Locke looked at Madeline Hill from time to time. Ever since he told her that Tony Gerard had entrusted him to salvage the drug dealers’ drug money, Madeline Hill had a dull expression, as if she had been hit.

When they were almost at the police station, Madeline Hill asked, “Why did he do this?”

Locke shrugged and said, “Maybe he didn’t want to implicate you!”

The image of Tony Gerard had changed drastically in his mind.

From a depressed and destitute victim to a scheming conspirator.

There was another assumption in his heart that he dared not think about, and he did not dare to think about it before getting further clues.

This was too horrifying, and his scalp was numb just thinking about it.

He did not even dare to tell Madeline Hill about this suspicion now, for fear that she would have a mental breakdown after knowing it.

Madeline Hill said sarcastically: “So, he chose you, someone he has only known for more than a month!”

She took a deep breath, and her expression slowly returned to calm. She took out a medicine box from her pocket, opened it wide, and swallowed the pills directly.

Locke hurriedly took out a bottle of Evian from the hand protection box and handed it over. The woman took the water, drank two sips, and burped in an indecent manner.

Madeline Hill tightly held the mineral water bottle and frowned, saying: “I suddenly realized that I don’t seem to understand Tony Gerard…”

Locke’s eyes flashed, it seems that Madeline Hill’s heart has already cracked.

He casually said, “Could it be caused by schizophrenia? Can you tell me about the deputy captain’s situation after the car accident and hospitalization?”

Madeline Hill showed a look of reminiscence, “When I met Tony, he had just successfully quit drinking and returned to the team as a deputy captain. At that time, he had just finished a year of detective training and was in the internship stage. The then captain Ben Jackson assigned me to Tony.”

“Tony refused this request at the time, but Captain Jackson talked to him once and he agreed.

“Tony was very indifferent and silent at that time. You can’t imagine how I survived those days…”

“A lot of information about Tony is from Captain Jackson. He told me, I was about to give up at that time, he told me a lot about Tony, saying that Tony was not like this before, he was funny and humorous…”

“But that car accident destroyed everything for him. That car accident made him lose Arthur, and also made Sheri lose both legs and a healthy heart. Connie also chose to leave them because she couldn’t bear the blow…”

“Captain Jackson said that Tony has not fully recovered his memory, and some things are still hard to remember, but this is a good thing for him…”


Locke listened to Madeline Hill’s story, and his scalp tingled.

He asked: “Has Captain Ben Jackson retired?”

Madeline Hill nodded and said: “Well, he retired 2 years ago, but unfortunately he didn’t enjoy his retirement life for too long, and went to see God!”

Locke turned his head suddenly, “What happened?”

Madeline Hill said sadly: “Ben accidentally fell into the sea and drowned when he went out to sea fishing!”

Locke’s expression froze, and he asked again: “Who were the colleagues at that time? Was Harry there at that time? ”

Madeline Hill shook her head and said, “Harry joined three years ago, and Chris was transferred…”

Locke suddenly thought of a key person and asked, “Connie Gerard, um, where is Ms. Connie?”

Madeline Hill thought for a moment and frowned, “I don’t have a good impression of her, so I didn’t pay attention to her whereabouts. I only know that she left Los Angeles, and Tony and Shirley rarely mentioned her…”

At this time, Locke’s cell phone rang. It was Sofia Gaia who called. He answered the call directly with Carlplay in the car.

Sophia Gaia asked, “Locke, are you back?”

Locke glanced at the detective station across the street and replied, “I’m at the door, waiting for the traffic light. Is there any progress?”

Sophia Gaia said, “good, then come to our office later, I need to record a statement for you…”

Locke turned and replied, “No problem! ”


Sophia Gaia was silent for two seconds, and suddenly said: “Locke, if you promise to give us a La Marzocco coffee machine, I can tell you a good news…”

Madeline Hill said coldly: “Inspector Gaia, it seems that I need to talk to the Ministry of Internal Affairs…”

“Jesus, Captain Hill, you are here too, hahahaha, I was joking with Locke, that’s it for now, Locke, see you later, hang up!”


Locke glanced at Madeline Hill and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Madeline Hill said lightly: “It only takes five minutes to get from the parking lot to the office. Five minutes later, sheThe so-called good news is worthless!” Locke replied: “But knowing the good news in advance will make me feel happy for five minutes. I think it is worth paying for a La Marzocco coffee machine!” Madeline Hill’s face sank, and she looked like she didn’t want to talk anymore. … Ten minutes later, Locke walked into the office of the first team with a cup of American coffee brewed by the La Marzocco coffee machine. As soon as he came in, a dark figure rushed towards him, “Inspector Locke, I didn’t say anything about Ms. Ivna Holly. It was that bastard Griffin Pierre who was talking nonsense…” “That bastard slandered me, I want to sue him for defamation!” “…” Locke easily avoided Heli Pierce who wanted to pull his sleeve, and frowned at the team of people who were waiting to watch the show. He first yelled to Heli Pierce: “Shut up!” Then he asked Sophia Gaia: “What the hell is going on? ”

Sophia Gaia smiled and said, “We just finished recording the statement of Ms. Haley Pierce. She said that she never said that you killed Ivna Holly…”

Haley Pierce quickly agreed, “Yes, I am a professional lawyer, I have my professional ethics, I can’t talk about my client with other people casually, and I can’t say such absurd remarks!”

Her dark face was full of anger, and she gritted her teeth and said, “Inspector Locke, I will sue Griffin Pierce for defamation. At the same time, I also want to represent the case of your reputation damage. Please believe me, I will definitely put Griffin Pierce, the bastard, in jail!”

Locke looked at the African hyena in front of him, wagging his tail and begging for mercy, and suddenly he was a little confused.

However, it can be seen that he underestimated this woman. She is not stupid at all.

Locke hesitated and replied, “Let’s talk about this topic later. Let me understand the situation first!”

Haley Pierce immediately regained her elegance and squeezed out a smile that she thought was beautiful, “Of course, please go ahead! ”

Locke suddenly felt a pain in his balls, walked up to Sophia Gaia, and asked, “What is the fucking going on?”

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