This incident was just a small episode for Locke and his team.

This type of incident is also very common in the police station, and there have even been wanted criminals who have fallen into the trap in the police station.

After notifying the cleaning staff to come and clean up the urine stains on the floor of the inquiry room, Teddy Martin caught up with Locke, “How did you find out that the victim was carrying drugs?”

“He is indeed a victim!” Locke sighed. If he guessed correctly, Tiffany Yang was probably lured into taking drugs by a white man.

He asked back, “Didn’t you smell the heroin on her?”

Teddy Martin shook his head and said in astonishment, “I only smelled the Dior J’adore perfume on her!”

He frowned, “Except for the fact that I have come into contact with drugs during training, I don’t know what heroin smells like? Isn’t it only police dogs that can smell the smell of drugs? Fuck, your nose is so sensitive!”


Locke glared at him unhappily, and then showed him his slender middle finger.

But he continued: “Experienced LAPD or narcotics police can easily identify the smell of different drugs, such as David. I have handled a drug manufacturing case with David before…”

Teddy Martin said hurriedly: “I know about this matter. The drug dealer disguised himself as an insecticide company and took the opportunity to manufacture drugs in the house while doing insecticide in the villa. It was a genius idea, but he didn’t expect to meet the experienced LAPD veteran and the brave and handsome LAPD rising star…”

“Stop!” Although he only praised himself, Locke still stopped Teddy Martin without hesitation and said impatiently: “Do you want to listen or not?”

Teddy Martin made a gesture to seal his mouth, indicating Locke to continue.

Locke said: “In addition to the smell of drugs, Tiffany Yang’s demeanor can also reveal some clues. Through micro-expression analysis, she has been very restless, so she has a lot of movements…”

Teddy Martin was stunned: “Didn’t she tease you all the time? She even clamped her legs tightly, looking like she was in heat…”

Locke said speechlessly: “That’s because she is addicted to drugs, and she wants to divert my attention by fantasizing about me!”

Teddy Martin said with jealousy: “Locke, you are worthy of being a walking aphrodisiac!”

He stared at Locke and said puzzledly: “Obviously we were trained at the same time. At that time, you were more popular with female students than me, and there was nothing outstanding about you! Why do you suddenly know everything after the internship, making me look like a fool…”

Teddy Martin had asked similar questions before, so Locke didn’t feel guilty at all.

He said calmly: “Teddy, have you ever seen the sun at four in the morning in Los Angeles?”

Teddy Martin gave him a middle finger and sneered: “Fuck, don’t think I don’t know that this sentence was said by Kobe Bryant, I am a fan of the Lakers…”

Locke said speechlessly: “I didn’t say that this sentence was said by me, I just told you that I, like Kobe Bryant, have made a lot of efforts in places you don’t see!”

Teddy Martin shrugged and said: “Well, anyway, you are worthy of being my idol!”

He asked again: “How can Tiffany Yang carry so much heroin with her?”

Locke replied: “Because she is rich!”

American fans, because of poverty, buy one or two grams every time. Like Tiffany Yang, who carries 30 grams with her, she is definitely a rich person.

However, this shows that she has not completely lost her mind, because she knows that if she purchases rations too frequently, she will be easily targeted.

Therefore, purchasing a large quantity at a time is indeed the operation of the rich.

Teddys Martin asked curiously, “What punishment will you face for carrying 30 grams of drugs?”

Locke pondered for a moment and shook his head, “I don’t know what the specific sentence will be, but after all, she is not a drug dealer or manufacturer, she just carries a small amount of drugs for self-abuse, so she is still a victim! If she finds a powerful lawyer, she should be sentenced to a misdemeanor, after all, she is rich!”

Americans buy a small amount every time, in addition to being poor, they also have the purpose of circumventing the law.

Because normal people know that the more drugs they carry, the heavier the legal punishment they face.

However, many states in the United States are now promoting the “drug legalization” bill, and Ohio is the one that has taken the lead, attracting national attention.

Ohio is promoting two drug legalization bills.

One of them is to reclassify the possession of a small amount of hard drugs (such as heroin, cocaine, etc.) as a misdemeanor, and the offender will only be sentenced to a maximum of 6 months in prison.

Ohio is preparing to implement this bill experimentally.

Another item is to attractThe 110 regulation that has attracted nationwide attention is being followed by many states, such as California, which has always been ahead of others.

110 regulation stipulates that if people possess less than 1 gram of heroin or ecstasy; or less than 2 grams of cocaine or methamphetamine; less than 12 grams of psilocybin; less than 40 doses of hallucinogens, oxycodone, etc., they may be fined a civil summons and $100.

Well, the punishment is about the same as a parking ticket.

This is America, always at the forefront of mankind.

Soon, Harry Sanam and Raven Tate’s two groups also completed their own records.

Madeline Hill held a brief meeting in the office and determined the list of fraudsters, “I will apply for an arrest warrant. If nothing unexpected happens, they will all be arrested tomorrow…”

After get off work, Locke went straight back to Beverly Hills. When he got home, he saw only Li Bo busy in the kitchen.

He asked, “Has mom not come home yet?”

Li Bo pointed in the direction of the study, “There is a case that she needs to follow up on. It was introduced by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, but it is a criminal case. Your mother is not in charge of this case personally!”

Locke asked, “Dad, is there anything I can help you with?”

Li Bo smiled and said, “No, I have almost everything. One sweet and sour pork, one steamed sea bass, one grilled lamb chop, one beef fried rice, one tomato beef soup, and one vegetable salad. That should be enough!”

Locke was salivating when he heard the names of the dishes, “Enough, enough!”

“Go and call Jet, Hannah and the others to come down for dinner!”

Li Bo took off his apron and asked, “By the way, how is the case going?”

Locke was about to come back, Ma Lian came out of the study and said in surprise: “Locke, you’re back, I was just about to call you! I have a case here, the client is in the police detective bureau, and Hailey Pierce is applying for bail. I want to ask if you know anyone in the anti-gang and anti-drug division. I want to know about the client’s case…”

“If you don’t know anyone, I can only ask Anna for help!”

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce introduced the police detective bureau, the anti-gang and anti-drug division…

Locke looked at Li Bo, then at Marian, and asked: “Is your client arrested for drug possession?”

Maryan was surprised: “How do you know? Did Todd tell you?”

Li Bo blurted out: “I don’t know the case!”


Locke’s expression froze, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

He sent the person in, and now the other party is looking for Marian’s law firm.

This is embarrassing!

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