After Locke and the other two returned to the police station, they also joined the work of recording statements.

However, only 15 of the 18 victims were contacted, and three of them had already returned to China.

The experience of the three people being cheated was recounted by others.

Only 10 people were able to come to the police station to record statements today. Of the remaining five, three were not in Los Angeles and were traveling abroad, and two had important classes today and could not come.

Locke studied the victims’ statements and understood why no international students had reported to the police.

Because the white men who cheated were actually very cautious. At the beginning, they just cheated for food and drink and sucked blood from international students.

There was no such thing as cheating for sex, after all, it was mutual.

In other words, they actually provided sexual services.

Usually, they would ask for gifts and money after they had been in deep contact for one or two months and had a deep relationship.

Buying cars, holding parties, clubbing, traveling, borrowing money, buying leaves, etc.

Most victims would become addicted to drugs, and when the relationship between the victims and their families broke down and they could no longer squeeze money, they would be dumped.

There are very few people who have been abandoned like Michelle Chen before, and who have completely fallen into depravity and continue to support white men by selling sex.

Many victims did not even realize that they were deceived at first, and only felt that they had met a scumbag.

Well, there are also victims who complain that their families are not rich enough to continue to support their love.

If there is only one victim or a few victims, then this case cannot be filed, because it can only be regarded as an economic dispute between lovers.

However, if this group of white men are organized and premeditated, then the situation is different, and this is indeed a gang fraud.

And more importantly, there are definitely more than 18 victims. After all, the consulate has limited time to collect information, and only found 18 victims in two days of the weekend.

It can be imagined that there are definitely more than 18 international students who have been deceived by USC (Southern California).

This is just USC. Are there any fraud gangs that specifically target Chinese students near other universities in the United States?

This is the real reason why the consulate is pushing for an investigation into this case.

During the lunch break, everyone was holding coffee to discuss the progress of the case.

Harry Sanam said, “I have three more this afternoon…”

Raven Tate also said, “I have two here…”

Locke also said, “We only have one this afternoon…”

Madeline Hill turned her eyes to the black woman sitting next to Blair Smith, “Amanda, how was your communication with the USC (Southern University) Security Committee this morning?”

Everyone’s eyes were on Amanda Lewis. During the morning meeting, Amanda Lewis completed the onboarding procedures and joined the meeting midway. Everyone already knew her.

When Madeline Hill introduced Amanda Lewis to everyone, everyone’s eyes subconsciously looked at Locke.

That look clearly said, you won’t poach people again this time!

Amanda Lewis was transferred from the Southern Division, 27 years old, a second-level police officer, she is a black mixed race, her skin is not as dark as Teddy Martin, and she has curly short hair.

It should be because she started work today, she wore a black suit and a red shirt, looking very capable.

She is a clerk in the police detective bureau, not a detective.

Amanda Lewis hurriedly replied: “Captain, Mr. Kevin Smith, the head of the USC (University of Southern California) Security Committee, said that he needs to report this matter to the president and the board of directors first, and he will reply to us at 2:30 pm…”

“Good! Notify me immediately when there is news!”

Madeline Hill nodded. She needed USC (University of Southern California) to help collect more information about the victims.

Such cases involving the university must also be reported to the university.

Because the internal security of USC (University of Southern California) is the responsibility of the campus police led by the Security Committee.

Madeline Hill asked again: “Do you think there is a gang behind this fraud gang?”

The security around USC (University of Southern California) is not good. The large area from USC to Koreatown belongs to the famous MS-13 gang in Los Angeles.

This gang is an international gang with influence in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. Its main business is flour.

Locke shook his head and said, “I don’t think so…”

If there was a gang behind these guys, then these victims would not have come to record their statements.

Madeline Hill pondered and said, “I will ask the anti-gang and drug enforcement officers to talk to Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13)…”

After the coffee meeting, LockeLocke called Anna Davis and went upstairs.

As soon as Locke walked into the office, Anna Davis asked, “How is the case of Chinese students being defrauded at USC? The Parker Center is paying close attention to this case…”

Locke sat opposite her and replied, “We are recording the victim’s statement. Once the evidence is fixed, we can arrange to arrest the person. However, there should be more than so many victims. Captain Hill has contacted USC and wants the school to collect information on other victims…”

Anna Davis nodded, “This case must be handled as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the image of American universities. However, why are Chinese students so easily deceived?”


Locke shrugged, somewhat helpless.

Anna Davis did not continue the topic and asked, “Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?” Locke said, “Captain Hill talked to me and said that you want me to take over the deputy captain position left by Tony Gerard…” Anna Davis leaned back and asked, “Any problem?” Locke hesitated and said, “I have just been promoted to detective chief. Will I be a deputy captain so soon? Will it cause controversy?” Anna Davis smiled, “Locke, I don’t think this is a problem you should consider. Chief Danny Aiello has signed it, and the Parker Center has no objection. Why do you worry about this kind of thing!” “In the LAPD, any promotion will cause controversy. Although you are very handsome, you are not a US dollar. You can’t be liked by everyone…” Locke shrugged and said, “I just don’t want to embarrass you…” Anna Davis spread his hands and said, “I’ll be honest with you. Your promotion this time was not promoted by me or Harry. Do you still remember Commissioner Archie Kohlmeier? He personally called Chief Danny Aiello!” Locke was stunned immediately, He thought that this promotion was promoted by Harry Thomas!

Archie Kohlmeier is one of the five-member LAPD committee and one of the five-star veterans of LAPD.

In the last Johnny Dyson case, Archie Kohlmeier did express his appreciation to a group of LAPD senior executives. I didn’t expect that this big guy still remembered him!

Just as Locke thought so, Anna Davis said, “As far as I know, Archie Kohlmeier has a good relationship with Love Hogwarts. They are both Jewish and often play golf together…”

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