As expected of a political bigwig in Washington, his expression changes, and a majestic aura arises spontaneously.

Locke intuitively felt the oncoming oppression, but he was not afraid at all, and his expression was still calm and composed.

He nodded and said frankly: “Yes, my house is being renovated, and I want to buy a house for transition. Jennifer introduced Susan White to me. Susan White recommended a good house, which has been booked. We went to Malibu in the afternoon, uh, and Elizabeth Koch…”

Sullivan Gray frowned and said in a deep voice: “Since you have already confirmed your relationship with Miss Greenberg, you should keep your distance from Jennifer…”

During this period, Sullivan Gray was unparalleled in the House of Representatives and the Republican Party.

Not long ago, under his alliance, the White House’s border wall plan was voted through by the House of Representatives controlled by the Democratic Party.

This is a great victory for the White House and the Republican Party.

Sullivan Gray’s role in this vote has won praise from the Republican Party, and his position in the party has also risen.

Two weeks ago, Benny Sanders, chairman of the Democratic House Armed Services Committee, publicly supported the president’s border wall plan, which caused an uproar in Washington and the Democratic Party was even more excited.

At the White House press conference, the president once again praised Sullivan Gray and publicly stated that Benny Sanders’ support was the result of Sullivan Gray’s mediation.

Sullivan Gray’s popularity in Washington even exceeded that of House Speaker Nancy Ropesi.

There are even voices in the Republican Party supporting him to challenge the Speaker of the House.

However, even if he is in the limelight, Sullivan Gray does not want to offend the Greenberg family. He has entered the core of Washington politics and knows the power of this Jewish family.

Even if the Greenberg family in California is only a branch.

Locke looked at Sullivan Gray in surprise. In fact, he had thought about it before coming.

This time, Sullivan Gray might ask him to be with Jennifer Gray, and he would deal with the Greenberg family. It seems that he thought too much.

Sullivan Gray is more cowardly than he thought!

He shrugged and said, “Mr. Henry Greenberg knows about my relationship with Jennifer…”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Sullivan Gray stared at Locke in disbelief, somewhat unable to understand, but he did not intend to continue this topic, and decided to go back and have a good chat with Jennifer Gray.

He calmed down and pressed the bell at hand, “I’m sorry that this meal has been postponed for so long. I haven’t been back to Los Angeles during this period!”

Hearing the bell, a burly black old man with a calm face came out from behind the curtain. He wiped his hands with an apron, picked up a menu from the bar and walked over.

Sullivan Gray introduced: “This is Jimmy Walter. He is definitely qualified to be the chef of any Michelin restaurant. Here is the best steak in Los Angeles…” Jimmy Walter smiled modestly and put the menu next to Locke. “Good evening, Sir, nice to meet you, what would you like to eat?” “Rock Lee, it’s an honor to enjoy your food!” Locke greeted Jimmy Walter and glanced at the menu. The main dish on it was steak. “I want a fillet and a sirloin, thank you!” Jimmy Walter smiled and was stunned. “Sir, , I don’t recommend you to pack…” Locke replied: “My appetite is much larger than that of ordinary people, so I usually eat two portions!” Jimmy Walter immediately praised: “Wow, I really envy your appetite, I will cook separately for you…” After Jimmy Walter left, Sullivan Gray shook the red wine in his hand and asked: “Would you like to drink something?” Locke originally wanted to say that he was going to drive and he would just drink juice, but when he glanced at the bar, he found that it was all alcohol, mostly whiskey, tequila and other strong liquors. He shrugged and replied: “Okay!” Sullivan Gray passed Locke and shouted: “Doug, bring Locke a wine glass!” “Yes, Sir!” Doug Stamp hurriedly got up and took a wine glass from the bar, put it next to Locke, and then consciously returned to his seat. “Thank you…” A touch of surprise flashed across Locke’s face, and Doug Stamp in front of him was like a different person. Sullivan Gray took the initiative to pour wine for Locke and asked, “Do you feel that Doug is a different person?”

Locke hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Although this was the second time he and Sullivan Gray met, uh, the third time.

But because of the presence of Jennifer Gray, the two of them automatically skipped the normal social interactionThe running-in and testing inside can be more frank.

Sullivan Gray raised his red wine glass and smiled: “You can figure it out if you think about his identity!”

Locke clinked his glasses with him and replied: “He is your assistant?”

Sullivan Gray nodded, “You are really a smart man!”

Locke understood immediately. Sure enough, Doug Stamp is definitely not such a superficial person to be able to be Sullivan Gray’s assistant and confidant.

In front of Sullivan Gray, Doug Stamp is an assistant, so he must be low-key and humble.

But outside, as Sullivan Gray’s assistant, he represents Sullivan Gray.

However, understanding is understanding, Locke can feel that Doug Stamp does not seem to be very friendly to him.

Sullivan Gray put down his glass and entered the topic of today’s meeting. “I have seen Glenn Locke’s resume. It is a perfect resume. He entered politics as a tax collector. It is very suitable. In fact, even if he wants to run for the California State Assembly, he has an advantage…” Locke’s mouth twitched. The Republican Party in California was almost suffocated by the Democratic Party. If Glenn ran for the California State Assembly, he would directly confront the Democratic Party, and the difficulty of the election would rise directly to the level of hell. He replied: “The Locke family is preparing to migrate from Lebec to Besquefield. We need Glenn to return to Besquefield!” Sullivan Gray naturally investigated the current situation of the Locke family. He shrugged and said regretfully: “I understand. Let’s start with the city councilor! I will let Doug go to Besquefield. He will talk to Carl Smith, the chairman of the Besquefield Republican Party. There is a Republican member of the Besquefield City Council who has reached the age limit. How to operate specifically, you can discuss it yourself!” In the US parliamentary elections at any level, there is a carrot for a job. As long as the constituency is stable, many members of the House of Representatives or the Senate can be members for life. In a Republican-controlled city like Bethlehem Field, council seats are usually inherited from within the Republican Party, so the election is relatively easy.

Even if Sullivan Gray intervenes, if Glenn Locke wants to successfully obtain a city council seat, the first step is to gain support from the Bethlehem Field Republican Party.

Council seats are not given to you casually, it depends on what you can bring to everyone.

Behind all this, it is an exchange of interests.

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