be longer. After Locke and his team surfaced twice, the lifeguard and Solomon on the boat were sent into the cabin by Juliet, leaving her standing by the side of the ship staring. Every time she came to the surface for a breath, Locke would teach Daisy Greenberg how to distribute oxygen, how to control her body posture, and how to dive deeper.

Daisy Greenberg stared at Locke with rapid breathing, and seemed to be curious about why Locke’s breathing was still so steady.

Miss Greenberg was very elegant at this moment, with clear blue eyes, water droplets hanging on her fair and delicate face, and her black hair stuck together, but this did not affect her beauty at all.

I don’t know if it was because of excessive physical consumption, she no longer had the energy to maintain her coldness and indifference, and the whole person exuded a pure and flawless temperament.

Locke couldn’t help but be moved, he reached out and touched her hair, and couldn’t help but get closer, “Daisy, you are so beautiful!”

He kissed the woman’s cold lips, and his heart was hot.

He had never wanted to own this woman so much, and an unprecedented feeling came to his heart, numb and numb, making people indulge in it.

After a while, Daisy Greenberg was attached to Locke like a sling bear, and she could no longer swim independently.

Locke fished out a pair of black lace panties from underwater. He tied Daisy Greenberg’s hair together with the panties, then held her and swam to the side of the yacht, leaning against the yacht, and kissed her again.

This time it was even hotter.

Juliet on the yacht saw the first kiss and consciously avoided it in the cabin.

A few seabirds flew over the sky, and waves hit the yacht one after another.

Two white dolphins rolled and chased beside the boat…

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