Locke immediately said, “Thank you, Anna!”

With the endorsement of Tom Williams, the Los Angeles detective, he had nothing to do with Peter Turner’s death.

Anna Davis glared at him unhappily, “Everyone in the detective department knows that you often hold parties in a sea view villa worth tens of millions in Malibu. Now many people are looking forward to attending your parties. You are being remembered! See if you are still high-profile?”

Locke said embarrassedly, “I will pay attention in the future!”

He knew that Anna was hitting him, and he was indeed too high-profile during this period.

The relationship between the two families is no longer the same as before, and the bond is deeper, so Locke did not feel disgusted this time, but instead reflected on it.

The way he established personal connections through parties seemed to be a bit too rough.

Anna Davis waved her hand in disdain, “Okay, you can go. With Tom Williams’s action, the person behind it should be found out soon. I hope this person is not LAPD!”

Locke already had a suspect in his mind, and he did not think that this matter was done by his own people.

He did not leave, and asked, “Anna, can I see Tony Gerard’s file?”

Anna Davis glared at him again and complained, “I thought you forgot!”

As she spoke, she used her authority to open Tony Gerard’s file, stood up and made way, “Tony Gerard has talked to Danny Aiello, and he is ready to resign. In fact, there are problems with his mental evaluation, and the top management knows it. The misfortune he suffered was all because of the undercover operation, and his mental problems did not cause any problems at work. In addition, he has a daughter who is about to undergo a heart transplant. Although he is responsible for There are risks, but everyone turns a blind eye…”

“However, it’s good for everyone if he resigns now!”

Locke sat down on the hot chair. He moved away a little uncomfortably and joked, “Wow, I didn’t expect the detective department to be so humane!”

Anna Davis hesitated and said, “It’s Madeline Hill who endorses him!”

Locke was looking at Tony Gerard’s resume. He looked up at Anna Davis and said in astonishment, “So, once Tony Gerard has any problems, Madeline Hill will take the blame!”

Poor woman, she has been taking the blame!

He asked curiously, “What is their relationship?”

Anna Davis hesitated, but thinking that Locke would work with Madeline Hill for a long time in the future, she asked, “How much do you know about Madeline?”

Locke shrugged and said, “Except for knowing that she has a nickname of ‘Black Widow’ and has an unclear relationship with Jane Horvath, I know nothing else!”

He said silently in his heart, and she has a great figure!

Anna Davis pondered for a moment and said, “Madeline is an orphan. Her parents died in a car accident when she was seven years old. She lived in an orphanage until she was nine years old. Later, she was adopted and lived in a foster family that survived on social welfare. When she turned 18, she applied for the Army. After selection and training, she joined the Marine Corps with excellent results…” Locke was stunned. He didn’t expect Madeline Hill’s life to be so tragic. In the United States, many low-income families rely on children’s social welfare to make a living. This is why many low-income families have many children. Having children is also a skill to make a living. Adopting children is also one of the means to obtain social welfare. You can imagine what a young and beautiful little girl will encounter when she lives in a foster family that survives on children’s social welfare! No wonder she joined the army and fled the United States when she turned 18. In order to ensure success, she also applied for the Marine Corps with the lowest threshold. The US Army Enlistment Test (ASVAB) has a minimum score of 31 for the Army and the Marine Corps. The Navy needs 35 points, and the Air Force needs 36 points. Although the benefits of the lower-level American soldiers are average, it is indeed a good choice for the orphan Madeline Hill.

In addition to earning a lot of money, soldiers have the opportunity to go to college after retirement.

All American universities have special places for soldiers.

Even Harvard University, a world-renowned university, has 20 places reserved for active or retired soldiers every year.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
This is one of the benefits of American soldiers.

Anna Davis’ voice became low, “Madeline served in the Marine Corps for five years. Because of her bravery, she was quickly promoted to the rank of sergeant. However, during a patrol mission in the Afghan battlefield, her team was attacked by Taliban terrorists. All the team members died, and only she survived…”

“After this incident, bad rumors spread on the battlefield. Because of her unique hair color, some people slandered her.She is an ominous person, and it is said that she killed her teammates…”

Locke was stunned and said speechlessly: “I didn’t expect that the discrimination against witches in the Middle Ages would continue in modern America!”

Red-haired witches have been regarded as heretics in the West for hundreds of years.

In the Middle Ages, many were burned to death.

The Irish have actually been discriminated against in the United States and are second-class people in the white world.

The early status of the Irish was similar to that of the Chinese who were sold as piglets to build railways in the western United States.

At that time, the Pacific Railway in the western United States had Irish workers in addition to Chinese workers.

The Pacific Railway was built entirely with the corpses of Chinese and Irish people.

In that era, the Chinese, who were called “piglets” by the white skin, could even marry a white Irish woman as their wife.

You can imagine how low the status of the Irish was.

Anna Davis continued: “Because of this incident, Madeline suffered from depression and had to retire early. After returning to the United States, she met her future fiancé, Jack Langdon, at a talk session. ”

“With the help of Jack Langdon, Madeline slowly walked out of the shadows. Well, Jack Langdon was a LAPD patrolman. The two soon got engaged and were ready to enter the palace of marriage…”

“But shortly after the engagement, Jack Langdon died in a car accident…”

Anna Davis paused, “The car accident was very strange. After Jack Langdon and Madeline looked at the bridal shop together, they suddenly ran out of the road and were hit by a speeding car…”

“At the memorial service, Jack Langdon’s family said a lot of hurtful words to Madeline…”

Locke had already guessed that it was nothing more than blaming his son’s death. On Madeline Hill.

The red-haired witch is unknown, but this has been deeply rooted in the hearts of many white people.

He finally knew the origin of Madeline Hill’s nickname “Black Widow”.

When she was a child, she sent her parents away, then sent her teammates away, and when she was about to get married, she sent her fiancé away.

She is worthy of being called “Black Widow”, so poisonous!

Anna Davis shrugged, and her tone became much lighter. “Although Madeline suffered a great blow, she did not lose heart this time. She quickly cheered up. She wanted to fulfill Jack Langdon’s last wish. Jack Langdon always wanted to join the detective bureau and become a detective chief!”

“So Madeline spent a year to enter the psychology major of UCSC (University of California, Santa Cruz), completed the credits in three years, and was admitted to the LAPD detective bureau after graduation!”

“You should know what happened next. Tony Gerard is her teacher and partner. Under Tony Gerard’s guidance, she soon became an excellent detective chief! ”

“Madeline Hill’s captaincy was given to her by Tony Gerrard to some extent!”

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