Locke and his team have obtained the information of the villa owner, that is, the deceased, from the community HOA (Home Owners Association).

Harry Sanam and Jack Tabot are taking notes from the HOA manager, a white woman in her forties, who looks very unhappy.

Harry Sanam had to stop and comfort her from time to time. The woman was obviously frightened by the murder.

Of course, it is also possible that she is worried about her future career.

Such a vicious case happened in such a high-end closed community. The responsibility of the community manager is not small. Someone must be held responsible for it.

The deceased is a couple, both over 60 years old.

The male deceased is named Carl Lopez, a white man, a senior executive of Sam Supermarket, 65 years old, who loves golf and travel and is enjoying his retirement life. Unexpectedly, he suffered this misfortune.

The female deceased is named Casey Lopez, a white man, 63 years old, a housewife.

The two elderly people have three children, two girls and one boy, but they have all started their own families, so only two elderly people live in this villa.

In the morning, a familiar neighbor in the community found that the door of Carl Lopez’s house was not closed while jogging. He shouted a few times at the door, but there was no response. He realized that something was wrong and went in to check. He immediately found two people lying in a pool of blood, so he called the police immediately.

Jane Horvath saw that Madeline Hill was unmoved by her kindness, shrugged her shoulders, and reported the case directly, “This is a typical case of burglary and murder…”

“The whole room was turned over, especially the master bedroom. The jewelry in the jewelry box was cleared out…”

“There is a safe in the cloakroom, which was also opened. It was unlocked normally. The safe is an old model and has no alarm system…”

“The safe was cleaned out, but what’s interesting is that the registered bonds worth 5 million that should have been placed in the safe were thrown on the floor of the cloakroom. Obviously, the robbers didn’t recognize these bonds…”

“Both victims died of excessive blood loss, and the fatal part of the male body was It was the throat, and the fatal part of the female corpse was the abdomen. Both were multiple injuries. The autopsy report will be out soon…”

“We did not find the robber’s footprints and fingerprints in the room. He should have worn shoe covers and gloves…”

“There were bloody fingerprints on the door lock, but the robber wore gloves, so the fingerprint information could not be extracted…”

“We collected some hair traces. Whether there are any traces of the robbers, we need to compare and analyze them to know…”


After listening to Jane Horvath’s report, Madeline Hill said solemnly: “Thank you, Captain Horvath!”

Jane Horvath curled her lips, looked at Locke meaningfully, turned around and walked into the villa.

At this time, Harry Sanam came over after recording the statement. Madeline Hill asked, “What did you gain?” Harry Sanam replied, “According to Hailey, the Lopez couple are very kind and friendly. They often participate in community activities. Mrs. Lopez always brings her own baked desserts. Mr. Lopez likes to play golf and often plays golf with neighbors in the community…” “Hailey said that the Lopez couple went to Europe for a trip for half a month. They should have returned home last night and ran into the robbers. I have asked Jack to retrieve the surveillance…” “Hailey said that since the establishment of the Lightwood community, there has never been such a bad homicide case. The most recent theft was also three years ago. She hopes that we can solve the case as soon as possible…” “…” As soon as Harry Sanam finished speaking, Raven Tate joked, “Wow, Hailey!” Locke also stared at Harry Sanam with a playful look. He had to admit that Harry was indeed a friend of women. Just recording a statement made the panicked HOA manager dizzy. This guy is still dressed in a suit today, with a light gray striped suit from Tom Ford and a pair of brown brogues on his feet.

He is wearing a white Brooks Brother shirt inside, without a tie, elegant yet a bit unruly.

Locke just saw that after the record was finished, the charming HOA manager invited Harry Sanam to dinner tonight.

He gave Harry a thumbs up and joked, “Ms. Hailey just invited Harry to dinner…”

Raven Tate and Teddy Martin immediately started to make a noise, and Teddy even made an exaggerated expression, “Harry, you are my idol!”

Harry Sanam was startled, thinking that Locke could read lips, he couldn’t help but look helpless, and said reservedly, “We are just friends. This case is a big blow to Hailey, and she needs me to provide her with aSome professional advice…”

“Okay, that’s it!”

Madeline Hill frowned, “Harry, what to say and what not to say, I don’t need to remind you!”

Harry Sanam shrugged and said, “Of course, I just want to give her some psychological comfort. Maybe I can get some new clues from her!”


Madeline Hill was speechless, “Change shoe covers, let’s go to the scene!”

While changing shoe covers, Thaddeus Martin whispered to Locke, “If we talk about these things at the scene, will it be disrespectful to the deceased?”

Without waiting for Locke to answer, Raven Tate next to him patted him on the shoulder, “The work of a detective is very stressful. We can’t keep our nerves tense all the time, so proper relaxation is more conducive to solving the case…”

“However, don’t smile in front of the victim’s family and the media…”

Locke echoed, “Yes, even if you want to laugh, you have to hold it back, otherwise, you can wait to be complained or on the news! ”

In the villa, the staff of the forensic center were already packing up their equipment, but the bodies had not yet been put into body bags.

Locke walked to the two bodies as soon as possible. The two bodies were lying on both sides of the kitchen island. The blood on their bodies almost covered the kitchen floor. The blood finally flowed into the sewer along the floor drain, forming a pool of blood foam at the floor drain.

Both bodies had terrified faces, their eyes were wide open, and their mouths were open. It was obvious that they were about to shout before they died, but their mouths were covered.

“There are at least two murderers. The two victims died from different table knives. The blade that stabbed into the male victim’s throat was 31 mm wide, and the blade that stabbed into the female victim’s abdomen was 42 mm wide. The kitchen knives are Just two knives are missing…”

Catherine Murphy’s voice came from behind, “There are very few marks on the bodies. Both victims were attacked unexpectedly and didn’t even have time to cry for help…”

Soon everyone looked at the scene, and Locke also went upstairs to look at the safe in the cloakroom. The murderer’s unlocking skills should only be L1, because the lock core was broken and there were many scratches inside.

But the murderer was also very cautious and professional, wearing gloves and shoe covers, and may even wear a one-piece protective suit.

Because there are really few marks at the scene.

When summarizing the information, Harry Sanam said with certainty: “Combined with the existing clues, this is a typical burglary and murder case!”

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