Chapter 674 This is the breakfast you mentioned

At 5:30 in the morning, Locke finally burned all 24 bodies in the space, and he was completely relieved.

Fortunately, his physique is already extraordinary, and he is still energetic after staying up all night.

With 24 bodies gone, the space suddenly cleared about 15 squares, which was much more spacious.

In the future, I will never store so many bodies in the space.

When leaving, Locke stuffed the three “butchers” Schalke and the other two bodies into the crematorium, stuffing five bodies at a time to fill the furnace.

In fact, this location is very secretive, and the only people who are thinking about “butcher” Schalke are probably the gangs and drug dealers in San Diego.

So, even if the bodies are allowed to rot here, it doesn’t matter.

But the professional ethics of the “scavenger” does not allow Locke to leave these bodies alone.

After starting the crematorium again, he set the timer and prepared to leave the stone house.

Locke had just checked the fuel. After burning all night, there was not much kerosene left in the tank outside the house.

Fortunately, his body was burned, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

As for whether the five bodies could be burned in the end, he didn’t care.

Before leaving, Locke did not forget to store some metal medical devices in the metal sieve next to him, including titanium alloy screws, stainless steel plates…

These were burned out of the bodies, and there were product codes on them, so they could not be discarded casually.

You can throw them into the sea when you go out to sea another day.

Before leaving, Locke turned his head and took another look. To be honest, this place is really good.

It’s a good place to destroy corpses and get rid of traces!

Locke looked up at Deborah, who was taking a nap on a tree, and gave it a command. The bald eagle immediately opened its eyes and flew into the sky.

He also walked towards the Ford Explorer parked fifty meters away.

Before getting in the car, Locke cleaned himself up. He had worn this headgear all night and it was extremely uncomfortable, but he had to endure it for a while.

Half an hour later, Locke returned to the parking lot of Walmart where he borrowed the car last night.

It was already daybreak. Although there was no one in the parking lot, the bright light made him uncomfortable. He immediately decided that the hood of the middle-aged white man could not be used anymore.

After cleaning the car, Locke got on his Ford Mustang and left quickly.

After a while, the Mustang was speeding on the San Diego Highway back to Los Angeles.

When arriving at Larrea Bay, Locke suddenly lowered the window of the passenger seat, and a black shadow rushed in through the window and landed steadily on the passenger seat.

“Well done, Deborah! You’ve worked hard!”

Locke reached out and touched the young bald eagle, and immediately a piece of beef jerky appeared in his hand, which the bald eagle immediately grabbed.

After feeding Deborah a few pieces of beef jerky, he took out a bottle of mineral water and poured it into the lid for her to drink.

After all, this bald eagle was only three months old. He let it follow him for most of the night last night, and the little guy couldn’t stand it.

Although there was not much traffic on the San Diego Highway in the morning, Locke knew that the highway patrol had already gone to work. He did not want to attract the attention of the police, so he did not drive too fast and kept the speed limit.

It took two hours to go back for 190 kilometers. When he arrived in Long Beach, it was almost eight o’clock.

Locke asked Deborah to fly back to Greenberg Manor by herself, and then put the Ford Mustang back into the warehouse in Long Beach. Victor Mendes would regularly maintain these cars to ensure the condition and fuel of each car.

After a while, Locke disguised himself as the cool black guy last night and took a taxi back to Vitality City.

The driver was still a black guy. Well, there were no other races who dared to drive a night shift taxi except black people.

Locke closed his eyes and fell asleep as soon as he got in the car. The black driver knew not to chat with him.

When Locke found a bathroom in Vitality City, changed back to his identity, and returned to his room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, it was already 9:15.

Last night’s trip to San Diego took almost 13 hours.

Just as I returned to the room, the phone rang.

Ten minutes later, Locke walked out of the bathroom naked, ignoring the ringing phone, and walked straight to the door and opened it.

Jennifer Grey was standing at the door and making a phone call. Because she had an appointment with an agent to see the apartment above the hotel today, Miss Grey was dressed very formally, wearing a Chanel suit and holding a diamond-shaped handbag of the same brand in her hand, looking elegant and graceful.

She put down her phone, stared at Locke with sparkling eyes, bit her sexy lips and smiled: “Honey, is this the breakfast you mentioned?”

Locke pulled her in, closed the door, pushed her against the wall, hooked her delicate chin, and asked frivolously: “Miss Grey, what do you want to eat for breakfast?”

Jennifer Grey held the bag in her hand.Throwing it casually, she ran her fingers across his wet chest and replied seriously: “I heard that the German sausage here is good, and it should be paired with two eggs. Um, a glass of milk is also needed…”

Locke unbuttoned the woman’s shirt skillfully and pecked her thin lips that were shining with lip gloss, “Well, Dr. Gray, what should I eat?”

Jennifer Gray immediately exposed her breasts. She hooked her hands around Locke and replied: “The restaurant downstairs has oysters airlifted from Seattle. They are fresh and plump. You will definitely like them…”

Although Locke did not sleep all night last night, he was still energetic.

Even if Jennifer Gray was at her peak physical strength, he could still beat three.

Jennifer Gray nestled in his arms, her cold face was shining with a charming luster. Her makeup had been smudged a long time ago, but because of her good foundation, she was still beautiful and charming.

She caressed Locke’s handsome cheek infatuatedly, and said dissatisfiedly: “Fortunately, there is a Chanel counter downstairs. We can ask them to send clothes over later…”

Just in the first round, Locke did not take the usual route. He only took off his inner clothes but not his outer clothes, which made Jennifer Grey unable to wear Chanel anymore.

Locke patted her fleshy part with an indifferent look and asked, “What time is the appointment with the real estate agent?”

Jennifer Gray replied, “11:30. Susan White is a well-known celebrity real estate agent in Los Angeles. She is Lauren’s friend, so we will have lunch with her at noon. What’s wrong?”

Locke turned over immediately and looked down at the woman again, “So, we still have plenty of time…”

Jennifer Gray showed a coquettish look of wanting to refuse but also to welcome. She put her hand on Locke’s chest and said with love and fear, “Honey, maybe we should replenish some energy first!”

Locke joked, “Haven’t you eaten?”

Jennifer Gray hooked her legs around Locke’s waist and said in a royal sister style, “Hey, Boy, as a doctor, I don’t recommend you to do strenuous exercise on an empty stomach…”

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