Hearing Jessica Lopez’s words, Locke was stunned. Was their speculation wrong?

If the thieves were not after these jewels, what were they after?

It couldn’t be because of the music box!

Locke quickly calmed down and asked, “Ms. Lopez, do you know the approximate value of these five pieces of jewels?”

Jessica Lopez frowned and thought for a few seconds, then replied, “They all look very old styles. I remember a James Avery necklace, a pair of diamond earrings, I forgot the brand, a Tiffany diamond ring, a Kenneth Jay Lane bracelet, and a gold ring. That was the ring Thomas used to propose to Catherine. Uh, my grandmother’s name is Catherine, and Catherine’s name is to commemorate her…”

“The total value of these jewels should not exceed 20,000 US dollars, but I’m not sure…”

“OMG, the murderer shouldn’t kill Carl and Casey for 20,000 US dollars! ”

Looking at Jessica Lopez who started crying again, Locke raised his eyebrows and continued to ask: “Ms. Lopez, do you have these five pieces of jewelry, uh, and photos of the music box? We want to ask professionals to evaluate their value…”

Jessica Lopez shook her head and said: “I used to have photos, but they were deleted later. Catherine should have them, and Carl should have them on his computer…”

She frowned and stared at Locke, “Sorry, I’m not questioning you, but do you really think the murderer broke into the house because of the five pieces of jewelry?”

Locke replied seriously: “Ma’am, this is exactly the purpose of our investigation!”

Teddy Martin suddenly said: “Could it be because of the music box? ”

Seeing that Locke and Jessica Lopez were both looking at him, he hurriedly said: “There is a plot in “The Detective” about a music box, involving a treasure…”


Locke was speechless. Can such a reasoning question be discussed in front of the victim’s family?

However, what Teddy Martin said did give him some inspiration. Could it be that this music box is the key?

Jessica Lopez shook her head and said: “Although the music box is considered a Russian antique, it is just an ordinary music box…”

In the second team office, Locke and his friends drank the coffee that Teddy Martin had just brewed and exchanged the information they had just obtained.

Harry Sanam leaned against the desk and pondered: “Locke, I agree with most of your reasoning, but if the murderer who killed the Lopez couple was a professional thief, why didn’t they even close the door when they left? This is not like what professionals would do! ”

Locke sat on the chair, he turned the chair towards everyone and replied: “Harry, thieves are not killers. If they kill someone for the first time, they will panic…”

Harry Sanam did not comment on Locke’s explanation, and insisted: “Your reason can’t convince me!”

Jack Tabot said proudly: “Guys, I also found a suspicious point!”

Seeing that everyone was looking over, he said excitedly: “No way, you didn’t find it? How could a professional thief throw away a bond worth 5 million? So, Locke, your reasoning should be wrong. The murderer who killed the Lopez couple is most likely a black thief with a low level of education. They don’t know what they lost…”

“Uh, Teddy, I declare that I absolutely do not have any discrimination against black people!”

“How about it? Don’t say I’m an ‘Irish buffalo’ with strong limbs and a simple mind anymore. I have brains too…” Raven Tate interrupted the guy’s chatter and asked, “Jack, are the 5 million bonds registered or bearer?” Jack Talbot replied, “Registered, what’s wrong?” Raven Tate spread his hands and said, “Then do you know that the transfer of registered bonds usually needs to be handled by the person himself? It is a financial product, and transactions require level registration. Therefore, the 5 million registered bonds are actually like waste paper to people other than Carl Lopez…” “…” Jack Talbot was stunned for a moment, turned his head and asked Harry Sanam, “Is that so?” Harry Sanam said unhappily, “Don’t embarrass yourself. You shouldn’t worry about things that require your brain!” He asked Locke again, “You looked at the security system of the Lightwood community yesterday. Did you find anything? ”

Locke shook his head and said, “I walked around the community and found no signs of climbing over the wall. The cameras had basically no loopholes. The road outside the villa was hardened, and no footprints were found…”

Raven Tate said, “Based on these, I believeBut Locke speculated that the murderer was very professional. Ordinary thieves or thieves could not do this at all! ”

Harry Sanam crossed his hands in front of his chest and pondered: “According to the on-site investigation of the forensic department, the two murderers should have been splashed with blood after killing the Lopez couple, especially the wound in the throat of Carl Lopez, and the blood should be sprayed. There should be blood on the murderer’s face. If they fled in a hurry after killing, there would be no traces of blood outside the villa…”

Some memories flashed through Locke’s mind, and he replied: “Professionals will change clothes when leaving the scene of the crime!”

Harry Sanam asked again: “Then how to explain the open door? If they closed the door, the bodies of the Lopez couple might not be discovered until they rotted, which is more beneficial to them!”

Raven Tate interrupted: “Is there a possibility that they are indeed professional thieves, but not so professional…”

At this time, Madeline Hill walked in with a document in her hand, “Meeting, the value of the jewelry and music box has been estimated by a jewelry expert! ”

Jessica Lopez found Carl Lopez’s computer in the government office and found photos of five pieces of jewelry and a music box.

After getting the photos, Madeline Hill immediately used her connections in the detective bureau to find professionals to appraise the jewelry.

Soon everyone came to the conference room again, looking at Madeline Hill expectantly.

The value of the jewelry is directly related to the murderer’s motive, which determines the direction of the next investigation of the case.

Raven Tate complained: “Jane Horvath also said that we finally encountered a normal case! Is this case normal? ”

After saying that, he immediately thought of the relationship between Madeline Hill and Jane Horvath, and looked at the captain nervously.

Madeline Hill handed the information in her hand to Brian Smith and asked him to put it into the projector. Her expression did not fluctuate, as if she did not hear Raven Tate’s complaints.

While Brian was preparing, she said to Locke: “You go to the forensic department to get the forensic report and autopsy report…”

She then said to Harry Sanam: “In addition to the murderer’s motive, how the murderer sneaked in and left is also an important clue. We must figure this out! Harry, I need you and Jack to continue to investigate this matter in the Lightwood community. I hope you satisfied Ms. Hailey last night!”

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