On the way to the hospital, Locke fell into self-doubt, looking a little serious.

Damn, did he really see a ghost?

But he was sure that what he said was all fabricated by him, how could it become true?

Just now, Catherine Murphy told Locke that among the five corpses, one was a man, and his knee bones were not deformed like the knee bones of the other four women because of long-term kneeling and walking. It was judged that the male deceased was not abused.

If he was not the abused party, then he was very likely the abuser.

In other words, Alvin Marcus was not the only one who imprisoned women to play perverted games, he also had an accomplice.

Later, I don’t know what happened, Alvin Marcus killed this accomplice and buried him under the grass in the backyard.

Catherine believed that the two ghosts, one man and one woman, that Locke saw should be one of this man and one of the four women.

Locke sighed and shook his head with a smile. This is too coincidental. It became true after making up.

He now knew how the training learning card came, so Catherine’s reasoning was very likely true.

David saw Locke sighing, and he didn’t care about being angry. He was actually half-believing and half-doubting Locke’s ghost story yesterday, but now he had to believe it, and asked with concern: “Do you want to arrange another exorcism for you?”

Locke shook his head and said: “No, no, as you said, I am doing justice, I am helping them, they shouldn’t bother me…”

Although he said so, he still didn’t let it go in his heart.

As a scavenger, he didn’t believe in coincidences and accidents.

Some things can’t be explained just because you haven’t found the reason and the logical connection behind it.

Ten minutes later, Locke and his friends arrived at San Gabriel Hospital. Because the Cortina community is very close to San Gabriel Valley, Nathan was sent to San Gabriel Hospital at that time.

Locke and David came to Nathan’s ward with flowers and saw that this guy was having a hot relationship with a white female nurse.

I don’t know what Nathan said, but the nurse was so amused that she pushed him affectionately.

I have to say that a man of Nathan’s age, mature, rich, humorous and witty, is still very attractive to some women.

This nurse doesn’t look too old, about 27 or 28 years old, with blonde hair, a little fat, curvy, and freckles on her face. At first glance, she is the type with a lively and cheerful personality.

David knocked on the door, “Hi, did I disturb you?”

Nathan looked at David and Locke in surprise, and got off the bed to greet them, “Wow, hi, David, Locke, thank you for coming to see me…”

Locke handed the flowers to the nurse and asked with concern, “Can you get out of bed?”

Nathan lifted his clothes, revealing his chest and abdomen with bruises, and smiled, “It’s just a little scary, but the injury is not serious. I want to be discharged early…”

David looked at him narrowly, “Aren’t you very happy here?”

Nathan blushed, and frankly introduced the nurse who was placing flowers to the two, “This is Martha, Martha, and this is my colleague David and Locke…”

Martha greeted Locke and David enthusiastically, and did not stay for long, and soon left the ward to the three of them.

David asked gossipingly, “Have you established a relationship?”

Nathan watched Martha leave, with tears in his eyes, and said in a springy manner, “Yes, we are already together. Although this sounds crazy, after all, we have only known each other for less than a day, but when love comes, no one can stop it…”

Locke couldn’t help rolling his eyes. He was very familiar with this kind of scumbag talk.

After Nathan finished his spring, he immediately thought of the business, looked at Locke with a serious face, and said gratefully, “Locke, thank you for saving me again…”

But as soon as he finished speaking, he remembered that David was beside him, and hurriedly said, “Sorry, I should have fainted, I don’t know who saved me. David, please ignore what I just said and pretend you didn’t hear it…”

David interrupted him unhappily, “Now the whole Wilshire knows that he did it, so there is no need to pretend. However, your previous confession was that you fainted, so you should continue to faint!”

Nathan turned his head to look at Locke, with a puzzled look on his face.

Locke told him that he was employed by the Wilshire Police Department to track and protect him and Anna, “So, protecting you and rescuing you is my job, don’t take it too seriously…”

Nathan was not stupid, he knew there must be something behind it, otherwise Captain Davis would not have handled it that way.

He shrugged, “Anyway, I remember that you saved me twice. If you need me for anything in the future, please tell me…”

He imitated Randy and hammeredHe hammered his chest, not wanting to touch the wound, and grimaced in pain.

David laughed and said, “Dude, it looks like you have to stay in the hospital for a while longer!”

Locke also echoed, “It would be cooler if there were three of us when we were discharged!”

Locke and David did not stay in the hospital for more than 20 minutes and left, because David did not drive today and Locke needed to take him home first.

On the way, Locke thought David would ask about the inside story of his rescue of Anna and Nathan in Villa H-10-06, but the old man seemed to have no interest at all and did not ask a single question.

Cheng is as steady as an old dog, no wonder this guy has been a front-line patrolman for more than 20 years and has nothing to do, so cowardly!

David said enviously, “I didn’t expect that Nathan would be lucky enough to meet his love when he was hospitalized this time…”

David’s wife had died of cervical cancer for 5 years, and Nathan was divorced in middle age, so he wanted to change his lifestyle and joined the LAPD. He was only a few years younger than David.

Locke smiled and said, “As long as you want, you can do it…”

David was silent for a few seconds, shrugged his shoulders, and pouted: “Forget it, I’m almost used to being alone, and Catherine doesn’t want anyone to replace her mother…”

Locke laughed in his heart. This old man’s heart should not be completely old yet. I don’t know what he will do one day.

When getting off the car, David did not close the door immediately. He held the door and his expression was restrained. Just as he was about to speak, Locke said first: “I know, I know, I won’t provoke Catherine…”

David’s expression stagnated, and he said with a smile: “You kid can answer quickly, it’s good to know, I don’t want Catherine to be hurt, you are not a good match!”

“Fine, I promise…”

Locke was speechless. He planned to be his son-in-law in the morning to repay him. What an old man who doesn’t know the goods.

With a step on the gas, leaving David far behind, Locke drove straight to Gran Apartment, eager to put all those things that can’t see the light into the storage space.

After returning home, he put all the illegal drugs and cosmetics he had bought in the East Chinatown of San Gabriel Valley into the storage space, and he felt relieved instantly. The room was completely clean.

In the future, he can disguise himself anytime and anywhere, and he will become more flexible.

Locke suddenly remembered the “doctor” who was called a thousand-faced man by the FBI. He didn’t know how powerful this guy’s disguise skills were.

Then he sneaked into Suzuki Nami’s room again. He tampered with the camera installed by Suzuki Nami. It was a very simple operation, just putting a photo of the room in front of the camera.

In this way, there is no need to cut off the power of the entire floor every time you enter. If you do it too many times, it will attract people’s attention.

Locke skillfully opened the air outlet of the air conditioner, put the money, Scar, and the military dagger directly into the space, and cleaned up all the traces of the air outlet.

As for his traces in the room, the secret camera he installed, and the small device that blocked Suzuki Nami’s camera, he planned to come and clean them up when it was quiet at night and convenient to cut off the power.

Thinking that Suzuki Nami had helped him out this time, he would consider agreeing to her invitation to drink sake when she came back. Anyway, as long as he didn’t go in too deep, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Locke stood behind the door and listened for a while. He didn’t hear any footsteps, so he turned the door and walked out calmly.

He turned around and saw two familiar figures standing at the door of his room.

Six eyes met, even Locke’s psychological quality couldn’t hold it.

Damn, why did the FBI find this place and get caught red-handed.

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