Seeing that the case has reached a deadlock, Locke does not intend to waste time here.

Sophia Chen has already fled back to China, and there is not much they can do.

Next, they can only wait for the report from the forensic center and go through the procedures. Once Sophia Chen is confirmed to be the murderer, LAPD will submit the evidence to the prosecutor, and then issue a red warrant.

This is what they can do.

The deceased Christian Roldan is Spanish, unless his family or relatives go to China to report the case.

Otherwise, as long as Sophia Chen does not leave China, she can remain at large.

Even if the case is reported, it seems that nothing can be done to Sophia Chen. The Chinese police cannot see the scene or the body, and without the forensic report, they cannot investigate the case at all.

Uh, that’s not right…

Locke remembered a case that Li Bo and Marian had discussed before. Because this case was the first transnational criminal case solved by judicial assistance between China and the United States, it was of historical significance, so the two discussed further judicial cooperation between China and the United States at that time.

A Chinese male student in Iowa killed his girlfriend and dumped her body. The body was not found until three weeks later. The murderer had already fled back to China.

After returning to China, the murderer fled for half a year, but surrendered under pressure and was finally sentenced to life imprisonment.

This case is the first cooperation between China and the United States in criminal cases.

The case was promoted by the U.S. Department of Justice, which contacted the Chinese Consulate in the United States and notified the Chinese side of the case, so the case was at the national level from the beginning, from top to bottom.

The Chinese side was supervised by the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. After the murderer surrendered, in order to complete the judicial procedures, the Chinese public security organs and procuratorates formed a joint working group to investigate and collect evidence in the United States.

This is the first time in history.

The U.S. police showed all the physical evidence of the case to the Chinese side, and the Chinese investigation team also investigated and visited the case in accordance with China’s judicial procedures.

However, because they had no law enforcement power, they were always accompanied by the FBI.

Before all the physical evidence was brought back to China, they were specially notarized by the Secretary of State of Iowa to prove that the investigators were the U.S. police and the evidence collection was legal.

Then it was sent to the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago for certification.

After notarization and certification procedures, these evidences can be transformed into evidence that complies with Chinese law.

After a two-year procedure, the murderer was sentenced by Chinese law.

However, the biggest difference in this case is that the deceased is also Chinese.

A Chinese killed a Chinese in the United States and then fled back to China.

If he escapes the sanctions of the law, it will definitely be a provocation to the judicial systems of both China and the United States.

Whether Sofia Chen can finally escape the sanctions of Chinese law depends on whether the US Department of Justice attaches importance to this case.

If the US Department of Justice does not attach importance to this case and does not actively promote this case, China will naturally not launch an investigation.

The deceased Christian Roldan is just a Spaniard, not an American citizen, nor a Chinese.

Given the current tense relations between China and the United States, it is impossible for the Ministry of Justice to allow Chinese law enforcement officers to come to the United States to investigate and collect evidence. Maybe Sofia Chen really escapes prison.

These thoughts flashed through Locke’s mind, and he said to Madeline Hill: “I want to go back and interrogate Tim McKenney and find out the person behind the scenes as soon as possible. If this person escapes again, we will be embarrassed!” Locke had already told everyone about the speculation that someone behind the five sons-in-law provided study abroad information. Madeline Hill’s expression became serious, “I will go back with you…” Although Sophia Chen’s escape had nothing to do with the second team, the pot would eventually fall on the second team. If the mastermind behind the fraud case also escaped, she would definitely become a laughing stock. According to Locke’s speculation, the mastermind who provided the information was most likely Chinese. Jane Horvath chased Madeline Hill to the door, “Madeline, I know you are very busy, but I still want to talk to you! Just for a minute!”

Madeline Hill frowned, “What do you want to talk about?”

Jane Horvath stared at Madeline Hill with burning eyes, “Is it because of Locke?”

Madeline Hill did not have a trace of guilt, “I don’t know what you are talking about. Why should we involve others in our affairs…”

Jane Horvath glanced at Locke who was waiting by the car, “Locke’s tone of voice when he spoke to you just now was not respectful at all. He didn’t even call you captain!”

Madeline Hill was startled and said in a deep voice: “Thank you for your reminder. It seems that I need to have a good chat with him!”

After that, she ignored Jane Horvath, but after going down the stairs, she turned around and said: “There is something you may not know yet. Locke will take over Tony’s position.Become the deputy captain of the second team, he will be my partner, he doesn’t need to respect me!” Jane Horvath stood at the door of the villa, watching Locke and the others leave, with a sneer on her lips, “Unnecessary explanation, huh, Locke…” Because Thaddeus Martin wanted to call Madeline Hill to report Harry Sanam and the others, so Locke was driving now. He didn’t mean to wait for Madeline Hill and was ready to return to the detective station as soon as possible. Listening to Thaddeus’s call, Locke turned his head and looked at him in surprise. The person Thaddeus contacted was Jack Talbot. Unexpectedly, Jack and Amanda Lewis’s operation to capture Anthony Robinson was not smooth. When they broke the door, they were surprised. I touched Anthony Robinson, but he escaped.

Anthony Robinson was a bartender who was sleeping at home. He was awakened by the sound of Jack and his friends breaking the door.

This guy was actually a parkour enthusiast. After discovering Jack and his friends, he jumped directly from the window to the opposite building. Jack and his friends were organizing a hunt.

A movie he had seen flashed through Locke’s mind. Is parkour really that amazing?

If he had known earlier, he should have arrested Anthony Robinson. He wanted to see whether this guy ran faster or his gun was faster.

He asked, “What about Harry and Raven? Did they arrest him smoothly?”

Thaddeus Martin replied, “I heard from Brian that they are on their way to take the suspect back to the detective station…”

Locke shrugged and complained, “Jack is too rough! ”

Half an hour later, Locke and the other man returned to the detective station. Madeline Hill’s car had been abandoned somewhere long ago.

As soon as he returned to the police station, he immediately interrogated Tim McKenney.

In the interrogation room, Locke stared at Tim McKenney and frowned subconsciously.

Because of the skin color protection, he couldn’t read too much information from Tim McKenney’s face, but one thing is certain, this guy is very calm.

Locke’s expression was restrained, staring at Tim McKenney, and said in a low voice: “Tim, we arrested five people at the same time this time. Yes, that’s right. There are a total of five people like you who treat Chinese female students at USC as prey. I believe this number will continue to increase…”

“Whoever speaks first, I will apply to the judge for a reduction. You are a smart person…”

“I want to know the name of that person!”

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