Locke has already made up his mind. Although Marian and Li Bo are both professionals, he will not ask them for help.

He has already thought about who to ask.

Last time, Jack Williams placed an order of 1 million US dollars with him!

This guy can’t find Jack Williams, he must be anxious.

Charles Kepler’s identity is fake after all, and it can’t withstand investigation. He is not the real Jack Williams, so this operation is still a dirty job to some extent.

Legendary gang lawyer Sean Pierce is the most suitable candidate.

The first step should be to get the 48% of shares held by Peter Turner, which come from three other offshore companies registered in the British Virgin Islands.

All the documents are complete, and you only need to go through the procedure to change the share registration information.

In this way, the shares he controls will reach 70%, which is already an absolute controlling stake.

The only trouble is the 14.7% of shares held by Theresa Turner. Although Craven Turner is dead, it is not sure whether this woman has other heirs.

Therefore, it is necessary to entrust a third-party agency to investigate and go through a process. If no heir is found, these shares will be entrusted by the government, and other shareholders have the right of first refusal to purchase these shares.

With the valuation of 200 million for Derek Used Car Company, these shares are about 30 million, and he can still take out this money.

84.7%, enough.

He will not take back the shares held by Tommy Levine and the other two.

These three are talents, and he needs them to continue to operate the company.

So, the only trouble now is the FBI investigation.

Locke couldn’t help but smile bitterly when he thought that the FBI investigation into Derek Used Car Company was pushed by him.

He didn’t expect the boomerang to hit him in the end.

However, this problem is not big. Now he has a new idea about Derek Used Car Company and doesn’t plan to eat alone.

These problems will naturally be solved by someone, and there is no need to use his favors.

Locke’s initial idea was to whitewash the company, acquire it through Mendes Repair Shop, and then hand it over to Li Bo for management, so that his father would not be so embarrassed.

It can also add to the family’s foundation and a stable source of income.

But now, he doesn’t care about the 200 million!

After sorting out his thoughts, Locke’s mind was refreshed.

He realized that since having dinner with Henry Greenberg on Sunday, his vision and pattern have improved a lot, and he is more confident.

He picked up the teacup in front of him and drank the cold tea in one gulp, and his mouth was full of sweetness.

Marian took the initiative to pour tea for him, staring at him and said, “Locke, hurry up and share what you are thinking about just now. Your father and I dare not disturb you!”


Locke was startled and looked at Marian and Li Bo opposite. It seems that he is enjoying his current life more and more, so he is so relaxed in front of his family.

He shrugged and smiled, “I just thought about the dinner with old Greenberg on Sunday, and some of the things he said…”


Maryan was even more curious, “What did Mr. Greenberg say to you?”

Li Bo also stared at Locke. He knew very well that the Greenberg family was the biggest support of the Locke family.

Locke picked up the teacup, took a sip and said, “Old Greenberg introduced Daisy’s assets to me. He said that most of the assets Steve Greenberg left to Daisy were placed in fund companies, such as JPMorgan Chase and State Street. He also said that if our family had money, he could get a better rate of return…” He shrugged and said, “I think he should be testing me. After all, we suddenly took out 100 million yuan to buy the farm in Besquefield this time…” Li Bo’s expression condensed and he said confidently, “Wells Fargo cooperated with this operation. Unless the IRS investigates Wells Fargo, there will be no problem!” Marian paid attention to another question, “Why did he tell you about Daisy’s assets?” Locke replied, “The implication is that he might want to tell me that these assets belong to Daisy and the Greenberg family will not take them back…” Marian and Li Bo looked at each other and saw joy in each other’s eyes. In fact, that night, Henry Greenberg personally came to the cocktail party, which officially announced that the Greenberg family recognized the relationship between Locke and Daisy Greenberg. This move also announced to the upper class in Los Angeles and even California that the Locke family was a relative recognized by the Greenberg family.

Now hearing Henry Greenberg talking to Locke about such a sensitive topic was enough to show his recognition of Locke.

Although it was used as an excuse, Locke did benefit a lot from chatting with Henry Greenberg that day.

He was consideredUnderstand why America is called a true capitalist country.

This is also why he was so tactful in Steve Chiang’s case.

When Henry Greenberg talked about Wall Street fund management companies, he casually mentioned that the top three shareholders of Apple were Wall Street funds.

There is also Microsoft, whose first and second largest shareholders are Vanguard and BlackRock respectively, and founder Bill Gates is no longer among the top ten shareholders.

There is also the global consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble, whose top four shareholders are also Wall Street investment institutions.

There are other companies that everyone is familiar with, such as Google, Intel, IBM, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Lockheed Martin, Boeing…

The top two shareholders of these companies are all Wall Street investment institutions.

They also talked about Beech Water’s case, and then talked about Epstein behind him, and Henry Greenberg smiled and told a funny story.

As we all know, Epstein’s first opportunity in life was when he was a high school teacher and was appreciated by a student’s parents, so he was introduced to a Wall Street investment bank. That’s when he had the opportunity to meet Wall Street financial tycoons and reach the pinnacle of his life…

The Wall Street investment bank that the student’s parents introduced Epstein to was called Bear Stearns, which is the fifth largest investment bank on Wall Street and was acquired by JPMorgan Chase during the financial crisis in 2008.

The student’s parents were the president of Bear Stearns, Alan Greenberg.

Locke was stunned at the time, so, Epstein was also one of his own?

Then he thought of the relationship between the Greenberg family and Israel, so the rumor that Epstein was a Mossad agent was almost true.

Otherwise, a high school teacher, who used a fake certificate, would be tried by a Wall Street tycoon.

So, Epstein rose to the top step by step, met politicians, and became prosperous, with Jewish capital behind him.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang, and Locke looked down and saw that it was Jennifer Gray who replied to his message.

“I’m having dinner with my boyfriend!”

Locke stood up suddenly, what is fucking?

Was he cheated on?

His first reaction was that Jennifer Grey was going to end her relationship with him because of what Daisy said that night, and she turned around and found a boyfriend!

But he denied this idea in less than half a second. He was still very confident in himself.

He didn’t believe that Jennifer Grey would betray him.

Locke quickly calmed down. This woman must have blamed him for not going to see her these days and deliberately teased him!

Haha, boyfriend?

Doesn’t Dick have a boyfriend?

Elizabeth Koch’s delicate and arrogant face immediately appeared in his mind. It seems that he will have to play doubles again tonight!

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