“Brian, what’s the progress?”

“Locke, Steve Weeks’ address has been sent to your phone, but his phone number has not been located, so his current location cannot be confirmed. We also found some information. Steve Weeks has a close relationship with Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). The Anti-Drug and Anti-Gang Bureau suspects that he is an external member of MS-13, but there is no conclusive evidence…”


Locke raised his eyebrows. Steve Weeks can provide a stable and safe supply of drugs to the deceived women, which means that he has a stable drug channel.

He said, “Brian, thank you. This information is very important. I also learned some information about Steve Weeks. Steve Weeks is gay and has a Chinese male partner…”

Teddy Martin suddenly interrupted, “How do you know he is a man? He may be a woman…”


Locke’s face sank, and he glanced at Teddy Martin. He did not agree with his inappropriate joke, and continued, “Brian, you can try to check the information of Steve Weeks’ partner and contact the victims who took the statement yesterday. They should know that through this guy, maybe we can find Steve Weeks…”

“OK, I know what to do. I will notify you as soon as there is news!”

After hanging up the phone, Locke looked at Teddy Martin with a serious expression.

Teddy Martin has realized that the joke just now was a bit inappropriate.

He looked at Locke with a guilty look on his face, “Hey, Bro, sorry…” Seeing this guy apologize, Locke’s expression eased a little, and he said speechlessly: “Anyway, it’s not coffee time now, we are investigating a case, this is a serious matter, OK?” “Sure, you are the boss!” Thaddeus Martin said with a low eyebrow, “So where are we going now, or to the Big Cow Bar?” Locke opened the address sent by Brian Smith and directly entered the address into the car map, “The bar should not be open now, let’s go to Huntington Park, Steve Weeks’ house is there!” “Follow your instructions, Detective Locke!” Thaddeus Martin raised his hand and gestured to his forehead, and instantly recovered with full blood. “…” Locke was speechless for a while, what kind of race is black people? Then he had a new understanding, no wonder the Anglo-Saxons never regarded black people as a threat! Who would regard such a heartless race as a threat! …

Half an hour later, the F150 Raptor stopped at the door of a white three-story detached villa, where Steve Wicks lived.

This is an upscale community with clean and tidy streets, good greenery, and a distance of more than 20 meters between villas.

Locke did not get out of the car immediately. He observed that there were cars parked at the door of the garages of other villas, but there was no car at the door of Steve Wicks’s garage.

Many families in the rich area have more than two cars, and most garages can usually only park two cars, so they have to park the commuter car at the door of the garage.

He now has excellent eyesight and did not find any signs of activity in the room.

He raised his eyebrows and saw that Steve Wicks was not at home.

Locke looked around and immediately found that there was a neighbor weeding diagonally opposite Steve Wicks, so he planned to go over and ask a few questions.

Just after getting out of the car, the phone rang. It was Madeline Hill calling.

As soon as the call was connected, Madeline Hill said, “Jack Braden is missing…”

Jack Braden is the gigolo beaten by Wang Xinying, and the trigger of this case.

Because his nose was broken in the conflict, he is now in the hospital.

Although Jack Braden was not mentioned in the transcripts of the 18 victims, the existence of the fraud gang has been confirmed. So this person is probably also a member of the Guyezai, but the victim’s information has not been collected by the consulate.

However, Wang Xinying’s confession mentioned that Jack Braden had cheated Michelle Chen before, and this time the new target is Flora Huang.

So, Madeline Hill also applied for Jack Braden’s arrest warrant. Since he was in the hospital, the task of conveying the arrest warrant to Jack Braden was directly handed over to the detective of the Wilshire Division. He only needed to add a pair of handcuffs to his bed and re-record a confession for him.

Jack Braden will also change from a victim to a suspect.

This is very beneficial to Wang Xinying. If Jack Braden is found guilty, her behavior of wounding others can be forgiven by the jury.

Locke wrinklesMei asked, “When did he disappear?”

Jack Braden’s medical record was an important piece of evidence for his prosecution of Wang Xinying. Under normal circumstances, he would not have left the hospital.

