Andrew O’Hara explained in a low voice: “Eric Mason’s case has turned around. His lawyer is negotiating the terms of the plea with the prosecutor. I heard that the fine alone is as high as 200 million, and he will be sentenced to probation…” When he talked about this, there was a hint of pride in his eyes. Andrew O’Hara did not expect that he would actually do it. Eric Mason, who was on bail at home the day before yesterday, called him in person to thank him and promised him that Mason Construction would fully support his campaign in the future. In other words, Eric Mason will become his financial sponsor in the future. In the United States, many lawsuits can actually be bargained like business, and the sentence can be negotiated, and paying a fine can get a reduction in sentence from the prosecutor. Of course, the interests involved here are very complicated and involve some interest exchanges. For example, the Bitcoin boss, the Chinese owner of Binance, the largest Bitcoin trading platform, paid high protection fees, uh, fines. A sky-high fine of 4.3 billion US dollars in exchange for a settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

Of course, the premise of trading with the prosecutor is that you have to be qualified.

For some criminal offenders, the prosecutor will also issue a plea agreement in order to close the case as soon as possible, so that the prosecutor does not need to spend manpower and material resources to continue investigating the case and end the expenditure for the country.

Eric Mason is naturally qualified to trade with the prosecutor, but this case is too sensitive.

There is solid evidence that he bribed five Democratic congressmen. The five Democratic congressmen implicated have submitted their resignations under pressure, and they will face criminal prosecution next.

Although he still has some influence in the Democratic Party, at this critical moment, the Democratic congressmen dare not intervene in this case at will.

Obviously, whoever intervenes in this case has accepted Ashley Mason’s bribe.

The congressmen obviously value their own future more. After all, with the status of congressmen, there are still many opportunities to make money.

Why bother to wade into this muddy water?

This case can be said to be the focus of California’s current political arena, and the key point of this case is actually the Republican Party.

In particular, the Republican Party has been eyeing it covetously, preparing to use this case to get more Democratic congressmen.

After Eric Mason lost his political asylum, he immediately became an ordinary businessman.

Locke understood instantly that it seemed that the political broker Ms. Oribe Yello, who he introduced last time, played a role, and Eric Mason and Sullivan Gray reached a deal.

And this 1 million US dollars should be the agency fee from Eric Mason.

Locke smiled, closed the menu, and consciously put the check next to Marian’s hand.

He said: “I didn’t expect Eric Mason to be so generous, thank Mr. Mason for me!”

With his current wealth, this 1 million is naturally not in his eyes, but this is the agency fee he deserves, and it would be a waste not to take it.

It can be imagined that the O’Haras should benefit more from this matter.

Marian looked at Andrew O’Hara in confusion, opened the menu, and immediately saw the check inside. She turned to Locke and asked dissatisfiedly: “What else do I not know?”

Nancy O’Hara was surprised: “Didn’t Locke tell you?”

Marian glared at Locke and said unhappily: “Obviously, he didn’t. Humph, I’ll settle the score with you when I get home!”

Locke smiled awkwardly: “I just made two phone calls, I almost forgot about it!”

Nancy O’Hara apologized: “Sorry, I thought Locke told you…”

After the O’Hara couple’s narration, Marian knew the whole story. It turned out that Locke had quietly helped Andrew O’Hara a lot.

The Mason construction boss bribery case reported on Yahoo News recently has made new progress, and it is actually related to Locke.

Nancy O’Hara continued: “I also sent invitations to Eric Mason and Ashley Mason for the weekend cocktail party!”

After this incident, the O’Hara couple directly entered Eric Mason’s social circle.

In fact, Andrew O’Hara got in touch with Ashley Mason through Nancy O’Hara.

His previous political donations also came from Ashley Mason. County councillors of his level were not taken seriously by billionaires like Eric Mason.

This time, in order to help her husband, Mrs. Mason sent a group request for help to her friends.

Nancy O’Hara remembered that Marian had mentioned that Locke had some connections with the Los Angeles FBI branch.

So there was a scene where Andrew O’Hara asked Locke for help at the party.

Neither of them expected that Locke wouldHe didn’t introduce the FBI relationship, but he directly gave a phone number to a political broker in Washington DC, which directly facilitated this matter.

When Marian heard Locke introduce the political broker in Washington, she immediately thought of whose relationship he had used.

Thinking that her brother Glenn would have to rely on Sullivan Gray when he returned to Besquefield to run for Congress, she felt inexplicably complicated.

Nancy O’Hara raised her glass and sighed again: “Marian, I really envy you for having such an excellent son like Locke!”

Marian clinked her glasses with her, her face full of pride, but she complained: “I will be pissed off by him sooner or later…”

Then the two talked about the preparations for the weekend cocktail party. After the cocktail party, Locke O’Hara Law Firm will officially open for business.

Locke and Andrew O’Hara were going to drive later, and neither of them drank, focusing on the food.

Suddenly, Nancy O’Hara, who was chatting with Marian, asked Locke, “Locke, I remember you studied Chinese at UCLA, right?”

Locke wiped the corner of his mouth and replied, “Yes, I majored in Chinese language and culture, what’s wrong?”

Nancy O’Hara said, “Meryl Streep came back to Los Angeles a few days ago, and we had dinner together. She has recently become fascinated by ancient Chinese poetry. She read me an ancient Chinese poem, saying that it was written by an ancient Chinese poet hundreds of years ago. She said that the artistic conception of this poem is very beautiful. She read the poem with a look of enjoyment, but I couldn’t understand it at all…”

“I tried to learn, but Chinese is too difficult!”

Meryl Streep, a famous Hollywood actress, is one of Nancy O’Hara’s clients.

In terms of customer resources, she is better than Marian.

Nancy O’Hara opened WhatsApp and handed the phone to Locke, “Meryl shared this poem with me. Can you help me explain what it means? This way, next time we meet, we will have something in common…”

“Deer Shed”

Tang. Wang Wei

“No one is seen in the empty mountain,

but the sound of people’s voices can be heard.

The reflected light enters the deep forest,

and shines on the moss again.”

Locke looked at these words. He was sure that he knew every word, but he didn’t quite understand what these words meant when combined.

Marianne also leaned over to take a look. Seeing the confusion on Locke’s face, she said awkwardly: “If Todd was here, he would definitely be able to answer you…”

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