
“Amazing, cool!”

“Ryder, fuck, you got seawater in my eyes…”


The yacht has anchored south of San Clemente Island, and the rubber boat at the rear of the yacht has been put into the sea. Victor Mendes and Ryder are playing in the sea.

Sometimes they climb onto the yacht, sometimes they jump off the yacht.

Or they drive the rubber boat around the yacht at high speed, and the two of them are having a lot of fun.

When they are tired, they go on the yacht to drink beer and eat to relieve fatigue.

The only regret is that there is no beauty in a sexy bikini to play with them.

Both of them did not go to the flying bridge. At this moment, on the flying bridge, Sarah Mendes was sunbathing in a white sexy bikini.

Her expression was lazy and charming, and she lay on the sofa with a graceful posture and a graceful figure.

In order to avoid the traces of the swimsuit, the bra rope was untied, and the back was completely naked, wearing only small underwear.

Locke sat next to her, shirtless, revealing a toned and sexy body. Although he didn’t work out, his body had long been systematically shaped like a statue.

On the table next to him was an ice bucket with beer and drinks in it. He drank a bud light while giving Sarah Mendes a butt massage.

Locke stared at San Clemente Island in the distance. They had been playing here for almost an hour, but the navy on the island had no reaction at all.

He raised his eyebrows, not understanding what “Tony Gerrard” was worried about before?

Was it just because the “doctor” kept staring at him that he didn’t dare to take the risk and come here to get the drug money himself?

Locke suppressed his doubts and planned to go to the sea to see the situation. He pulled out his hand, went up, stroked the girl’s smooth and tender back, and asked: “Do you want to go to the sea to play?”

Sarah Mendes frowned slightly, thought for a while and replied: “Forget it, I’m a little tired…”

Locke touched her hair soothingly, “Okay, then you take a rest first, I’ll go down and see if I can find something good and make sashimi for you…”

This time he didn’t bring a fishing rod, but a spear gun, which was the best excuse to go diving.

Locke stood up and was about to go down to get the spear gun to go into the sea. Sarah Mendes held his hand. He lowered his head and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Sarah Mendes sat up and handed the swimsuit bra to Locke, saying coquettishly, “Help me tie it on, because I can’t reach it from behind. I want to go down to watch you fish!”

Locke took the bra lovingly and immediately sealed the scenery that made people unable to stop. He tied the straps skillfully and looked at Victor and Reid who were having a water fight in the sea. He couldn’t help laughing.

These two people are weird no matter how you look at them.

Fortunately, he knew that these two people would not come out, they were just simple homies.

Locke couldn’t help but say, “Don’t do this next time. The most important thing when you go out to play is to have fun. Victor and Reid are both adults. It’s normal for them to have female friends. It’s normal to go out to play without a partner…”

Sarah Mendes pouted and said, “I don’t want his messy friends to see you!”

Locke held her hand and walked towards the stairs, smiling, “I just think this is too cruel for them. It’s so hard to go out to sea and have fun, but only the two of us are happy, and they can only play in the water…”

Sarah Mendes’ face instantly turned red with shame, thinking of the beautiful scene just now. She didn’t know how soundproof the yacht was?

She pondered and said, “If they listen to you and have stable girlfriends, then when we go out to play in the future, they can also bring their partners…”

Soon, Locke put on diving equipment, diving goggles, fins, oxygen tanks and net bags for fish with the help of Victor and Reid.

The weight of the oxygen tank was not a problem for him, and his body was still upright.

“I’ll come up in half an hour!”

Locke glanced at the Rolex Submariner in his hand, holding the spear gun, and jumped into the sea in a handsome posture.

Victor Mendes and Ryder had not received any diving training. Seeing this scene, they could only stare with envy.

After diving into the seabed, Locke felt like a fish in water. L3 diving and L3 swimming, coupled with a strong physique, made him not too uncomfortable on the seabed.

He did not search immediately, but observed the terrain and light on the seabed.

This sea area is not too deep because it is close to San Clemente Island, but it is still 30-40 meters deep.

Because it is close to noon, the light is very strong, and you can see the situation on the seabed without the help of lights.

The mountains of San Clemente Island extend all the way to the seabed, resulting in the seabed in this sea area with interlaced mountains and hills and complex terrain.

Inside the diving goggles, Locke frowned. He now understands why “Tony Gerrard” himselfDon’t come to get the drug money.

Well, assuming there is really such drug money.

It is not easy to find the money hidden by drug dealers in such a complex bottom line.

Fortunately, he came here only for preliminary investigation this time, and did not want to find the location of the drug dealers’ money at once.

And now that he has seen through the identity of “Tony Gerrard”, he is even less concerned about finding the money. He doesn’t care whether he can find the money.

At this time, a red grouper swam in front, and Locke immediately fired, and the harpoon instantly pierced the tail of the grouper.

Although he hit it, he frowned. He clearly wanted to shoot the head of the grouper just now, but he didn’t expect to shoot the tail.

With his current shooting skills, there is such a big error on the seabed. It can be imagined how big the difference is between shooting on the seabed and shooting on land.

When the grouper was pulled over, Locke found that this red grouper weighed at least 5KG, and this fish was enough.

He took another look at the complicated bottom line of the seabed, then shook his legs and swam to the surface.

As soon as he surfaced, Locke was stunned, because there was a “Hamilton” class patrol speedboat of the United States Coast Guard parked next to the yacht.

With the help of Victor and Reid, Locke climbed onto the yacht and asked the armed guard on the “Hamilton” class patrol speedboat: “Hi, is there any problem?”

The other party stared at the red grouper he had dragged up and exclaimed: “Sir, you have a good catch. No problem, your companion has told us your identity. This is just a routine inspection because your location is a little close to San Clemente Island…”

Soon the Coast Guard left, and Locke also took off his diving equipment. Just as he was about to cook the grouper, Sarah Mendes handed him his mobile phone.

“Just got a call from you, it was Tony Gerard calling…”

Locke was startled and subconsciously looked around. Except for the Coast Guard that was going away, there were no other ships around.

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