He could only have left the hospital if someone tipped him off, and that person was most likely Steve Weeks.

This also meant that Steve Weeks had known that Tim McKenney and others had been arrested.

Madeline Hill replied, “Two hours ago!”

Locke’s heart sank. Two hours could do a lot for Steve Weeks, who had gang connections!

For example, smuggling out of the country…

He asked: “At the airport…”

Madeline Hill replied in a deep voice: “Emergency control has been applied for, and Steve Weeks’s same-sex partner has also been applied for a ban on leaving the country. Steve Weeks’s same-sex partner is Steve Chen, Chinese, American, 32 years old, graduated from UCLA, uh, he is an alumnus of yours, he lives with Steve Weeks, both of their mobile phones are turned off, and their location cannot be located…

“Brian is checking the entry and exit records of the two with DHS (Department of Homeland Security), and there should be results soon…”


Locke was blocked from saying fuck in the end, and it can be imagined that the two have probably fled.

He stared at the villa in front of him and said in a deep voice: “Teddys and I have arrived at the door of Steve Weeks’ villa. I want to apply for a search warrant. Steve Weeks should have left in a hurry, and there may be some clues left here…”

Madeline Hill immediately said: “Wait a minute, I’ll be there soon! ”

After hanging up the phone, Locke’s face became a little gloomy.

Two hours ago, it was very likely that Anthony Robinson tipped off Steve Wicks. Because Jack and his team failed to capture him, not only did Anthony Robinson escape, but the mastermind also escaped.

For the first time, Locke felt dissatisfied with Jack Talbot. This guy usually works with Harry Sanam, but this time he acted alone and caused such a thing.

Thedis Martin came around the front of the car, “Bad news? ”

Locke said in a deep voice: “Steve Wicks may have received the news and ran away in advance…”

Teddy Martin was stunned for a moment. After all, he was a black man with high IQ. He immediately reacted, “It was the suspect that Jack and others let go who tipped him off…”

Locke ignored him and walked straight to the blond middle-aged white man who was weeding his lawn across the street.

From a distance, he saw that the guy was wearing a MAGA cheering hat on his head.

Tsk, it’s really rare to see MAGA in Los Angeles!

The middle-aged white man saw Locke coming over and had no intention of stopping. He continued to do his work.

Locke had to speak, “Sir, excuse me!”

While speaking, he showed the detective badge on his waist.

The middle-aged white man looked at Locke suspiciously, then turned off the lawn mower, frowned and asked: “What can I do for you? Mr. Inspector!”

“What should I call you, sir!”

“Claude Bourne! ”

Locke extended his hand to Claude Bourne, “Hello, Mr. Bourne, I am Inspector Locke Lee, and this is my colleague, Detective Thaddeus Martin…”

Claude Bourne extended his hand to shake Locke’s, and his expression became more suspicious, frowning and saying, “You are really a detective and a police detective, too young, I have never seen such a young detective, I think I need to call 911 to confirm…”


Locke was speechless for a moment, MAGA is really the one who truly loves America!

Teddeus Martin hurriedly explained, “Mr. Bourne, Inspector Locke is the youngest detective in LAPD, and as for me, I am still a trainee detective…”

Hearing what Thaddeus Martin said, Claude Bourne’s suspicion in his eyes was reduced a little, and he asked again, “What can I do for you?”

Locke was about to speak, and his phone rang again. He found that it was Wang Xinying who called, so he motioned Thaddeus Martin to answer Claude Bourne, and he walked aside to answer the call.

“What’s the matter? Linda…”

Wang Xinying’s slightly nervous voice came out of the phone. She seemed to be running and her voice was a little breathless. “Detective Locke, I got the information of Big Cow’s boss and his boyfriend!”

Although Locke had learned the information about Steve Chen from Madeline Hill, he still said: “Thank you so much, Linda!”

Wang Xinying continued to say breathlessly: “Big Cow’s boss is called Steve WickSteve, his Chinese boyfriend is called Steve Chen, whose Chinese name is Chen Hai. He is from Qingdao, Shandong. USC international students call him Brother Hai because he is warm and generous. Many international students will ask him for help when they encounter trouble. Well, I heard that Steve Weeks has a close relationship with the gangs, so Brother Hai has a lot of face in USC and has connections in both the black and white worlds…”

fuck, graduated from UCLA, and is from Qingdao, this is to be closer to him!

From Qingdao, his father probably knows this guy!

Locke raised his eyebrows, “Linda, very useful information, thank you!”

He hesitated for a moment, but still asked: “What are you doing now, running? ”

A familiar scene subconsciously emerged in his mind. He had done this kind of thing many times before. He felt a little disgusted when exercising and talking on the phone. He didn’t want to be someone else’s tool for fun.

Wang Xinying panted and said, “Yes, I just went to Flora Huang to ask about Big Cow. A Ferrari 812 passed by us. Flora said it was Brother Hai’s car. I was chasing his car. Fortunately, it was on campus and the speed was not fast. When he stopped, I would tell you the address…”


Locke was stunned for a moment and immediately said, “Stop, Linda, stop now!!!”

Wang Xinying asked hurriedly, “What’s wrong?”


Locke made a gesture to Teddys Martin, indicating that he should get in the car quickly, “Linda, your behavior is very dangerous. Please stop tracking immediately. Tell me the current location and license plate number of the vehicle, and then go to a safe place immediately! ”

“I know you are smart, and you have guessed what Steve Wicks and Steve Chen have done, but professional matters should be left to professionals…”

“Also, don’t forget your conflict with Jack Braden…”

“Perhaps, they are already paying attention to you!”

Wang Xinying was silent for three seconds, and immediately said: “Brother Hai, uh, Steve Chen’s Ferrari 812 license plate number is OJBK6666, I am now on West 30th Street…”

Locke asked: “What color is the car?”


“Good, you go to a safe place immediately, you have done well enough, thank you very much, Linda!”

After hanging up the phone, Locke opened the car door and got in, and said to Thaddeus Martin who was getting into the driver’s seat: “Go to USC (University of Southern California) as quickly as possible! ”

After that, he picked up the radio and called: “Code 100, PC9988, this is Inspector Locke Lee, I am searching for a red Ferrari 812, license plate number OJBK6666, suspect IC5, the target was last seen at USC (USC) West 30th Street, over! ”

“Copy, Inspector Locke!”

Locke put down the radio, and the Park Center immediately sent the police information to all LAPD patrol vehicles.

He called Madeline Hill again and fed back the latest clue.

Madeline Hill was very excited after hearing this, and pondered: “I will let Brian contact the USC campus police to check the surveillance, and I will notify you as soon as there is any situation! “OK!!!” Putting down the phone, Locke’s expression was stern. Only a Chinese could choose such a license plate number. As long as his whereabouts were exposed, he would never escape. However, he was very curious why Steve Chen suddenly appeared on the campus of USC (Southern University). Didn’t Steve Wicks inform him? Locke suppressed his doubts, turned his head to look at the expression of Thaddeus Martin, and asked: “What did you learn from Mr. Bourne?” Thaddeus Martin replied: “He said he didn’t notice when Steve Wicks left, but he wanted to kill this disgusting homosexual couple countless times!” “…” Locke was stunned for a moment, worthy of being MAGA! Such a rebellious statement dared to say, this is too politically incorrect! Thaddeus Martin said: “Mr. Bourne also asked me if Steve Wicks had committed any crime?” Locke asked: “How did you reply…” Thaddeus Martin replied: “I said I have no comment! Then he got angry and asked me to leave. I was just about to talk to him about civic duty, and you asked me to leave…”

“Well done!” Locke praised with a smile, and then the radio rang.

“Zizi, 18Adam22, the target vehicle was found, a red Ferrari, license plate number OJBK6666, the vehicle was driving from West Washington Avenue to Vincent Street, over!”

“Zizizi, 18Adam17, found the target vehicle, over!”

“Attention, it’s accelerating!!!”

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